Tips about Information Breast Cancer Risk Factors

Breast cancer is still
unknown disease until this day, despite the fact that cancer affects nearly ten
percent of women over the age of forty years around the world. Cause this
killer cancer is not known even after decades of research. So it is not known
why some women have a higher chance to get Breast Cancer than the others.

risk factors for breast cancer are as follows:

Breast cancer family history

If the brother or
sister who was near the mother has breast cancer, then there is a very high
likelihood that the cancer will occur sometime in your life.

Breast cancer is still
unknown disease until this day, despite the fact that cancer affects nearly ten
percent of women over the age of forty years around the world. Cause this
killer cancer is not known even after decades of research. So it is not known
why some women have a higher chance to get Breast Cancer than the others.

Although the factors
kausatif are unknown, there are several risk factors have been identified.
There is no medical evidence why these factors create disease is more likely to
happen, but this is the study’s observations. In a broad cross-section of women
with risk factors have been observed, it was found that the chances of getting
breast cancer is very high.

risk factors for breast cancer are as follows:

Breast cancer family history

If the brother or
sister who was near the mother has breast cancer, then there is a very high
likelihood that the cancer will occur sometime in your life. This tendency is observed
even if distant relatives, such as cousins and aunt had breast cancer, though
likely lower. Even if a brother has cancer of the breast or prostate cancer,
then there are chances of getting breast cancer. This clearly shows that breast
cancer walks through the family line through inheritance. Of course the
possibility is very high if more than one family member has breast cancer.

Personal history of breast

If a woman has had
breast cancer in the past, then there is a great possibility that breast cancer
can occur again. This is true even if the cancer has been removed although in
the stage of benign. Sometimes cancer cells spread to adjacent lymph. This
makes it likely that the cancer will occur in the another breast. In fact,
women who have had breast cancer have 50-75% more chances to develop breast
cancer in the another breast.

Breast disease

Some breast disease
can increase the likelihood of having breast cancer. Changes in breast cells
can lead to atypical hyperplasia. This condition may cause a a three-four times
the increase in the chances of getting breast cancer the following year. This
risk also exists if the atypical hyperplasia has occurred in other women in
your family. Other conditions such as benign tumours of the breast is a
condition known as fibro adenoma. However, women with fibrocystic breasts
generally do not have any vulnerabilities to breast cancer. However, such a
condition could make a lump and hide the real of breast tumor (if any) during

4. Lifestyle

In today’s world, the
lifestyle is the largest single contributing factor to the development of
breast cancer among women. Some elements of lifestyle has been found to be the
prevalence of breast cancer. Smoking and alcoholism in women is a major factor.
Diet even pointed out as a risk factor that is important. Women who consume
foods with higher cholesterol fats in it has a higher chance to hit by breast
cancer. At the same time, lifestyle without engaging much in physical activity
is also potentially dangerous.

5. Radiation

It has been found that
women who undergo radiation therapy in their chest area at a young age have an
increased risk of developing breast cancer in their life later. Radiation
therapy is commonly prescribed to women with conditions such as Hodgkin’s
disease or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. So women who have undergone treatment as
possible will get breast cancer in later years.


There are several
factors which can alter the hormonal balance of the body. A few of them:

menstrual cycle early, i.e. before the age of twelve,

the first pregnancy after the age of thirty years,

a pregnancy does not exist at all

menopause end.

All of these
conditions can increase the levels of estrogen in the body. This increases the
risk for breast cancer to light levels. In addition to that women who use birth
control pills, breast enhancement supplements, antidepressants and
antihistamines and hormone supplements have a higher risk for getting breast

Above is a major risk
factor for breast cancer is exposed. But because the studies on breast cancer
is not yet complete, the list above is not a complete list. There is some
indication of breast cancer, such as breast implant surgery; But this has not
been confirmed. Implants used in previous days made of silicone gel. This is
risky in terms of breast cancer. However, currently the silicone gel implant is
replaced by a saline implants. This has reduced most of the risk.


Should also note also
that women have a much higher chance to get breast cancer than men. In fact,
most people think that breast cancer is a disease that only affects women. This
is not true. Men can also be affected by breast cancer, but for a much lower
rate than women. AlsoHealth Fitness Articles, the age is a very important factor. Your risk for
getting breast cancer are much higher when the woman has crossed the age of 50

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