Fitness Toolkit: Protocol & Tools to Optimize Physical Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #94

Fitness Toolkit: Protocol & Tools to Optimize Physical Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #94

I describe a fitness protocol that maximizes all the major sought-after aspects of physical fitness, including strength, endurance and flexibility. I discuss fundamentals of resistance training protocols, including repetitions, sets, inter-set and inter-workout rest periods and periodization of intensity and volume to improve strength and hypertrophy. I also explain how to integrate this with endurance training across the week by controlling the duration, timing and intensity of cardiovascular workouts. I also cover science-based protocols on leveraging the mind-body connection, deliberate breathing (during and after exercise), stretching, deliberate heat and cold exposure, and non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) for better workout performance and faster recovery. Further, I tackle a range of real-world issues that can affect a consistent training schedule, such as whether you should train if you are sick, have had a poor night of sleep or had a stressful event and how to start training again after a break and whether you should train in a fasted or fed state. Physical fitness is a key variable for immediate and long-term health. This episode provides a modifiable “foundational” template that can be adjusted based on your current fitness level, goals, time constraints, and access to different types of equipment.

#HubermanLab #Fitness #Exercise

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A potent physiological method to magnify and sustain soleus oxidative metabolism improves glucose and lipid regulation:
Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy with Concurrent Exercise Training: Contrary Evidence for an Interference Effect:

Relax into Stretch: Instant Flexibility Through Mastering Muscle Tension:

Other Resources
Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance:
Jeff Cavaliere: Optimize Your Exercise Program with Science-Based Tools:
Dr. Peter Attia: Exercise, Nutrition, Hormones for Vitality & Longevity:
ATHLEAN-X Neck Training:
Anna Skips:
10-minute Non-Sleep Deep Rest Protocol:

00:00:00 Foundational Protocol for Fitness
00:03:35 Huberman Lab Premium
00:04:35 Tool: Soleus (Calf) Push-Ups, Glucose Utilization & Metabolism
00:14:42 InsideTracker, ROKA, Helix Sleep, Momentous Supplements
00:18:53 Core Principles of Fitness & Modifiable Variables
00:23:37 Day 1: Long Endurance Workout
00:34:38 Day 2: Leg Resistance Training, Strength & Hypertrophy
00:38:09 Key Principles of Resistance Training
00:49:57 Day 3: Heat & Cold Exposure, Recovery
00:59:22 Day 4: Torso & Neck Resistance Training
01:08:40 Day 5: Moderate Intensity Cardiovascular Training, Running Alternatives
01:15:28 Day 6: High-Intensity Interval Training, Maximum Heart Rate
01:22:56 Day 7: Arms, Neck & Calves Resistance Training
01:27:30 Flexibility of Foundational Protocol, Workout Spacing
01:31:49 Tool: Mind-Muscle Contraction, Physiological Sighs
01:35:57 Safety & Endurance/Cardiovascular Workouts
01:37:18 Tool: Stress or Poor Sleep & Workouts, Recovery & NSDR
01:40:04 Should You Train Fasted or Fed?
01:42:43 Tool: Static Stretching & Flexibility, Irradiation & Resistance Training
01:47:56 Tool: Hanging from a Bar & Fitness Metric
01:49:02 Should You Train Sick?, Ramping Training
01:52:19 Tool: Deliberate Slow Breathing & Recovery
01:53:47 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous Supplements, Huberman Lab Premium, Neural Network Newsletter, Social Media


Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac –


  1. @brianellington4004 on January 21, 2024 at 9:32 pm

    I guess I’d better do a test question to find out how much the passing of time affects your ability to read/respond to these comments, as I just saw that this was posted a year ago oops! Anyway no worries I can copy and paste If necessary and post it again

  2. @TrishCanyon8 on January 21, 2024 at 9:33 pm

    ANYBODY what’s the difference between POWER and STRENGTH?

  3. @williambriggs8189 on January 21, 2024 at 9:34 pm

    I have “restless leg syndrome” which is essentially a faster “partial” soleus push up.. would having a restless leg yield similar results?

  4. @adrianmavares3690 on January 21, 2024 at 9:35 pm

    Can the slow breathing protocol be done while walking?

  5. @asazinator on January 21, 2024 at 9:35 pm

    For day 6 HIIT training I’m just seeking some clarification. Is it correct that this workout is only around 30 mins or so including warmup? As I understand the main goal is to reach max heart rate from 8-12 sprint reps. If I complete this in around 30 mins and "want to die" would this be considered sufficient?

  6. @benbrooks200 on January 21, 2024 at 9:36 pm

    Hello, Dr. Huberman, have you considered making an episode about exercise protocols for women before and during pregnancy? Thanks!

  7. @VadimLanka on January 21, 2024 at 9:37 pm

    Краткая выжимка, Хуберман рассказывает, какой у него режим на протяжении долгого времени, он выработал на основании научного подхода с прицелом на гармоничное физическое развитие и долголетие и самочувствие топовое, в принципе то, что большинство людей от спорта и хотят получичть.

    10 минут разминки перед каждыми силовыми упражнениями, силовые не больше 60 минут, потом начинает выделяться кортизол и хуже востановление. Он использует по два упражнения в день на одну мышечную группу. Подходы чередует по месяцу. Один месяц 4-8 повторений с перерывами 2-4 минуты, другой месяц 8-15 повторений перерыва полторы минуты , можно меньше.

    Дальше по дням как он делает:

    Воскресенье – кардио в зоне 2 , это когда ты можешь говорить, но если начнешь говорить то будешь начинать задыхаться ( насколько я понял ) минимум 30 мин, лучше 60. Ссылается на исследования что 180 минут в неделю кардио в зоне 2 огромный буст дают для здоровья и долголетия, хотя он в своем режиме делает меньше похоже.

    Понедельник – день ног сиолвых, говорит что самый большой гормональный отклик от тяжелых тренировок на ноги.

    Вторник – после долгого бега и силовых на ноги, выходной от спорта. Но он отдельно выделяет hot and cold exposure, сауна и ледяная ванна ( тоже там пользы очень много описывает по всем фронтам) . Сауна 20 минут, потом ванная ледяная 5, и так 3-5 раз.

    Среда – силовые на торс.( грудь, плечи, спина и шея). Выделил тренировку шеи , то она часто помогает осанку выровнять и проблемы в плечами убрать ( изучу этот вопрос) . Советует Кавальера посмотреть.

    Четверг – быстрый бег, 35 минут в диапазоне 75-80 процентов от максимального спринта. Или какой-то велотренажер, не совсем понял какой.

    Пятница – высокоинтервальная тренировка. Он делает спринт максимальный 30 секунд, 10 секунд трусцой и так 10-12 кругов, но любая другая тоже сойдет.

    Суббота – Силовая на Руки , Плечи, Икры, Шею.

    Растяжка лучше статичная каждый день по чуть-чуть.

  8. @nicholaslandry6367 on January 21, 2024 at 9:38 pm

    My adhd @ss been doin this sh!t

  9. @johnernissee7388 on January 21, 2024 at 9:40 pm

    Please discuss suggestions for those of us who are 70+

  10. @endgamefond on January 21, 2024 at 9:42 pm

    Me doing zone two (running) will only last for max 2 minutes. My Vo2max is acutely bad. Been planning to go gradually from 2 minutes to 60 minutes. I dont have stairs here. But I used to get tired on 4th floor but I wanna walk up stairs if I can again. Is lifting 2-5kg of water and then watering plants also can be considered cardio? Coz I run out of breath but I bouch back quickly but I can feel it coz I feel fatigue. Again, I am a female., these protocols might work for you Dr. Huberman, but not work for others especially female.

  11. @brianellington4004 on January 21, 2024 at 9:42 pm

    Did some more Reading and perhaps my comment had A. Policy violation And so it was pulled…
    Anyway I should very much like to hear You discuss with Lee Weiland the differences between strength, overall agility, and endurance training methods/goals/possibilities.
    Thanks again for what you are doing. You have been excellent to us all, keep up the great work, Dude.
    Streength and Peace to You and Yours

  12. @bettyking6912 on January 21, 2024 at 9:42 pm

    What about Malchi (Maltise/Chihuahua) 8.5#, 11 yrs old. diagnosed with flare-ups of Pancriatitis? So, your recommendations are faty/oily, and I need help, preferably from you. How do I deal with your food list/recommendations? Thank you for being you.

  13. @qwe8751 on January 21, 2024 at 9:43 pm

    Recommend reading Tactical Barbell to complement this video. Lots of similar principles

  14. @Sluggernaut on January 21, 2024 at 9:44 pm

    Ok on the "No neck" thing when they have a large neck, its probably when the more horizontal muscles in the top of the shoulder and base of the neck are so tall it looks like their neck is short. Couldn’t see that anyone had answered that yet. Im a year late but whatever.

  15. @Mikeztarp on January 21, 2024 at 9:46 pm

    Sunday (starting the week on Sunday!?): legs
    Monday: legs
    Tuesday: legs
    Wednesday: Katy Perry – Hot N Cold
    Thursday: upper body
    Friday: legs
    Saturday: upper body, and – you guessed it – legs!

  16. @LarryP248 on January 21, 2024 at 9:47 pm

    This content is groundbreaking. A book with like content reshaped my existence. "Dominating Your Clock: Strategies for Professional and Personal Success" by Anthony Rivers

  17. @laza6141 on January 21, 2024 at 9:48 pm

    8:20 , 45:51

  18. @dr.samierasadoonalhassani2669 on January 21, 2024 at 9:50 pm

    Please make headings to cover all the subject ,then dig in to fill up details.I think this organised way of presenting information is more helpful to listeners than talking and repeating.If I answer in such way,they will fail me.Failing does not means one do not know but did not present the answer the way the examiner or listeners understand .The more lay people understand,the more simple way of presenting means the presenter knows it well( Eisenstein make 6 years old understand). Thanks,very grateful,God blessings.

  19. @rutujagogte6884 on January 21, 2024 at 9:51 pm

    Great schedule for the week. Thank you!
    But when and how to incorporate core workouts? On Torso day??

  20. @kimberlyl3177 on January 21, 2024 at 9:51 pm

    Dr. Huberman – I am just getting started with your videos. First, thank you! As a nurse practitioner – I so appreciate the easy to understand health and fitness information as well as other important subject matters. I will continue to work my way thru your videos. I have a particular interest in fitness and nutrition as it relates to menopausal women. It certainly seems that that once menopause begins, many women virtually become insulin resistant and have difficulty keeping their weight under control, even with HRT. I follow Dr. Mary Claire Haver regarding women’s health as it relates to menopause. Could be an interesting guest and discussion.

  21. @andrewdustin7027 on January 21, 2024 at 9:52 pm

    Restless leg syndrome?

  22. @marelizemaritz1398 on January 21, 2024 at 9:53 pm

    As a physiotherapist, I like to vary the types of exercises e.g. for legs I will do back squats, sumo squats, narrow squats, front squats etc. To keep challenging my muscle groups and also improving mobility in them. However, I understand if one’s aim is to get muscle hypertrophy, sticking to those specific exercises that work for you, that’s fine.

  23. @ArnavMittal-ys2bs on January 21, 2024 at 9:53 pm


  24. @nikistilson322 on January 21, 2024 at 9:54 pm

    Be honest 1-10, how sad were you he didn’t bring the sack lunch. Haha

  25. @ellieantar809 on January 21, 2024 at 9:57 pm

    Love the….’ why do people describe people with big necks as having no necks looool.

  26. @brianellington4004 on January 21, 2024 at 9:57 pm

    First of all, A thousand thanks for all the free facts and the clean (yet never totally dry) delivery. Thanks for being excellent to us all, Rock and Roll and please keep up the great work Dude!
    I should very much like to see you interview Lee Weiland of Pac Rim Athletics, Creator of Powerbatics and discuss with him in detail the differences between strength, overall agility, and endurance training methods/goals/possibillities.
    I’m also looking for your email address so I can ask you something about my eyes…
    Strength and Peace to you and yours,

  27. @SuperAmazingAnt on January 21, 2024 at 9:57 pm

    Prof, people with short necks are told that they have no neck.

  28. @ellieantar809 on January 21, 2024 at 9:57 pm

    I am a 63-year-old very out-of-shape woman. Whilst I love the invaluable information that AH shares, it seems geared toward the fit and experienced, where would I begin!!!! or is it too late?

  29. @awyattlife9059 on January 21, 2024 at 9:58 pm


  30. @HMohr on January 21, 2024 at 10:00 pm

    Can someone please share a beginner/ intermediate protocol that only applies for 4 day/week? I felt that Huberman protocol is not very useful for sedentary people trying to initiate physical training

  31. @sgtpluck8344 on January 21, 2024 at 10:02 pm

    I think it also important to add some mobility and/or yoga/pilates work also, especially for older people.

  32. @brianellington4004 on January 21, 2024 at 10:02 pm

    So, test question – this will likely be way too general but, as time truly is the key to all of our Earthly concern, it will serve it’s purpose:
    Are you (as a whole being) a mind – or is a mind simply a part of you just another something that you possess?

  33. @guidomazza5616 on January 21, 2024 at 10:03 pm

    Hello Dr. Huberman,

    Thanks for your work and very useful contents. Not sure if ill get a reply but i’d like to try this protocol but adjusted to the sport i like most , swimming. I normally try to swim 1h 3 times a week, i think one session would match the Long endurance day… can i replace the some other activities with the other 2 swimming sessions? Or would make sense to build my own "swim protocol"?

    Thanks guido

  34. @brianellington4004 on January 21, 2024 at 10:03 pm

    Somehow I posted a comment (took a screenshot of it) after it appeared as posted, but now I cannot see it any more…?
    Ok so obviously I need more education on YouTube interface, or maybe I’m just missing something obvious…only important because I posted a detailed request for an interview with Lee Weiland.
    Perhaps this one will work.

  35. @NicholasFuriouss on January 21, 2024 at 10:05 pm

    I bet it’s cheeseburgers stuffed in that weight vest.

  36. @arnobbiswas2131 on January 21, 2024 at 10:07 pm

    Sir. How many day should we train? Asking because you didn’t include sunday(maybe in your culture it’s a offday).I am just 16 -17. Should I train for strength and hypo trophy?

  37. @tannerengh2483 on January 21, 2024 at 10:07 pm

    12:49 thanks Huberman

  38. @Ender63071 on January 21, 2024 at 10:12 pm

    Thank you once again for an informative, easy to follow explanation of this comprehensive protocol!

    Most of the exercise content I’ve seen so far from your show comes from the perspective of someone already in good physical fitness who has a regular training protocol. I would love to see an explanation of what’s most important to focus on for someone at the “beginner” level. I was laid up due to chronic illness for several years and am starting at square one, and I’m having issues not being able to progress due to injury as I think I’ve been a bit gung ho getting back into it (currently nursing quad tendinitis).

    Something from a beginner perspective, or how to deal with longer-term injury, could be really helpful for someone like me!

    Also my theory on “no neck”: when the neck is close to the same circumference as the head, it all looks like one big shape

  39. @jordiibrahim on January 21, 2024 at 10:12 pm

    What are you writing with your pen and why dont you show it to us

  40. @val_ezresponse on January 21, 2024 at 10:12 pm

    A few real nuggets of information but solidly packaged between lots and lots of fluff. Better to just ask Bard for a summary.

  41. @kunsanghao on January 21, 2024 at 10:17 pm

    I don’t understand why the chest incline press is lengthening and the chest cable crossover is shortening.

  42. @denniperez8028 on January 21, 2024 at 10:18 pm

    How do you swing your arms when going to the left and when going to the right?

  43. @Larry21924 on January 21, 2024 at 10:19 pm

    This is an inspiring work of art; reminiscent of a book that inspired with its artistic narrative. "Better Sleep Better Life" by William Brook

  44. @kristofnagy2486 on January 21, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    Is walking ok for the moderate cardio ?

  45. @umbertodiotalevi446 on January 21, 2024 at 10:27 pm

    i’ve seen this podcast like 12 times, love andrew

  46. @loesszje on January 21, 2024 at 10:31 pm

    Question :

    SO I have been doing sports for many years the last year I have been siriously seeking in depth and working on technique outcome and different training styles etc lets just say more consious training. When I search online how long your muscles should rest I get different answers , for power training for example 2- 3 days or they are talking about an amount of hour rest . I am having a job where i am standing a lot lets say 5-8 hours .

    I am wondering how to approach this, since I cannot skip work because I go to the gym.
    (sirious question)