Archive for October 12, 2019
~OMG The way people see you…~
GEMINI Weekly Tarot Card Reading September 2-8th
| Um OMG Tarot
~OMG The way people see you…~ GEMINI Weekly Tarot Card Reading September 2-8th
| Um OMG Tarot
Want a personal reading??
open sesame!
PURCHASE A PERSONAL READING HERE: or HERE: or how about here: Hey!
Pisces sun,
Aries Moon,
Taurus ascendant Thank you for checking out my channel! It’s…
Symptoms of colon cancer and sign of colon cancer
Summary: Colon Cancer Signs and Symptoms Understanding what the colon is and what its functions are will help us better identify colon cancer signs. The colon is a crucial component of a human’s digestive system. Sometimes colon cancer is also known as colorectal cancer or large bowel cancer. Colon rectal cancer means having cancerous cells…
Read MoreCreating a Blog That Has Personality
”; When creating a blog you generally want to give it some personality. Most popular blogs display a certain style or attitude in the way they deliver their updates which makes them more distinctive within their own niche. Another advantage is that in most cases the personality any blogging platform assumes is generally that of…
Read MoreDeclare the current health situation a national disaster: Chamisa
Declare the current health situation a national disaster: Chamisa Declare the current health situation a national disaster: Chamisa
Read MoreWHOLE FOODS SKINCARE HAUL – Natural + Organic Skincare Review
WHOLE FOODS SKINCARE HAUL – Natural + Organic Skincare Review Subscribe to my channel: You guys have been requesting this video so after much trial and error, here is my Whole Foods Skincare Haul and my true and honest reviews on each product I purchased! My Top 6 Brands from Whole Foods: Ritual…
Read MoreThe Many Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is full of healthy benefits. Next to mothers milk, it is natures highest source of medium chain fatty acids (MTCs), which raise the bodys metabolism, leading to weight loss. It has fatty acids such as lauric acid and monoglycerides, similar to mothers breast milk. When lauric acid is consumed in the body, whether…
Read MoreSkin Care: Are Natural skin care products the answer to all problems?
”; When it comes to skin care products, you will find that a lot of people are very particular about using only natural skin care products. They treat all the synthetic products as harmful to the skin.So, are natural skin care products the answer to all of our problems? What if a natural skin care…
Read MoreKeto diet and diet comparisons: Mayo Clinic Radio
Keto diet and diet comparisons: Mayo Clinic Radio On the Mayo Clinic Radio podcast, Katherine Zeratsky, a Mayo Clinic registered dietician nutritionist, discusses the keto diet and compare it with other popular diet plans, including the Mediterranean diet; Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, also known as the “DASH diet”; and the Mayo Clinic diet. This…
Read MoreHow Diets Really Work! (The stages of dieting)
How Diets Really Work! (The stages of dieting) Hey you guys! Today I wanted to share something a little bit different with you, and just have fun with this video about diets! This is a humorous video about “how diets really work”, which I thought would be fun to make since I have lost weight…
Read MorePurify Yourself (852 Hz) : Detox Your Spirit – Let Go of Negative Thoughts & Emotions
Purify Yourself (852 Hz) : Detox Your Spirit – Let Go of Negative Thoughts & Emotions Purify Yourself (852 Hz) : Detox Your Spirit – Let Go of Negative Thoughts & Emotions, Binaural Beats #GV966 by Binaural Beats Meditation (Good Vibes) This session is designed to Dissolve All your Negativity, Negative Behavioral Patterns and Boost…
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