What Is the Point of Spirituality?

What Is the Point of Spirituality?

A lot of people are – rightly – very sceptical of what goes on under the word ‘spirituality.’ But might there be something of value nevertheless in aspects of what people call the spiritual? A short guide to what a highly rational mind might learn to appreciate within the concept of ‘the spiritual.’
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“The word spirituality has a capacity to divide people like few others. For some, it’s an innately beautiful touchstone, the designator of a special kind of experience that is so valuable, it is best left reverentially unexplored and pure, lest one disturb its ethereal mysteries with the cold hand of reason. For others, it’s nonsensical bunkum of appeal only to adolescent dreamers, the underemployed and the weak minded. But precisely because ‘spiritual experiences’ are so often either worshiped or derided, it pays to try to submit them to dispassionate and sober examination, not in order a priori to crush them or honour them, but so as to make them more intelligible, to friend and foe alike. Whatever our suspicions, spiritual moments are capable of being pinned down, split into their constituent elements and assessed with due regard. One should – and can – get respectfully rational about spirituality.”


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  1. nah on January 8, 2022 at 8:35 am


  2. Filipe9171 on January 8, 2022 at 8:35 am

    The word spirituallity is so prone to misinterpretation that I prefer not to use it at all. In most cases what I see is people using it to claim or justify nonsense and unscientific gibberish.

  3. Jonathan Kyle Baker on January 8, 2022 at 8:37 am

    For anyone reading this going through tough times, obstacles, negative thoughts, I feel this needs to be said. Spirits are Real. Keep Living, keep supporting the Spirits of Life, Spirit of Life (God Almighty) gives rise to a Selfless Spirit. A Selfless Spirit gives rise to Salvation. that is being concerned with the well being of others Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually and know that we are all responsible for each other during this journey of Life, always encouraging and compassionate, reflecting what Love looks like, protecting each other from the true enemy. Committed to the welfare of others which God Almighty through the Spirit of Selflessness that can develop within us, mankind. Staying fully committed to protecting each other which brings Salvation and Redemption, which can and will lead people out of unnecessary debt, building Life up solidly. There is no perversion or confusion about those attributes. The spirits of darkness can not hurt you. They are creepy and that’s about it which reflects their perverted spirit. Distractions being the operative choice the serpent uses, which include loud noises, fear you’re being followed by people, spirits of darkness have no true power, spirit of darkness is a spirit of death which gives rise to a selfish spirit that will take advantage of others for selfish gain, which lead people into slavery. I know and stand firm in my beliefs that the spirits of darkness will never prosper over the Spirits of Life. It is too pure, precious, priceless, and powerful to used by spirits of darkness. It burns them. Those spirits manipulate truth, cause unnecessary nonsense, chaos, hurt and pain in people’s lives. Take a second to reflect on that statement. They do this keep people distracted from their existence and distracted from the Goodness that is in the World. Betting on the fact their invisibility to Humans will lead people to believe they don’t exist. These spirits are very real, to make matters worse they as well know the truth. Their intention is spiritual bondage of the Living Man (Adam + Eve) (look up the definition of the names) which is evil and selfish. Their intention is to destroy Living Man’s Life but it is out of retaliation against the Spirits of Life (Creator of the Universe and the Human Soul) During the process of Developing A Selfless Spirit, everything the spirits of darkness say is an attempt to confuse, disrespect, disrupt, cause doubt and to blind so to slow the process of what serpent is afraid of to mess with your mind. The anger the serpent displays is the frustration of The Living Man growing out of their crafted ways of the world, which include important Spiritual Accepts of Life but mixed in with nonsense to keep people confused. The Spirits of Life do not author confusion. spirits of darkness hijack the Living Man Mentally, Physically, but most importantly Spiritually to prevent themselves from going extinct, which they already know will eventually happen because they have no respect for life, no foundation to support Life, willing to lie about their intentions to use the Living Man as a tool to retaliate against the Spirits of Life, which is spoken about in Genesis. Those spirits are the enemies of Life, but They are already defeating themselves in the process which they also know to be true. No need to fight with those spirits although those spirits deserve no favors. The serpent and scorpions tactics are always the same. By following the ways of the world, which wisdom in the Bible instructs people not to do, that is a way the serpent uses people, if the serpent sees it can’t enter you, you become a threat to the serpent. That fear the serpent tries to instill in people if you become a threat or turn away from following him is the serpent reacting to what it knows it shouldn’t do or have done, be advised. We are already above developing those types of spirits. Please do not degrade yourself over a being that does not care about your life and your soul.

    Edit: For any one feeling as if you are going through an evil spiritual attack….meditate on things concerning Spirits of Life (i.e. Hope, Encouragement, Love) Those demons will flee.

  4. Ellen Clontes on January 8, 2022 at 8:39 am

    When got close to death only person was there was my Jesus Christ that way I feel because see this life going to end things don’t both me I go ocean I feel my Jesus Christ I look flowers I Jesus Christ yes I went through hell yes I did but I gain us peace in my soul this world don’t both me I just live try keep my home not perfect far from perfect but clean I do these things keep my mind out stress yes I’m spirit ual

  5. Jia Yi Lim on January 8, 2022 at 8:42 am

    Spirituality is less about the supernatural and more about the mysterious aspects of knowing and feeling. Unlike the supernatural, these mental processes are natural and have a physical basis (nature is physical). It is more about the aspects of our mental processes that cannot be observed, only experienced. Someone in the comment section said it is the science of the inner being. Yep.

  6. Toaster Strudel on January 8, 2022 at 8:42 am

    So… sports but with candles instead of balls

  7. Phill Stucker on January 8, 2022 at 8:45 am

    What a beautiful message! Speaks a lot to my experience over this past year

  8. Marian Komada on January 8, 2022 at 8:46 am

    Walking along the beach is the power for relaxing

  9. Adamson Hart on January 8, 2022 at 8:47 am

    Thanks for recommending me to spirituality life 22 on Instagram he did a reading for me and help me bring back those lost blessings he’s a blessed soul

  10. jonathan ames on January 8, 2022 at 8:48 am

    this is so needed! saved to send to fkying-spaghetti=minded friends!

  11. Jonathan Kyle Baker on January 8, 2022 at 8:49 am

    For anyone reading this going through tough times, obstacles, negative thoughts, I feel this needs to be said. SPIRITS ARE REAL. This Universe was brought into existence by GOD ALMIGHTY (The Holy Spirit) The Holy Spirit is comprised of Three Components. The Three Components are The Spirit of Life, The Spirit of Selflessness, and The Spirit of Salvation. GOD ALMIGHTY IS REAL, unfortunately Satan is real as well. We, as Human Beings, live in the Physical Realm. The Spiritual Realm governs The Physical Realm which means Pure and Impure Spirits are able to manifest itself into the Physical. DON’T GIVE UP ON LIFE AND KEEP LIVING! Keep Respecting The Holy Spirit That Created You and committed to SAVING YOU. GOD ALMIGHTY is fully committed to the Redemption and Salvation of Mankind and fully committed to completing what GOD ALMIGHTY started. The Spirit of Life gives rise to a Selfless Spirit, That is being concerned for the well being of each other, Spiritually, Mentally, and Physically. A Selfless Spirit gives rise to Salvation, That is being saved from developing a rebellious spirit against GOD ALMIGHTY, being saved from forever being separated from GOD ALMIGHTY, and being saved from being harmed by ANY Spirit of Darkness. As The Living Man, it is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to NOT hand each other over into developing a rebellious spirit against GOD. To know that WE, as The Living Man (Adam + Eve) Google The definition of the Hebrew Names. That WE are responsible for each other during this Physical Journey of LIFE. Always truthful, Loyal to Educating each other about The SPIRIT AND CHARACTER of GOD ALMIGHTY and teaching Life Supporting Values for every single person beginning from childhood, Being Responsible and Respectful of ALL Life GOD ALMIGHTY created. Always encouraging and compassionate towards one another. Reflecting what TRUE LOVE and TRUE LIGHT looks like (1 John 1:5) This is the message we have heard and declare to you: GOD ALMIGHTY is Light, and in GOD ALMIGHTY there is NO DARKNESS AT ALL. We need to stay committed to protecting each other from the true enemy, Satan (The Anti-Life Spirit). I believe staying committed to the welfare of other people, which GOD ALMIGHTY selflessly continues to do for us each day, is another opportunity to learn and get it RIGHT. In doing so I believe it brings about Redemption (CHANGE IN SPIRIT) and Salvation (Being SAVED from that Anti-Life Spirit) This can and WILL lead people out of unnecessary bondage, building LIFE up SOLIDLY. There is no perversion nor confusion about those attributes.

    The Spirit of Death or Darkness (Satan) is an Anti-Life Spirit. By following that Spirit and it’s self destructive principles are ways, I’ve seen, the Anti Life Spirit being able to hijack The Living Man. Their perverted appearance reflects their perverted spirit. They use their perverted appearance to frighten or intimidate those who are growing closer to GOD ALMIGHTY. The Anti-Life Spirit has disrupted Life from progressively moving FORWARD by inserting it’s spirit into what GOD ALMIGHTY created. Poisoning The Living Man’s Mind, polluting Bloodlines, and creating Spiritual Perversions (A Life And Anti-Life Spiritual Mixture) A Disrespectful Abomination, incapable of passing into Paradise. What was intended to be Garden of Eden, Earth, has turned into a prison of spiritual pollution because of what that serpent did and what We, The Living Man, allowed. We’ve allowed ourselves to be stripped of GOD ALMIGHTY’S Spirit within us and began to degrade ourselves like stray cats and dogs. We MUST begin to know GOD ALMIGHTY’S Character and Spirit: The Spirit of Life gives rise to a Selfless Spirit, A Selfless Spirit gives rise to the Spirit of Salvation. The Spirit of Death wants to prevent The Living Man from building a relationship with GOD ALMIGHTY during Our Physical Journey of Life. Satan also wants to use The Living Man as a tool for it’s own evil, selfish, and retaliating purposes against GOD ALMIGHTY. The spirit of Death perverts (changes, confuses, and disrespects) all the principles The Spirits of Life encompasses. Satan (The accuser) Google The Hebrew Definition. The ACCUSER sets up and coerces The Living Man into despising GOD and what GOD created. Teaching God Doesn’t Exist or that GOD doesn’t Love US, THEN accuses The Living Man of serving a Spirit of Rebellion against GOD ALMIGHTY. Don’t take the bait! But, TAKE A LOOK AT THE CONDITION OF THE WORLD AROUND YOU. That serpent indoctrinates self-destructive principles beginning from childhood. Take time to reflect on your own upbringing. That serpent teaches right as wrong, wrong as right, good as bad, bad as good, the truth as a lie, and a lie as the truth. People grow up UNAWARE that they’re following these principles. I also believe the spirit of darkness not only crafts these self-destructive attributes but pollutes spiritual books to prevent PURE SPIRITUALITY from developing within US, then introduces vices into The Living Man’s Life to keep US UNAWARE AND DISTRACTED from their existence and from The Goodness GOD created. Betting on the fact that their invisibility to The Living Man will lead people to believe they don’t exist. These Spirits are MOST CERTAINLY REAL and they use that knowledge to THEIR advantage. Those self-destructive principles are NOT to be followed because I believe when we pass from the Physical back to the Spiritual, We either move on to Paradise or wait to be burned out of existence FOREVER. While waiting on that fate, those dark spirits become A Horrendous Abomination of Spiritual Impurity and Wicked Filthiness. Those principles include societal changes of what Men and Women should be, should have, look like, think and behave that hold NO SPIRITUAL VALUE AT ALL. The modes of teaching these principles comes in the forms of societal standards, movies, social media, music, subliminal messages and symbols. Subliminal Messages and Symbols include: (Any Ancient Egyptian Symbols including Pyramids, Ankhs, Snakes, One Eye Symbolism, Skulls, Bulls or Long Horns, No Trespassing Signs, XXX, 666, with the latter three being blatant perversion and disrespect of the Three Crosses/The Three Components of The HOLY SPIRIT. No disrespect but I believe ALL RELIGIONS AND RELIGIOUS IMAGERY are forms of MENTAL CONDITIONING and PERVERSIONS OF PURE SPIRITUALITY crafted BY THE ENEMY. I could be wrong but my solemn request is that THE HOLY SPIRIT guide me, as well as you, in the RIGHT DIRECTION. I am against The Church, because I believe there are many false prophets running the church. This next sentence is for ANY FALSE PROPHETS in or outside the Church. (Matthew 21:13) “He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you’ve turned it into a den of robbers and thieves.” Vices that are introduced are anything to poison and pollute The Living Man’s mind with, for example: violence, alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power over other people, strong desire for fame over knowing GOD, ego, and too much focus on appearance. Becoming White washed tombs with Dead Man’s Bones, or as I like to think of it. KING TUT (Google King Tut images) The Spirit of Death wrapped in FOOL’S GOLD. Another MESSAGE to false prophets perverting PURE SPIRITUALITY. (Matthew 23:27-28) “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness”. There are other vices I can’t think of right now, but vices are things that are pleasurable to the flesh, but over time Detrimental to YOUR SPIRIT if you’re unaware of GOD ALMIGHTY’S Character. The believe during this journey of Life in the Physical Realm, You either grow closer to THE SPIRIT OF LIFE or you grow closer to THE SPIRIT OF DEATH. (Matthew 6:24) “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other”. How The Body Follows The Mind, The Mind Follows The Spirit. Get Your Home in order with ✝️✝️✝️ (3 Crosses)..

  12. Felix Bothen on January 8, 2022 at 8:51 am

    Drink more water

  13. The School of Life on January 8, 2022 at 8:52 am

    Do you consider yourself spiritual? Let us know in the comments below and to join your fellow School of Life audience members, be sure to download our new free app: https://bit.ly/2H2Co9p

  14. June VanDerMark on January 8, 2022 at 8:52 am

    Just because we are emotional creatures, doesn’t mean that we are spiritual. After all, other creatures are also emotional, but we don’t believe that "they" are spiritual.

  15. Kuldeep Bishta on January 8, 2022 at 8:54 am

    The point of spirituality is to see the reality as it is, without any judgements.

  16. Jason Cain on January 8, 2022 at 8:55 am

    There is no point since the nature of true spirituality is a not doing, and to give it a purpose is to make it a doing, an ideal, a religion.

  17. June VanDerMark on January 8, 2022 at 8:56 am

    The teaching of “spirituality” not only separates us from each other, but tragically, it separates us from ourselves, because theologians taught and teach that the best part of our spirits are not with us, but rather, belong to the creator of the universe, and that we will be either judged as being worthy of salvation, or will have to suffer for eternity, depending on how the creator “feels” about out systems of belief, and our performances. From my perspective, we have two choices. We can either believe that the universe was created by an entity that designed extreme suffering and extreme judgment as part of its plan … or, we can believe (as did Stephen Hawking, before he died) that the universe always existed, and will always exist … no creator or creation involved.

  18. Kathy Cook on January 8, 2022 at 8:57 am

    Could we possibly have this video with Greek Subtitles? In general, how can we add Greek Subtitles…..?

  19. Devin on January 8, 2022 at 8:58 am

    "Spiritual mood?" I cringe whenever you say that. What should be said: "insight into the truth of the universe "

  20. Julian Batiste on January 8, 2022 at 8:58 am

    When around my father I just want to give up at life and just die, he has never worked a day in his life, he a crack head/drug head, he very unhealthy, he never supported me, he blames his problems on everyone else, he has full common sense but refuses to use the brain god gave him, he calls everyone the devil who’s doing better then him, he says in order to be successful you have to give your soul to satan, hes a leach, he’s 50 and still lives with his mother but his father was a very successful man (he was a boss and owned business) my father has more then a hundred lazy bones in his body, I’m 20 Nd black of color what I inherited from him walking into man hood was bad hygiene, bad health, I never peaked, missing teeth, doubt that I will be somebody and confusion on how to be a man / my mom is a hardworking mother and father and what I inherited from my mom was to never give up no matter how bad my situation is and a hardworking work ethic on the job and positive mindset off the job

  21. Aakkii on January 8, 2022 at 8:59 am

    *“Religion is for people who fear hell, spirituality is for people who have been there”*

    David Bowie

  22. Pradnya Shenoy on January 8, 2022 at 9:01 am

    What an awesomely clear explanation of the most misunderstood but the most necessary aspect of human psychological landscape!
    Thank you so much for all your videos.
    I keep learning and relearning the wisdom needed to live life wisely by visiting your videos again and again and again…

  23. Psycho Michael on January 8, 2022 at 9:01 am

    Asking what Is the point of spirituality is like asking what is the point of existing

  24. Brandon Rebecca on January 8, 2022 at 9:02 am

    Need help to get rid of your predicament or situation in life today, seek in here for your solution.

  25. Mark Maxfield on January 8, 2022 at 9:05 am

    Literally none of this video was based on reason in anyway. You just described a bunch of supposedly spiritual traits while never providing a compelling reason to believe in spirituality in the first place.

  26. Buddhaneo Siddhananda on January 8, 2022 at 9:07 am

    The rewards of the spiritual life, far out way the hardships…

  27. Failing It Up on January 8, 2022 at 9:07 am

    After self-realization, one gets aware of the spiritual nature of the universe. Once we connect with ourselves at a soul level, we can spiritually connect with the entire universe without any limitation of time and space. One can become self-realized by simply designing a lifestyle where one can live in the present moment and do everything with awareness. This lifestyle will declutter the mind, and we will witness the miracles happening in the NOW. Humans can unlock their full potential through self-realization. These powers enable humans to communicate through thoughts and feelings and work even in their dreams and much more. Why depend entirely on the physical aspects of our being when we can do a lot more after self-realization. Purifying our hearts can unlock our powers as human beings.

  28. deep purple on January 8, 2022 at 9:11 am

    The nearest I come to anything remotely similar, personally. I have a reverence for creation and life. There aren’t any word’s that can describe our reality. No matter how it came into existence and our reality . is all inspiring.

  29. M on January 8, 2022 at 9:13 am

    4:46 It’s all comedown to this, killing our own Egoic minds, Egoic self

  30. Majkel Viasto on January 8, 2022 at 9:15 am

    Hi. I have some info about the beast from Bible. I know that he wants to come to this earth. So be aware, if he comes that he wonte deceive you! If you want share this info with your families and friends, to be sure. If you want more info i can explain a bit in the comments.
    Ps. Have you ever wonder why there are no prophets coming to this world? Cause they got destroyed before they can awaken. Most of them suffer from schizophrenia. And why schizophrenia? Cause the bad people gave them their karma and locked it in their energyfield..

  31. digvijay vajirgaonker on January 8, 2022 at 9:15 am

    A batter animation here rather than others

  32. Rise Last on January 8, 2022 at 9:17 am

    Spiritual person denise their ego, carnal mind (antichrist spirit )and humbles in heart( ground for seed) (word) first parable where Christ is born and let’s Christ (anointing) lead and transform them. For it is written Ezek 36:26: "And I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. And I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give to you a heart of flesh." It is also written no longer i live but Christ in me. Christ is the anointing and leads to salvation. If you fight against light,good, anointed ones than its the antichrist spirit, aknowlege and turn (repentance) to light so Jesus (salvation) Christ (anointing) destroy that evil spirit.

  33. Mark Mauk on January 8, 2022 at 9:19 am

    I do not hate "spirituality", but I highly doubt it exists.

  34. Heather Hill on January 8, 2022 at 9:20 am

    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!!!!!!!! You can not listen to it to understand it you absolutely have to relax and you will get every word! Thank youuuuu

  35. christy FISHER on January 8, 2022 at 9:22 am


  36. KnowledgeCollective on January 8, 2022 at 9:23 am

    *I think that this video was very interesting because it shows what questions people ask when they try to figure out the purpose of Spirituality. I think that the purpose of Spirituality is to connect us with ourselves and to develop in this life. One video is never enough to fully answer this question, so I will be creating more videos on this topic.*

  37. Maria Bells on January 8, 2022 at 9:27 am

    Bioelectricity, what it is and what it does:
    Bioelectricity is also known as the life force, the chi, the body electric, prana, the aura, the spirit, witch
    power, etc. There are many different names for this energy.
    Our bodies run on bioelectricity. Thoughts are electrical impulses in the brain. The brain runs on
    bioelectricity. When this electricity becomes imbalanced, one has seizures.
    The amount of bioelectricity an individual has, determines the degree of their physical, psychological
    and spiritual health. People, who are ill or depressed, have lesser amounts of bioelectricity. Depression
    all by itself, is a symptom of too little bioelectricity.
    Bioelectricity increases our energy, our immunity to disease, our charisma, instills a positive outlook,
    and strengthens our thought power. With increased bioelectricity, our thoughts (electrical impulses)
    become stronger and are more able to manifest themselves in reality.
    Some examples of bioelectricity include:
    • Buddhist monks, who sat motionless in the street, (protesters), were soaked with gasoline and lit
    on fire. They continued to sit still and burn to death.
    • Martial artists: busting through concrete with their fists, knife hand "karate chop," enduring
    major, crushing, and lethal blows, unharmed.
    • Dim Mak: the deadly martial art of inflicting light specific blows to chi (a variation of
    bioelectricity) meridians (acupressure points of bioelectric energy flow) during specific times
    that can cause delayed death, sometimes up to five months later.
    • When the mind, through fear, panics, or when one is in a life and death situation, this sometimes
    enables an individual to lift extremely heavy objects, for example, back end of a car, that under
    normal conditions, would be impossible.
    • Telekinesis- The ability to move objects with the mind
    • Pyrokinesis- The ability to set things on fire with the mind
    • Electrokinesis- The ability to control objects, such as computers that run on electricity
    • Levitation- Some martial arts and yoga masters have the ability to levitate their bodies into the
    The strength of one’s bioelectricity is the foundation of all magickal success. Old spells with strange
    ingredients have little or nothing to do with the success of a magickal working, the success depends
    upon the strength of the mind and the aura (the bioelectrical field) that with proper focus and direction,
    will affect one’s environment and others.
    Those known as the Gods (very powerful and advanced extra-terrestrials who have genetically
    modified their DNA so they don’t age), have much of this very energy. Lucifer is known as "the shining one." Many of these Gods "known as Demons" are radiant with this very energy. The hieroglyphs on
    the walls in the Egyptian temples, tombs and inside the Egyptian Pyramids explain how important this
    energy is in becoming a God.
    Reaching true Godhead is difficult and requires consistent hard work and dedication. Mastery of the
    mind is essential. The spirit, as long as you are alive, is a part of the physical self. Yes, many of us can
    astral project (leave our bodies at will), BUT, the physical self acts to empower the soul as long as we
    are alive. My experience with the dead is they do not evolve in power any more, beyond what they had
    when they were alive. A spirit remains a spirit until they reincarnate physically. Only through the
    strength of the soul (powerful bioelectricity), will one ascend into godhood.
    Kundalini and the chakras:
    Kundalini is the highest form of yoga. It is a god thing. All of the tenets of Yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism,
    etc., and the western religions, preach helplessness, instruct one on how to be a total victim and try to
    make sure the results obtained from these disciplines are kept under strict control, if obtained at all.
    Sacred writings (hiero means "Holy" and glyph means "symbol”) left for us in Egypt (one of the
    original centers of True Satanism) are instructions for becoming a god.
    The objective of mainstream religions, both east and west, is to keep humanity enslaved and powerless.
    These religions use fear is used as a tool. "Karma" this, and “Karma" that. Satanism does not preach
    helplessness. Satan is brilliant, fearless, incredibly strong, and defiant. He rebels against limitations
    placed upon freedom.
    The Chakras
    There are seven chakras located along the spine that are the most powerful. These are the "seven seals,"
    written about in the Christian bible book of “Revelation.” These are "The seven lamps of fire that burn
    before the throne of God." They are referred to as "seals" because the enemy aliens sealed them in
    humanity to prevent our acquisition of godly power and knowledge. We have been cut off from
    spirituality and the astral world. Thousands of years ago, we were as the Gods, until the earth was
    attacked and there was “war in heaven.” Our being sealed has caused the human race to degenerate.
    Imbalances in this energy and blockages, along with holes in the aura cause drug and alcohol addiction,
    depression, a lack of concern for the feelings of others and other forms of life, abusive behavior and
    many other things that plague humanity.
    The SERPENT OF FIRE is the symbol of kundalini. It lies dormant, coiled at the base of the spine,
    beneath the Muladhara chakra. The objective is to ascend the serpent (powerhouse of energy) from the
    base of the spine, through all the seven chakras and out through the crown chakra at the top of the head.
    In order to do this safely, all seven chakras must be completely open and unobstructed.
    In order to handle a large amount of bioelectricity safely, one’s body must be strong and all of the seven
    chakras must be fully open.
    Kundalini is the life force and is very sexual in nature. This is the reason the Christian church and other
    RHP religions ban masturbation and all forms of sex. Sex is the creative power; it is one’s use of the
    life force to create another human being. When one is trained and adept, the use of this force can be
    applied to many other objectives.
    Hatha (physical) yoga can be a big help in stimulating and opening the chakras and very recommended.
    By increasing our level of physical flexibility, the life force flows easier. One only needs to look at the
    stiffness of old age and the ill health that accompanies it, old age precedes death. There are many different methods of awakening this power. Some of these include:
    • Chanting- Vibration is very powerful. The power of sound can break glass, weaken steel, and
    cement structures. Vibrations cause the chakras to open and stimulate the kundalini at the base
    of the spine.
    • Controlled Breathing (pranyama) – Different methods of controlled breathing are specific to
    each chakra. We are all aware how important the breath is to the life force. The Egyptian God
    Thoth has said many times "Life is in the Breath."
    • Visualization and concentration- Through visualizing and focusing our minds on each chakra,
    we can open, close and control them.
    • Revamping the bioelectricity ideally, should be done slowly and gradually. One’s physical and
    spiritual self is accustomed to operating on a certain voltage of bioelectricity.
    Increased Bioelectricity:
    • Can induce intense bliss.
    • Strengthens and intensifies the aura.
    • Gives a feeling of lightness, floating, glowing and assists in astral projection (where one wills
    one’s soul to leave one’s body and return safely).
    • Opens one’s mind for spirit contact and telepathic communication. Will enable one to resist
    disease and also provide the power to heal one’s self.
    • Protects the immune system.
    • Provides the power to work magick- true magick without props- empty handed. This is the art
    of the true adept. Ceremony is unnecessary.

  38. kwahi greinke on January 8, 2022 at 9:27 am

    Peacefulness and contentment in the moment.

  39. Adamson Hart on January 8, 2022 at 9:28 am

    Thanks for recommending me to spirituality life 22 on Instagram he did a reading for me and help me bring back those lost blessings he’s a blessed soul

  40. Spiritual Wisdom on January 8, 2022 at 9:32 am

    "Spirituality is the realization of the essence of one’s own being, who we really are."- Shiva Negi

  41. Felicia on January 8, 2022 at 9:33 am