Transmutation & Alchemy of 'Dark' & Heavy Energies & Emotions with Tobias Lars

Transmutation & Alchemy of 'Dark' & Heavy Energies & Emotions with Tobias Lars

Transmutation & Alchemy of ‘Dark’ & Heavy Energies & Emotions with Tobias Lars on TruthBrigade Radio,7779.0.html

– I’VE BEEN LIED TO! I thought the spiritual path was supposed to be ‘light & Joy, and Bliss and Unicorns’!!
– I need an Emotional Rescue! NOW dammit!!
– what do I do when I feel my ‘stuff’ closing in on me?
– I’m sick of all this talk about spirituality and nothing really changes!!!
– can you become a ‘Master of Chaos’? Can you be ‘In the World but not Of it?
– How can you flourish, actually enjoy riding the Chaos that’s happening more and more for our current Civilization?

Tobias Lars BS, MBA – Author of “Listening to The Sun” & “Awakening Souls”. Personal Awakening Coach
Creator of
928 451 9068

Listen to all Tobias’ archives here:

While attending undergraduate school Tobias Lars had an awakening experience where the energy centers of the body opened up and spontaneously reactivated ancient yogic energy practices. This happened without any work. The Yogic ‘Asanas’ – the postures came back to the conscious awareness and he felt other lifetimes of practicing yoga. As he did each posture they felt like a key unlocking energy grids in the body that had been previously locked and these energies were then released and flooded through the body. These powerful effects were undeniable to his young western scientific mind.

That Started a 25 year journey of spiritual study. Tobias spent time in India with a master teacher, studied shamanic practices with Native American free beings, heart centered Tantra, ego confrontation, the path of divine romantic love and with the help of a mentor opened back up to the energies of the nature kingdom of Pan and the Devic Kingdom.

During this time Tobias Lars also received a Masters Degree in International Business and founded ventures in international business. A few years later another series of ‘wake up calls’ came through business ‘failure’, divorce and bankruptcy. He next spent a period of 5 years away from the day to day world going through another level of awakening of the soul. Much of what he believed and thought he ‘knew’ – especially ideas of what spirituality really was – and what was previously held as reality, was transformed-exploded-shifted.

Spirit has shared simple, direct ways in assisting others in awakening to contact with their own souls and the divine.

Soul counseling, Soul Activations & The Sanctuary for Souls & Awakening Souls Courses is his wish and contribution for assisting others who wish this same awakening of their souls.

Listen To The Archive Here:
Date: Thursday, June 16, 2011
Time: 7:00-9:00 PM Central

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