Throat Chakra Meditation: Clearing, Cleansing and Balancing Your Throat Chakra, Archangel Gabriel

Throat Chakra Meditation: Clearing, Cleansing and Balancing Your Throat Chakra, Archangel Gabriel

A beautiful Throat Chakra Meditation for gentle daily cleansing, clearing and balancing of your Throat Chakra with the angelic energy of Archangel Gabriel. Your cleansed, cleared and balanced Throat Chakra will contribute positively to you and attract positive outcomes into your life.

This Throat Chakra Meditation is by Ros Place, the author and voice of many Angelic Meditations on YouTube. Ros channels her own Guardian Angel, Tressarn, and she hosts live sessions every week at Peaceful Hearts, to teach you more about your Guardian Angel, Oracle Cards, Healing and the Archangels. – learn more at

In this Meditation Archangel Gabriel:

• radiates her beautiful golden light and bathes you in her clear empowering golden energy.

• help you release all of your fears and concerns, all of your worry and negativity, in any form.

• draws to you positive outcomes through the empowerment that clarity of expression brings.

• will cleanse and clear your throat chakra of negative and disempowering thoughts and feelings.

I offer 30 minute readings with Tressarn – Tressarn explains things in a very clear and easy-to-understand way. His guidance is calm, and practical and gives you your next steps. Please follow this link to learn more and make a booking

If you are interested in connecting with your own Guardian Angel and learning to channel their guidance, you may be interested in my book, Channel of Clarity, and related courses – please take a look at

For more information on the Archangels and Angelic Realm, you may want to take a look at my website

If you’re interested in developing Pitch Perfect Intuition, please take a look at where I teach the unique 6 Step WISDOM Method to reading oracle cards.

To learn about healing your trauma the gentle way, please take a look at Lightbody Trauma Healing™ – it’s the gentle way to heal your trauma, nurture lasting self-kindness and find peace

And please like and subscribe here on YouTube

Archangel Gabriel radiates a beautiful golden light and bathes you in her clear empowering golden energy.

Allow yourself to really feel what Archangel Gabriel golden light feels like to you,

feel the unconditional love, feel the purity, feel the clarity and the wonderful confidence and sense of empowerment that comes with Archangel Gabriel’s presence, and welcome that energy into your life now.

Archangel Gabriel would like you to know that she will help you to let go of all of the thoughts all of the feelings and beliefs that restrict you in your life,

and she will help you to establish truthful and empowering beliefs, and feelings which will contribute positively to you and attract positive outcomes into your life.

In your throat chakra you will see or feel a beautiful light sky-blue spinning-wheel, and when this beautiful wheel of light is clean and clear it shines like the sky on a beautiful summer’s day.

Your throat chakra is influenced by all of your thoughts and feelings,

just like all of the other chakras in your body, and powered by thoughts and feelings.

Archangel Gabriel will cleanse and clear your throat chakra of negative and disempowering thoughts and feelings,

that clog and constrict your throat chakra.

Clearing congestion and stuck energy in your throat chakra can result in increased ability to express yourself honestly.

Your throat chakra can become slower and heavier as a result of your inability to say no to people or situations or issues in your life and this can manifest itself in your life as a difficulty in establishing and maintaining acceptable boundaries.

A clear cleansed and balanced throat chakra will enable you to express yourself effectively clearly and honestly.

It will allow you to express your own needs, and be clear about what it is you want to experience in your life.

A clear cleansed and balanced throat chakra will allow you to create acceptable boundaries in all areas of your life,

and draw to you positive outcomes through the empowerment which this clarity of expression brings.

Archangel Gabriel stands before you, radiating her beautiful golden light to you and embracing you in her deeply loving and clear energy.

Allow yourself to fully experience the love of Gabriel, the positivity, the clarity and the empowerment and magnificence of Archangel Gabriel.

She is here to help you release all of your fears and concerns, all of your worry and negativity, in any form.

Archangel Gabriel will help you to release any issue or obstacle which is blocking your throat chakra.

Allow Gabriel to help you now by welcoming this positive and transformational experience and energy into your heart.