Rose Quartz Meaning Benefits and Spiritual Properties

Rose Quartz Meaning Benefits and Spiritual Properties

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Rose Quartz Meaning and Spiritual Properties

Rose quartz is a popular stone found all around the world that balances the heart with its gentle, yet powerful loving and peaceful energy. This rose coloured stone not only assists in balancing the physical heart but the emotional aspect of our selves including matters of the heart as well.

Physical Energy Properties: Since rose quartz is connected to the heart, it also aids blood flow and circulation which is essential for overall health and wellness. Rose quartz can also help balance other areas in the chest such as the lungs. Rose quartz is effective in calming the entire nervous system, reducing stress. It also has a positive effect on the kidneys and adrenal glands. It can even be used to aid in fertility for those trying to conceive.

Emotional Energy Properties: Rose quartz teaches us about unconditional love. Love ourselves and love for other people and beings. It helps us gain acceptance of our perceived flaws and imperfections to realize that we are always worthy of love. Beneficial in times of trauma providing energy on the deepest level. Purifies the heart that is heavy from emotional recovery, grief or sadness. Assists us in expressing our emotions to flow through us and to be patient with ourselves.

Chakras: In our subtle energy body, rose quartz is connected to the heart chakra which is the energy centre representing the heart, emotions and love.

Astrological signs: Rose quartz is connected with Libra and Taurus since both of these signs are all about love and harmony.

History: Rose quartz dates back to 7000 BC in Mesopotamia which is now Iraq. Even back then people believed in the balancing powers of this beautiful crystal and used it for various purposes. It was used in potions and elixirs as well as in talismans and jewelry. The Egyptians thought the stone held anti-ageing powers while the Romans used rose quartz to signify ownership. There have even been facial masks with rose quartz in them found in ancient Egyptian tombs and goddess Isis used it to keep her appearance youthful and beautiful. Rose Quartz beads have been found in Iraq which shows that it could have been used in jewelry much like it is today. In Greek mythology, it’s said that the blood of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and her lover Adonis fell on the white quartz crystal making it pink. In another tale it’s said that Cupid and Eros hoped that the stone would help others find love and peace. In Tibet and China rose quartz has been seen as a symbol of good luck and love since 600 BC.

Where it’s found: This beautiful stone is mainly found in the United States, South Africa, India, Madagascar, Brazil and Japan

Variations, Rarity and Value: Rose quartz is fairly easily obtained making it one of the more affordable crystals in the world. Mainly pink in colour, rose quartz can also have clear or white tones in it as well. Usually, it’s fairly translucent with a soft pink hue but that pink can also be completely transparent or deep and opaque. The rarest rose quartz will be transparent and pieces that are 20 or 30 carats are very rare. This can be done in labs by creating quartz that is grown alongside aluminum and phosphate while being exposed to gamma radiation. The pink colour of rose quartz comes from the fibrous inclusions of minerals like dumortierite. Sometimes there are even pieces of rose quartz which have the Tyndall scattering effect. This is where fine particles inside the crystal cause the light to refract which shines a blue colour within the stone.

Rose quartz comes in all different sizes and shapes. You can buy raw rose quartz or polished rose quartz that has been shaped into different forms such as hearts or wands.

How to use it: You can wear rose quartz in necklaces, bracelets, earrings and more. Placing rose quartz in your home, specifically on your bedside table is a great idea. You can also put a piece in your pocket, wallet or bag that you carry with you when you go out. To meditate with rose quartz simply hold the rose quartz over your heart in your hand or place it on your heart while lying down to receive it’s peaceful, loving energy.


  1. Monsieur Pet La Vedette on March 26, 2022 at 6:37 pm

    Love stone by excellence, feels like a warm cover over me when i hold or wear one. Really love it

  2. elisha nagle on March 26, 2022 at 6:45 pm

    I love rose quartz such a beautiful crystal it’s always an uplifting crystal when ever I have a bad day I carry one with me

  3. Robin Stephenson on March 26, 2022 at 7:14 pm

    I love Rose Quartz, very calming to me!

  4. Marcy Paiva on March 26, 2022 at 7:14 pm

    I’m so glad I stumbled upon this channel. I like learning more about the crystals I use on the regular and I like that you talk about crystals I’ve never heard of before.

  5. Vira K on March 26, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    So craving for rose quartz these days.

  6. Dee Stephens on March 26, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    I love Rose Quarts for its amazing properties

  7. Christine Kissamis on March 26, 2022 at 7:32 pm

    Most beautiful energy crystal

  8. littleboo501 on March 26, 2022 at 7:34 pm

    I love working with rose quartz in treatments and meditation.