Reflections of the Past – The Ancient Chinese Mirror – Feature Trailer

Reflections of the Past – The Ancient Chinese Mirror – Feature Trailer

Archaeologist James Balme is well known for his knack of uncovering ancient objects through his wide ranging lines of research. Well once again yet another artifact from our ancient past has been discovered by James and this one is simply stunning !!!

Bronze mirrors have a long history in Chinese culture, dating to at least the 11th century (BC). Many mirrors were placed with their owners in ancient tombs. Some have been passed down from generation to generation for many years in the same family. Mirrors were more uniform and typically round in Han Dynasty (206 BC — 220 AD)
Most bronze mirrors are round — a form that symbolises perfection and bliss. Round shapes in ancient China also represented reunion, fortune and satisfactory love and marriage. Since the nature of reflection is somewhat mysterious, people were prone to associate mirrors with the supernatural.

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