1. Crongus Clips on November 7, 2023 at 9:34 pm

    Best meditation on YouTube

  2. 名誉 ために日本人天の祖先天 on November 7, 2023 at 9:36 pm

    Lovingkindness for the states of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts in the United States

  3. Sophie Murphy on November 7, 2023 at 9:37 pm

    This just changed morning thank you

  4. Roblox gals official on November 7, 2023 at 9:41 pm

    This calms me

  5. vishwa rana on November 7, 2023 at 9:42 pm

    Me wondering y wd I want to wish well to those who cause wounds? I can’t think Ill bt not even well. They all r happy n well hurting me!

  6. sahra on November 7, 2023 at 9:43 pm

    Thank you for making this meditation. It has helped me so many times I needed to find comfort and peace in my heart

  7. Gently in the East on November 7, 2023 at 9:50 pm

    Lovingkindness, I am beseeching the universe to allow me to smoke
    marijuana with spiritual cleanliness and physical cleanliness,
    I am 15, and I am attuned to the wisdom of shakti…

    Lovingkindness, allow me to partake of the sacred cannabis alone
    not among social distractions, and please let the healing green
    wipe away the imbalances in my aura body that living in society causes
    let it always be a way to remind of the ultimate truth, wisdom of letting go and relaxing and dissolver of illusion
    and inauthentic ways of living caused by subconscious fear,

    Please, may Avolokitesvara Bodhisattva prevent ill from befalling me while I use cannabis
    in sacred spirit, may I remain out of the way and undiscovered, and may I successfully let go of attachment
    every time to fully respect the herb’s wisdom, lovingkindness, please do not
    allow people who smoke marijuana to sell out. The seven leaves of marijuana stand
    for an ancient integrity that the commercial world of today is far from understanding and treating well,
    there must be a way to purge the cannabis culture of poisoning commercial influences.

    In the equalizing and third eye opening experiences of cannabis meditation
    bad vibes and unnecessary strain can be let go of. I need to relax more, I meditate for an hour most days,
    but slowly I am not looking so much for the amount of time as I am my constant ability to live in the river of life.

    Lovingkindness, may more times come like now that I realize I can relax fully, in doing nothing all is completed.
    Math says there is no need to strain. the equation for real x=truth, there is no actual way to cut trees. Stoned mathematicians have proven the forests are actually eternal, in the end humans can only cut themselves. In other words, the real truth is kind, real x stress, stress kindness is only relaxing. Lovingkindness, not even the math is going to strain, if you can read this, or not, the undisturbed state has returned!

  8. 名誉 ために日本人天の祖先天 on November 7, 2023 at 9:50 pm

    Lovingkindness for Japan

  9. 名誉 ために日本人天の祖先天 on November 7, 2023 at 9:53 pm

    Lovingkindness for Wisconsin’s beautiful rollicking forests and herbal meadows, free rivers, and environmentally centric peoples. Wisconsin is the heart of Environmentalist United States. They are one of the most consistent in eco success and focus, boasting a tree of life that is now inspiring other states to majorly increase treehugging and devotion to solar power and biofuel use.

    The people and culture there truly know beautiful ways of showing a consistent grounded respect for trees.

    Wisconsin is a beautiful haven for the forests, and they are actively persuading other states to truly reaffirm they are the same.

    Wisconsin citizens sat down with Maryland and shook a lot of delusion and ignorance about forest preservation out of their minds. Maryland is no longer building and toxifying, with a higher grade of self respect blossoming due to the character intervention of this often forgotten but eco heroic state, Wisconsin!

    Thank you for the reminders to remain in good integrity, thank you for the inspiration and seed planting. Thank you, to Wisconsin from a Greener Maryland today and tomorrow!

    Wisconsin is hungry asking who else needs and eco boost reminder???

  10. 名誉 ために日本人天の祖先天 on November 7, 2023 at 9:54 pm

    Lovingkindness for President Joe Biden, the United States will not go corrupt under his watch. They are telling me, that President Biden is watching. The President sits in his chair watching this, and I am grateful for that, grateful for some meaningful open eared communication. They have identified my message, a strong popular message amongst the people, that the construction is too much and too unrelenting. Federal is now trying to do what it can to cut bonds to any construction, it doesn’t want to expand DC and urbanize surrounding states, or any states, it doesn’t want to desecrate large forests or native american sacred places.

    Biden has a strong respect for innocence, among the native peoples, among young americans, and simple peoples of all kinds from all over the world. Biden recognizes my innocence and wants to protect that, not with a ‘republican’ explosion of publicity, but with wise highlighting of good all over America, unique stories of talent creativity, fate and virtue.

    It is Biden who is sending me information about the Delaware girl publishing taoist manuscripts in the corners of the internet. She is twisting the standards of life and creating new rivers and forest space, through derangement of the senses, safely female, her prose has inspired new lengthened lucidity with yang. Likewise, she has written to the President and successfully relaxed policies involving the hippie expressions.

    Relaxation is the way to complete everything. Biden is wise, in my opinion, to encourage innocence, and bring stories and examples of positivity every day. I see the respect that Biden is showing the Native Americans. He has made some slow effort to go out to the tribes, not pushing faith. Lovingkindness, may that virtue be able to hold fast and my the real respect for the natives continue, may special plants and herbs local to america continue to thrive and may the languages folklore and religions of the original peoples of this beautiful land always be remembered and learned from with cleanliness and respect! As taoists, we are interested in holding our distance because we do not poison America, however if some wisdom can be safely shared from the native peoples we are grateful, and do not mind taking time if invited. Do not rush the rhythms of the natives

  11. caroline komoutos-lazanis on November 7, 2023 at 9:55 pm

    i really enjoy this very short meditaion. its helpful, gentle and good.

  12. AJ MARR on November 7, 2023 at 9:56 pm

    How to use loving kindness mindfulness to induce peak or flow experience, a simple procedure and explanation from affective neuroscience.

    Procedure: Consistent and periodic alternation between a resting protocol (e.g. mindfulness) and the pursuit of meaningful behavior will increase motivation and positive affect (arousal and pleasure), and by making meaningful ideation more emotionally salient, will crowd out thoughts leading to anxiety and depression.

    Explanation: Resting elicits opioid activity, or feels pleasurable, and meaningful behavior, as defined as behavior that has branching novel and positive outcomes (writing that great novel or just making the bed) elicits dopamine activity which causes arousal. The awareness of subsequent meaningful behavior while engaging in relaxation protocols such as mindfulness elicits a ‘priming’ response, namely dopamine release that increases opioid activity, and vice versa, making meaningful behavior seem self-reinforcing or ‘autotelic’, with cognition less likely to transition to perseverative thought (worry, regret, distraction).

    Although mindfulness reduces discursive thought or mind wandering; it does not inhibit concurrent non-conscious awareness or anticipation of behavior or events subsequent to meditation that can in turn shape or ‘prime’ affective responses during a meditative session. A priming response, like the salivary response that precedes food or the sexual arousal that precedes intimacy, is a preparatory response that often occurs non-consciously, and changes the affective value or ‘feeling’ in the moment. Similarly, relaxing due to ‘being in the moment’ is pleasurable, but if we were told to expect ‘bad’ news or ‘good’ news in the near future, just the awareness of future events is enough to depress or elevate our feelings, but not altering in the slightest our ‘mindful’ or relaxed state. It follows that if mindfulness is paired with the awareness of subsequent positive or meaningful behavior, then rest in mindfulness will have a greater affective tone or ‘feel better’ than if such a prospect was absent. This is perhaps why ‘savoring’, ‘loving kindness’ meditation, and ‘flow’ experiences represent highly pleasurable and arousing experiences that map positive ideation to relaxed states and contrast with a lower level of pleasure during typical states of rest that generally precede a return to meaningless discursive thinking.

    The Psychology of Rest https://www.scribd.com/doc/284056765/The-Book-of-Rest-The-Odd-Psychology-of-Doing-Nothing
    Meditation and Rest- The American Psychologist/David Holmes https://www.scribd.com/document/291558160/Holmes-Meditation-and-Rest-The-American-Psychologist

    The Psychology of Rest and Meditation, from the International Journal of Stress Management, by this author https://www.scribd.com/doc/121345732/Relaxation-and-Muscular-Tension-A-bio-behavioristic-explanation
    Berridge article on opioid and dopamine systems and the Neuroscience of Happiness – from Scientific American https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/berridge-lab/wp-content/uploads/sites/743/2019/10/Kringelbach-Berridge-2012-Joyful-mind-Sci-Am.pdf
    Berridge Lab, University of Michigan https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/berridge-lab/

  13. Vaibhav Holani on November 7, 2023 at 10:00 pm

    if you read this I just want you to know that I mean this for you:

    May you be HAPPPY 🙂
    May you be well
    May you be comfortable and at peace

  14. 名誉 ために日本人天の祖先天 on November 7, 2023 at 10:03 pm

    Lovingkindness for Wisconsin

    We Energies is a company dedicated to giving cleaner energy alternatives and the largest investor in renewable energy in that state.
    They are weeding out the use of coal entirely by 2032, they are already using dairy farms cow manure to be a source for renewable natural gas that can be used as alternative to much more ecoharmful mainstream practices.
    They are one of Wisconsin’s most available utility providers and not an obscure name.

    I am pleased that the state of Wisconsin has such a good karma going in terms of its energy sources, they are paying only a little more, and in the future saving much much more.

    They are ranked as the fifteenth more ecofriendly state, but I think obviously the scales and accuracy of such unofficial rankings is often skewed unintentionally. Wisconsin has mandatory government provided recycling for each resident.

    There is more snow than usual snow on the ground now in Sheboygan county and I am sensing a very good thing coming from Wisconsin and the hearts of Wisconsin in years to come in regards to environmentalist successes and inspiration. A trend of outsider Maryland culture spreading in some forms in small pockets of Wisconsin has fueled revolutions of influence allowing environmentalist goals to be met without hindrance.

    Wisconsin is attributing its recent renewed Environmentalism to the Governor Wes Moore, who says there was a prophecy about Wisconsin, and the current Governer Tony Evers that led him to believe a deeper alliance of the two states peoples, and respect both ways for wisdoms and arts should be cultivated if at all possible.

    "Indeed, although truly and undeniably American, they (Wisconsin) are culturally in many ways like a different country to us, as different as Sweden and Egypt." Moore romantically wrote, in his published anecdotal biography.

    There is good karma in the hippies and relaxed people of the Wisconsin region, they are familiar in initial receptiveness to the Potowatomi tribe, and they are glad to be invited to Maryland for a thanksgiving by the Nanticoke.

    They clarify now that the clean energy is because of pressure from local native tribal peoples, Wisconsin listens and respects tribal boundaries. BUDDHA WISCONSIN

  15. 名誉 ために日本人天の祖先天 on November 7, 2023 at 10:04 pm

    Lovingkindness for the American States of Florida and South Carolina.

    It is said that Florida’s environmentalist scene needs a morale booster. There is wisdom in the people of South Carolina, and there are unexpected good people there. We are sending buddhist vibratory waves (natural emitted only from the hands with no technology) to both states to facilitate the environmentalist successes with the fruits of Buddha wisdom guiding with assistance.

    Talk to the companies in your area and get involved with environmentalist policies in your government. Be persistent and slowly a great good will emerge that will last.

    You will successfully instill the good eco correctional habits. We are a team of buddhist monks helping as needed and transmitting the zen that can serve as a first spark but the true spring shall open in full to they whose hearts ground them in consistent virtue.

    Lovingkindness, good karma rastafarians are also specially aiding the wisdom in these two states with the open mind and respectful to the divine feminine and goddess traditions. Exploitation of woman and exploitation of mother nature is connected says ecofeminism so we must strive to honor both with respect not gluttony or ideas of ownership

  16. 名誉 ために日本人天の祖先天 on November 7, 2023 at 10:06 pm

    I am sitting crosslegged with an open heart stance towards all life forms and all existence… I know that in the end there is only divine light, I am not caught within illusion of polarity.

    I am all existence and nonexistence, matching the vibration of morning sunlight.
    I am embracing my whole being in itself, a universal being inclusive of all creation and thought, seeing that light weaved into thought but never forgetting it is just the light.

    I am in meditation and enjoying every moment

  17. 名誉 ために日本人天の祖先天 on November 7, 2023 at 10:10 pm

    Lovingkindness for Canada

  18. Mary Baker on November 7, 2023 at 10:22 pm

    Does anyone know who recorded this meditation? I would love to hear more from him. Thanks