Libra November 2022 CRAZY MONEY + LOVE?! (What a Month!) Astrology Horoscope Forecast

Libra November 2022 CRAZY MONEY + LOVE?! (What a Month!) Astrology Horoscope Forecast

Libra November 2022 CRAZY MONEY + LOVE?! (What a Month!) Astrology Horoscope Forecast
This horoscope is for you if LIBRA is your Sun Sign, Rising Sign, or Moon Sign.
#libra #anniebotticelli #libranovember #libraNovember2022astrology #libraNovember2022horoscope

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Big Love and Blessings,
Annie 🙂

All Video content is copyrighted and is not to be replicated or translated without express written consent of Annie Botticelli © 2022


  1. R Shanti on October 15, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    I literally have went to a Metaphysical degree and am finishing the work just as you said! Thank you for your gift and sharing it with us.

  2. Serge Labelle on October 15, 2022 at 7:55 pm

    Absolutely brilliant. I have already received 2/3 of a major subsidy for my marketplace in performing arts and will get the other 1/3 in December. I have re-signed all my Japanese clients in sports and entertainment. It’s payback time. Love is great with my Japanese partner and I am fit like never before. Years of work, discipline, and proper attitude. Business traveling in Europe and then Japan late October & November. Ready to celebrate my 60th birthday in TOP shape ;-). Thank you, dear Annie. Keep shining!

  3. Alisa Battaglia on October 15, 2022 at 7:58 pm

    Gosh I need this. Left a draining no life, no romance possibility all weekend job 50-60 hrs that was commission only. Been unable to find anything substantive and love is lagging. I truly hope something shifts quickly

  4. Nancy Morris Cook on October 15, 2022 at 8:08 pm

    I just love you – love your energy!❤

  5. Nova Terra on October 15, 2022 at 8:14 pm

    Clarity, new income, soulmate relationship… Sounds too good to be true… Will the Universe truly bring such redeeming grace?!

  6. Dorothy Newhouse on October 15, 2022 at 8:15 pm

    I’ve been waiting over 4 years for my lawsuit settlement money to come in so I can buy a new home and move out of my toxic apartment building…When really WHEN is My happiness coming!! Libra sun Aquarius moon scorpio rising

  7. Tonja Wehrman on October 15, 2022 at 8:19 pm

    Ann, can you give me an insight as to what I could be seeing this month. My birthday 10/9 same day a full moon in Aries. Also, I’m Scorpio rising and we have a Scorpio solar eclipse. I am very sensitive to moon energies already…