Increasing Physical Activity: Working Towards Wellbeing

Increasing Physical Activity: Working Towards Wellbeing

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Physical activity is intentional activity that involves moving our body and working our muscles. In other words, it doesn’t only mean aerobic exercise, playing sport or going to the gym. Any little bit of extra physical activity you can do in a day is beneficial to your physical and emotional wellbeing.

This video is part of a series designed to help health practitioners learn evidence-based skills which enhance mental wellbeing and resilience. If you are a health practitioner, why not try these techniques for yourself? Once you’ve practiced these skills and experienced the benefit, we hope you will be willing and able to teach them to others.

If you are not a health practitioner, please watch these videos anyway! We encourage everyone to look after their mental health and emotional wellbeing in ways that we know work.

Download the accompanying guide for more about Increasing Physical Activity:

1 Comment

  1. Shawna Ford on August 7, 2023 at 5:11 pm

    The activity plan sounds good. Where I have difficulty is finding something you enjoy. Is not anhedonia not part of depression? I can remember things I used to enjoy yet there is nothing there in terms of feeling. So in practice the first step would stop me as there is no enjoyment. So for me I use the task method or the planner /journaling activity plan.