Home Remedies For Pink Eye, Use With Ease And Convenience


Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the surface of eye and the inner surface of eyelids which results in the redness, itching, discharge, pain and tearing. There are various home remedies for pink eye which can be used at home with ease and convenience.There are many causes which can result in conjunctivitis such as allergy to the pollen, make ups or house dusts. It is basically known as the allergic conjunctivitis. There can be chemical reasons like exposure to tobacco smoke, factory fumes or the chlorine in swimming pools. This type of Pink eye is known as chemical conjunctivitis. Bacteria are also one of the main reasons for pink eye. It is contagious and can spread from one person to another.Breast milk is one of the best home remedies for pink eye. But remember to use fresh breast milk only. Warm water compress is also beneficial for conjunctivitis, since the bugs causing conjunctivitis are very sensitive to heat. Boric acid eyewash is another safe and simple remedy; it soothes and cleans the infected eye.Add few drops of eyebright tincture to water which was boiled and cooled. Apply this solution to the infected eye by the means of cotton ball. This is an effective way to cure conjunctivitis. Or you can place damp tea bags on the infected eye. Just boil the tea bags and let them cool off, once cool you can apply it on the infected eye.One of the simplest home remedies for pink eye is washing your eyes with the mixture of water (which has been boiled and later cooled to room temperature) and pint of salt four to five times a day. Calendula is an antiseptic which can be used as an eyewash or local compress in order to treat conjunctivitis. Honey is also a good option; you can put drops of honey mixed in warm water in the infected eye. Although it will cause you a little burning discomfort but it is an effective conjunctivitis remedy.Jasmine flowers soaked overnight in distilled water can be used as eye drops. This is one of the most effective home remedies for pink eye, especially for eyes having yellow discharge. Chamomile also helps in treating conjunctivitis; all you have to do is take a cloth soaked in water in which chamomile has been boiled and place it over the infected eye. This will help clear the infection.

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Home Remedies

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


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