Heart Chakra Kundalini Activation Experiences, Symptoms and Difficulties

Heart Chakra Kundalini Activation Experiences, Symptoms and Difficulties

Heart Chakra Kundalini Activation Experiences, Symptoms and Difficulties
#heartchakra #kundalinisymptoms #kundalini
May 2023 Retreat: https://craigholliday.com/light-of-being-may-retreat-2023/
Craig Holliday is a gifted Meditation and Spiritual Teacher trained in both the Yogic and Buddhist traditions and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). His teachers have included Adyashanti, A. H. Almaas, Gangaji, Caroline Myss, Matt Kahn, Lama Tsultrim, and Eckhart Tolle with Christ, Sri Aurobindo and the Buddha as his major influences. Craig began teaching after a series of profound awakenings with his teacher Adyashanti.

Craig offers Skype sessions, retreats and workshops and meets with individuals from around the world who have a sincere desire to awaken out of our painful egoic existence and into this Beauty that we always already are. He offers mindfulness-based therapy, nondual therapy, meditation, yoga, kundalini support therapy, chakra instruction, and help for opening and healing the heart through surrendering oneself to the movement of Divine Intelligence. For more info and teachings please see:

Website: https://www.craigholliday.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CraigHollidayLPC

Craig’s Nondual teachings are similar to those offered by Adyashanti, Sri Aurobindo, A. H. Almaas (The Diamond Approach), Matt Kahn, Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now), Scott Kiloby, Byron Katie, Teal Swan, Deepak Chopra, Jeff Foster, Bentinho Massaro, Eli Jaxon Bear, Matt Kahn, Rupert Spira, Gangaji, Michael Beckwith, Ester Hicks, Mooji, Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, and other similar teachers found on Buddha at the Gas Pump (batgap.com).


  1. @carolyndurant3570 on January 28, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    I have problem forgiving one person in our family. I do not like the way this person treats others and I hate her. This makes me suffer inside, I cannot stop having thoughts about her and how I detest her. I think this stops me from my heart chakra opening. This only makes bad to my body and mind. Any helpful tips how to truly forgive and release this?

  2. @annamaria9899 on January 28, 2024 at 4:59 pm

    Actually very helpful to talk about these details. When I felt first time in my life a glimpse of love what it made to me that I started to cry and big piece of pain was released.

  3. @stevenrosen5955 on January 28, 2024 at 5:07 pm

    Relationship with the wrong person? Really? Is that a spiritual attitude? Would Amma agree that X is the wrong person?

  4. @rishitadabhi7870 on January 28, 2024 at 5:11 pm

    You are amazing. Simply amazing ❤. A life saver.

  5. @stokesstokey7777 on January 28, 2024 at 5:15 pm

    Thank you for speaking of the hardness of forgiveness. Generation of torment and knowing those sold your children and those folk are still reaping the benefits of their action. BUT you explained the reason for forgiveness. Forgiveness power comes from God. Thank You.

  6. @susanworden6459 on January 28, 2024 at 5:17 pm

    This is my personal experience. Thank you for affirming I am moving in the right direction.

  7. @fixfaxr on January 28, 2024 at 5:39 pm

    "First one’s free" .. I love that, and helps me understand my situation better, thank you!

  8. @valeriemaldiney4087 on January 28, 2024 at 5:43 pm

    Thank you so much Craig, this has really sunk in. Much love