Decoding SCORPIO Personality Traits & Secrets

Decoding SCORPIO Personality Traits & Secrets

The eighth astrological sign of the zodiac is Scorpio ♏︎. This sign is connected with the constellation Scorpius that spans between 210°–240° ecliptic longitude. The season of Scorpio spans from October 23 to November 22. The word has its origin in the Latin language.

Based on Scorpio Sun Sign
#ZodiacTalks #Scorpio

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  1. Umrao Jan on January 5, 2023 at 12:53 am

    Someone please help me. What should I do? I’m a Virgo ♍. Met a scorpio man last month and the 2nd day he took me to a hotel room without telling me before going . He just said we should go somewhere where there is less people cz of privacy. After that he seems distant. I asked what’s wrong he said busy because of his duties and exam. Really cold towards me. I stopped texting then after 1 week he knocked. We met again. Then I asked a lot of questions. He said he can’t answer everything. I ask should I leave. He changed the topic. What should I do now??? Leave or stay?
    Sorry for my bad English.

  2. Steven Crawtr on January 5, 2023 at 12:55 am

    No matter how long someone knows a Scorpio they will never fully understand or really get to know us.

  3. Fredricka Nellon on January 5, 2023 at 12:57 am

    I’m a true Scorpio!

  4. Fatima Jose on January 5, 2023 at 1:05 am

    What kind of Scorpio is this? Sun, moon, rising, Venus or mercury? Thanks in advance for the answer.

  5. Daniel Cheeseington.(Chedder555 reborn) on January 5, 2023 at 1:22 am


  6. king tiger on January 5, 2023 at 1:22 am

    As a Scorpio, funny how we love watching shit about ourselves

  7. Hailey K on January 5, 2023 at 1:25 am

    This is so me! At least how I’ve been described by each individual who has broken up with we…
    I have a tendency to get into documentaries that EX’s found disturbing; however I found fascinating!

    I was dumped by a Gemini because he said I was to morbid and focused on “the dark side” because I go into this documentary about these suicides happening in Bridgend, Wales [after watching the documentary with me he called me sick for finding that interesting and wanting to investigate more and broke up, right then and there after 8 months together]

    I live in Florida but you can mostly find me in black not just because it’s slimming but because it’s me.

    I also don’t do second chances… because fool me once shame on you but fool me twice shame on me!

    I’am petty and yes still hold grudges to certain people even some of my family members to this day…

    I’m not an option…

    And I actually have a tattoo on the back of my neck that says “You fuck with a Scorpio you get the stinger”

    Guess that’s why I’m a single divorced Scorpio ♏️ but Im proud of my traits! Im very protective over everyone, not just those I love. And despite how I come across sometimes I have a huge heart and it’s filled with kindness!

    And if I could I would solve the worlds issues… liked Musk said to the UN [prove I can give X amount to help end world food storage, the douche would have made the money back just by selling stock or in 4 days work] then when met with the truth he [Musk] went back on his deal!

    So we Scorpio’s get bad reps but we are good people; just too the right people ❤

  8. Roblox Life on January 5, 2023 at 1:34 am

    I’m a Scorpio