CLEAR QUARTZ CRYSTAL // Metaphysical Energy & Uses (Shifting Realities with Quartz)

CLEAR QUARTZ CRYSTAL // Metaphysical Energy & Uses (Shifting Realities with Quartz)

Clear quartz crystal is CRAZY POWERFUL and has so many uses, it is time to stop overlooking this master crystal! Clear quartz can be programmed and used to amplify intention, I myself am using clear quartz crystal to shift realities and be on the timeline I prefer. These are some of the metaphysical energy properties and uses for clear quartz.
#crystals #metaphysical #quartz #energy #shifting

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  1. Connor Lamb on November 28, 2023 at 8:02 pm

    Quartz feels like a powerful amplifier almost like a Herkimer diamond. I like to put a quartz point at each end of my bed to amplify the moldavite for my dreams and to power the crystals I use to balance my chakras

  2. Brandi B on November 28, 2023 at 8:04 pm

    Try herkimer quarts with moldavite. The first moldavite I purchased was a pendant with the herkimer diamond.

  3. Barreltech89 on November 28, 2023 at 8:08 pm

    I use my clear quartz as an amplifier, great energy

  4. Edward Esnardo on November 28, 2023 at 8:09 pm

    Can clear quarts be like the energy from the movie limitless I’m talking about the pill but this time it’s the crystal can I feel rich and powerful and can I multitask like in the movie limitless

  5. sarah poff on November 28, 2023 at 8:09 pm

    I’m so happy for you. You’ve got it you have it. That’s the consciousness I was hoping for you. And also very neat it was raining earlier and I had sat all my stones on the window sill and I held a tumbled quarts e first which usually I don’t give this much attention but wondered what could it be about this crystal that it wanted me to know and here you see you are helping me to know that I don’t think know either until I try to find out. All I could think the whole time holding the pretty little stone was I’m impatient nothing is happening I don’t feel anything in my arm and then after a couple minute’s was warm light in my crown area and I realized I’m really damn impatient lol

  6. Cloud Ryder on November 28, 2023 at 8:09 pm

    You could say Earth is training for the ego.

  7. N on November 28, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    I was wondering if you can do a video on the silicon properties of these crystals as we also have silicon in our bodies as well, I find it fascinating!!!

  8. Christina MacMullen on November 28, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    One way to think about our ego is to compare it to our rising sign in astrology – which is about how others perceive us, our personality and who we are becoming.

  9. Cloud Ryder on November 28, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    Crystal’s hold memory and intention. Program your crystals with positive intention. And on those crappy days you can go to your Crystal and get some of those Positive Vibes that you had set away for yourself. Rainy day energy. Lol

  10. Lou Giannone on November 28, 2023 at 8:13 pm

    Nathan I have a 8th chakra merkaba to go to other dementions it’s a foot over our crown chakra that’s why I saw my parents very young asking me how’s my son I’m so happy god bless you Nathan your friend louie see you in the universe bye bye….beep!

  11. Eddy Dejagere on November 28, 2023 at 8:14 pm

    Clear quarts , so much to do with it, it is multi functional, you can scry with it but above all it is the computer of the universe , it is the most programmable thing of all dimensions.I have a donut around my neck ( fingerprint clear one) and a sphere in my house also fingerprint clear but your big piece your holding wil work fine and very good it was a gift to you what makes more powerfull.

  12. Th4yna Manah on November 28, 2023 at 8:16 pm

    Bless u Nathan, you’re amazing..I love the way u explain about this

  13. Jasper Rocks on November 28, 2023 at 8:16 pm

    We’re the same height LMAOO. My favorite thing to do with crystals is just to have them. I’m pretty boring, I meditate with them sometimes, occasionally I’ll charge them, but I really appreciate having them. I’ll put them in my pockets when going places, I’ll make jewelry out of them, I’ll even give them away. I never saw myself as a collector, but I definitely collect rocks. They help balance the energy in my room which is good, I live in a broken home and my room is a whole different vibe. It feels safe and at home. I also like to put them in plants, they even help the plants grow. Also clear quartz is great, I just afore it. It is very good with shooting your intentions out into the universe, then the universe shoots them back just like that. Boom. Finger guns XD. Idk how much it helps with manifesting because I don’t have issues manifesting, I simply think I want that, then I forget about it, then it comes back.

  14. Morrigan 1111 on November 28, 2023 at 8:23 pm

    I also have a couple of huge quartz points. At first I wasn’t really attracted to them because they looked kinda plain. However, since I knew they were amplifiers, I surrounded them with other crystals and pointed them towards myself. I felt sooooo good the next day!

    One of my favorite things to do with my clear quartz point at the moment is root chakra healing. I pair my huge clear quartz point with chalcopyrite and labradorite and I point it towards my root chakra.

    Chalcopyrite is renowned for dismantling energy blockages. To me it feels like very, very wholesome and family friendly energy. I think it may make dismantling blockages more pleasant than many other crystals.

    I use labradorite as well because it has so many wonderful qualities. It repels negative energy, shields against it and is supposed to help repair holes in the auric field. I believe it can heal chakras too.

    I often add a shiva lingam to the mix too. It’s basically energetically augmented red jasper… I haven’t fully delved into this crystal yet. It needs allot of further exploration for me. It does feel nice when I manage to connect with it.

    Right now this is my favorite thing to do with clear quartz, but it’s so versatile that I feel certain I’m gonna come up with a whole lot of stuff in the future.

    Clear quartz does feel like it enhances clarity for me as well. Also, it doesn’t just amplify other crystals. I think it does the same thing to us when we’re in contact with it. It amplifies us. It may be one of the reasons it tends to make things clearer, when something is magnified you can see it better. I kind of think it cleans the energy as well, which could be another one of its "clarity" properties.

  15. Caryl Miralles on November 28, 2023 at 8:26 pm

    Crystal elixirs is a great one. Ingesting the healing energy of crystals internally with intention. I’ve got a clear quartz water elixir that I love at the moment.

  16. Th4yna Manah on November 28, 2023 at 8:29 pm

    Huuuuuuuuge Quartz

  17. Th4yna Manah on November 28, 2023 at 8:30 pm

    this place is amazing..even aliens hangout there

  18. Marie Freedom Seeker on November 28, 2023 at 8:30 pm

    Here’s a question- quarts holds memory and when you put your intentions into the courts through energy it will hold it but the question is if somebody gives you their quarts with their own intentions placed in it will you be persuaded by the quart subconsciously to the original person’s intentions? I do know that you are supposed to cleanse your crystals but there are a lot of people who don’t know that or how to.

  19. Mari on November 28, 2023 at 8:31 pm

    I want to see the science proofed stuff..

  20. Watchers of society on November 28, 2023 at 8:32 pm

    You remind me of duncan trussell how is on the joe rogan podcast

  21. Marie Freedom Seeker on November 28, 2023 at 8:35 pm

    Where I’m from there are crystal quartz everywhere. I’ve been collecting them for a long time and I have piles and piles of them in my basement I also like to use them in my resins and I have a rock tumbler and I tumble a lot of quartz, and I have a strong desire to build some type of tower out of the crystal quartz, something that I can sit inside of and really be amplified. The crystal quartz that is in my state consists mostly of milky white quartz, smoky quartz rose quartz, and even some citrine quarts. I love looking for rocks and crystals.

  22. Eddy Dejagere on November 28, 2023 at 8:36 pm

    If you have a clear quartz in your aura it can make your aura much bigger.
    Then if you have a thought it wil amplify that and remember it and sent it over and over in to different dimensions .
    You programmed your idea to make it happen, it is likely to happen because at this moment the crystal wil help you to go the dimension where your intention happens.
    You must also realise when you shift to an other dimension you not change only the thing you wanted to change but other thing wil also have changed. I take the risk and use clear crystal to shift because i know i can shift again when i want. A problem that occurs i that you can have gaps in your memory .

  23. Momo on November 28, 2023 at 8:36 pm

    I was lead to crystals by a very vivid dream 2 months ago and it almost feel like a sign from divine. There are 3 pieces of clear quartz always sit on the window sill in the sharing the kitchen and I never really pay attention to them before, but after that dream I started to feel the energy from them, one day I was washing dishes they were calling me to give them a cleansing (coz they have been just sit there gathering dust for a long time). So I put them in the salt water over night and let them had a nice sun bathing on the second day, their energy is so strong even without holding them I can feel they are working on my heart chakra and I constantly hiccuping when I get close to them (don’t know if that sounds weird) but those quartz belongs to someone else so I didn’t work with them after giving them the cleansing. Will get my quartz next time I am going to the crystal shop.

    And your channel came to me when I first started to research crystals. And I brought a moldavite and LDS because of your videos. Now they are waiting for me at home (currently travelling)

    Keep spreading the love and light Nathan, you and your channel are absolutely fantastic!!! ❤❤❤

  24. Haylee Brie on November 28, 2023 at 8:41 pm

    Happy belated!!!

  25. M and B L on November 28, 2023 at 8:42 pm

    Be careful I learned about smelt quartz and after buying a fake on Etsy, the seller has been hesitant on sending it. I want to put this fake thing in my garden and if someone steals it, more power to them.

  26. Mac_84 on November 28, 2023 at 8:46 pm

    clear quartz is awesome crystal as moldavite

  27. Neo on November 28, 2023 at 8:47 pm


  28. Manuel Rodriguez on November 28, 2023 at 8:51 pm

    Clear quartz is definitely one of my favorite crystals. Holding one in my hands during meditation is real pleasant. I love the pulsing sensations I get between my hand and the crystal itself. Billy Carson talks about how crystals are actual beings from higher dimensions and how the dimension we live in right now is a shadow of higher dimensions. Heres a link to part of one of his presentations where he talks about this and how a tesseract works.

  29. Wysol's Wysdom | Nathan Tadman on November 28, 2023 at 8:53 pm

    I like to use crystals in a similar fashion to something you’ve shown before, Magick Circles / Crystal circle grids (pretty sure you’ve done a video talking about a circle of moldavite and phenakite before). For me placing crystals in a circle formation around you is very similar to Sigilised magic circles in magick practices, it amplifies the area and creates a sort of portal that you then meditate inside of, the energy of the portal changes with the crystals used. My favourite ones to use with this method are Moldavite, Herkimer diamonds/ quartz, And Any black stones + quartz. Another cool thing i’ve started to do with crystals is using crushed Quartz, mixing it with paint and painting things with it 😛

  30. Xen Mahayodha on November 28, 2023 at 9:00 pm

    Nothing is something worth doing. Read that again.