Clairvoyance Boosting Frequencies | Healing Music for Trusting Intuition

Clairvoyance Boosting Frequencies | Healing Music for Trusting Intuition

The intention sewn into these clairvoyance boosting frequencies will help you to discover your innate intuitive abilities.
I’ll be using all of the upper Chakra tuning forks to amplify this intention and balance the specific energy that is needed to receive this download and unlock your superhuman power.

To learn more about these chakras individually, you can check out my chakra balancing playlist and read all about them in the description.

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The singing in this video is purely intuitive. As I tap into source energy and enter a “flow state”, I channel sound healing activation. The accompaniment is one of my originally composed pieces.

Sound Healing works to balance our body’s energy as it becomes entrained with specific frequencies being played and transmitted through sound waves. Specific areas in the body are targeted and begin to resonate with the instrument. This opens energetic pathways clearing energetic blockages, allowing all of the systems within the body to function better and prevent disease

Pro Tip 1: The most effective form of sound therapy is singing, humming, or chanting. Try to match the pitch you hear .

Pro Tip 2: Tuning forks are not as audible as they are tangible and they work best when their frequency is within the circumference of your aura. Always listen at safe volume levels, but try placing the speaker within 5 feet of you or even rest it right against whichever chakra we’re focusing on.

Pro Tip 3: If you have your own crystals, place them over the chakras we are balancing to amplify the experience and effectiveness.

As I hold/wear the crystals I use, their frequencies travel through the tuning fork and my voice through the matrix and into you.

This beautiful crystal connects with the crown chakra and attracts light into any darkness in the mind, body and soul. This stone also helps to protect against negative energy and psychic forces that may try to attack you. Selenite is a popular crystal for psychics.

This increases the energy of the upper chakras and a well known crystal to use to help develop your psychic abilities. It is also one of the best crystals for telekinesis, lucid dreaming, and warding off negative energy when it is kept cleansed.

Helps you tap into your psychic abilities. Moonstone carries feminine energy which carries heavy psychic abilities. It illuminates the path when you feel dark and sorrowful. The Moon is ruled by the strong Greek goddess Demeter, or Roman goddess Diana, who are connected to nature and the wild. When you are in tune with nature, your psychic powers enhance tenfold.

The metaphysical properties of this crystal are closely connected to the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. The Third Eye Chakra, located in the middle of the forehead, is linked with intuition and insight. The Crown Chakra, situated at the top of the head, is associated with spiritual connection and enlightenment.

This content is in no way meant to be a replacement for traditional medicine. I’m here to hold space for mental and physical healing through techniques that are designed to calm and relax the body, creating a state of mindfulness and reflection.
Through relaxation and mindfulness, the human body’s natural healing processes are strengthened and accelerated.

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#tuningfork #chakrahealingvibes #asmrcommunity #asmrsounds #asmrmusic