Carnelian | Crystal For sacral or the swadhishtan chakra |

Carnelian | Crystal For sacral or the swadhishtan chakra |

Carnelian is a agate family crystal having light to dark shade of orange color. Carnelian corresponds to the sacral or the swadhishtan chakra and is considered effective to balance the water element in the body. Water is a very important element in our body and is the creative force which keeps us functioning It also has a deep impact on our thought process and helps us to be more flexible and adaptable in our approach towards life. Connecting with carnelian helps to balance the emotions thereby making you more balanced and calm. It can be effectively used to let go of the boundation and limitations you would have created for yourself and helps to explore the true potential. It is also amazing crystal specially if someone is working on the financial stability.

To connect with Carnelian, sit in a comfortable position with your feet on ground and relax. Now take a piece of this crystal in your left hand and bring your focus on the touch of this crystal. Close you eyes and place an affirmation ” I open myself to accept the vibration of carnelian at my Sacral chakra”. Bring your focus on the sacral region and center yourself there.

Visualize a large water body like river and see yourself sitting on its bank with your feet in water. Affirm ” I am one with water and I release my all my accumulated emotions in this water”. Visualize your emotions flowing into water through your legs and being washed away by running water of the river.

Stay in this meditation for 4-5 mins and then you may slowly open your eyes. You may drink a glass of water and walk few steps to balance the energies.

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