Boynton Canyon Sedona: Fomalhaut & Triple Vortex Blessing

Boynton Canyon Sedona: Fomalhaut & Triple Vortex Blessing

Fomalhaut is the Mouth of the Fish and along with Archangel Gabriel are the Watchers of the North. Fomalhaut is the Big Fish at the foot of Aquarius, the water bearer, that is drinking the Abundance of Water so the World does not drown.

This blessing is from the Triple Vortex…3 vortexes in one. It contains the Energies of the Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, and the Sacred Marriage…all three individually and collectively.

Midnight in the day is Winter in the year and North in the Four Directions. They all represent death or no-thingness, It is the place we return before rebirth in the East. It is a place of the three dreams: the day dream, the night dream and the life dream. This is the time where we are to dream deep and wide, for the vision of our life purpose and who we truly are.

The wisdom from Midnight, Fomalhaut, Aquarius, and the Sacred Marriage is every ending has a beginning and to dream deep and wide with the Universe for the vision of our life purpose and who we truly are.

There are more synchronicities with 3. I arrived at Boynton Canyon at 3:33 pm after a 33 mile drive. Remember it is a triple vortex (3 energies in 1) and winter is the place of the 3 dreams. If you read the wikipedia link, Formalhaut is actually a trinary star system…it is actually 3 stars that appear as 1. You can’t make this stuff up.


We are in Lunation 1180 where the Sun and Earth are in alignment with the 4 Royal Stars (Ancient Persian names):
☼ Aldebaran (Tascheter) – Vernal Equinox (Watcher of the East)
☼ Regulus (Venant) – Summer Solstice (Watcher of the South)
☼ Antares (Satevis) – Autumnal Equinox (Watcher of the West)
☼ Fomalhaut (Hastorang) – Winter Solstice (Watcher of the North)

In the Age of Taurus, Aldebaran (and Taurus) marked the Spring Equinox which started around 4444 BCE.

The New Moon on 5/15 was an alignment of the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Aldebaran which is the Fiery Eye of Taurus. The Full Moon on 5/29 will be an alignment switching the positions of the Moon and Earth to give us the alignment of the Moon, Earth, Sun, and Aldebaran. Lunation 1180 continues until the New Moon in Gemini on June 13. The energy of this alignment will continue to build until it peeks on the Full Moon on 5/29.

At Sunrise on every day in Lunation 1180, we are in direct alignment and orientation with the Royal Stars as they were on the Vernal Equinox in the Age of Taurus. In the Age of Taurus, many historical advancements happened. Some of that history has survived in the fossil record and uncovered by archaeology.

The Age of Taurus marked the transition of Humanity from the Neolithic Stone Age into the Bronze Age. Humans were already advancing agriculture and civilization into towns, villages, and cities. This Age gave rise to new information and technology in what we call antiquity: Sumer & Egypt.

The Age of Taurus ended when Moses received the ten commandments (and the Torah) from God on the mountain. We celebrated this on Shavuot…Pentecost.

Humanity was still recovering from the Fall of Atlantis during the transition of the Age of Virgo to the Age of Leo. Technology and Enlightenment was lost. The Lyrans were most helpful during the Age of Leo. During the Age of Taurus, the Pleiadians, Sirians, and Andromedans were of great help with both Spirituality and technology.

The Fall of Atlantis is very important to us at this time. The Arrogance of the Ego caused the Fall of Atlantis which thoroughly thrust Humanity into the 3D from the 4D. The Death of the Ego for each of us is paramount for the Ascension…both Individually and Collectively.

Reiki with Will
Will Mitchell
Rochester, NY

Priest in the Order of Melchizedek as well as
Master and Teacher of Aquarian Fire, Usui Reiki, Light Language, Manifestation, and Personal Ascension.

Offering private sessions (in person or online), group sessions, classes, and retreats.

Although I don’t agree with his dates I like the rest of his info

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