Aventurine: Crystals for Manifestation

Aventurine: Crystals for Manifestation

Have you noticed that when you try to keep such a tight grip or over-control a situation, it tends to get stuck? The same can be said about wealth! When you keep a light, positive outlook about your finances, abundance begins to flow more freely. But when you become consumed with fear, the flow just seems to stop. So how can you use crystals have more fun with your finances? Meet my adventurous friend Aventurine! Many green crystals are said to bring in wealth and prosperity, but from my experience, Aventurine is that stone that helps you shift to a more positive money mindset.
Are you ready to embrace a more lighthearted money mindset? For the next 8 weeks, I want you to create a little game for yourself. This game reminds you that you don’t always have to be so serious when it comes to your mindset about money. Lightening your outlook can bring major results, but it’s not always easy to make that shift. Allow your Aventurine to hold that space for you until you are 100% there.

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