♋️The WORST Zodiac Sign is Cancer🔮

♋️The WORST Zodiac Sign is Cancer🔮 Being a Cancer is the worst star sign. It was my birthday yesterday and in honor of that I felt like making a spoof about my zodiac sign. When I have children I will actually plan to not give birth during this time period to spare them the difficulties…

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Feng Shui Friday 🏡 Life Area #9 Fame Harmony

Feng Shui Friday 🏡 Life Area #9 Fame Harmony 🏡 http://bitly.com/4HomeFengShui Today’s Feng Shui Friday tip focuses on the life area of FAME, which relates to your reputation and being known, what people say about you, how they perceive you, your good name and integrity. Learn what color and element to use to enhance this…

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How To Create and use a FENG SHUI VISION BOARD

How To Create and use a FENG SHUI VISION BOARD Let me show you how to make and use one with the power of a #fengshui tool called #baguamap. I know everyone’s #2020vision has officially gone down the toilet but look on the bright side.. you’ve had all this time to think about what you…

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