WHY Souls Choose To Come Through During Psychic Readings
WHY Souls Choose To Come Through During Psychic Readings
Have you ever wondered why souls come through during and psychic medium reading and others don’t? Here is what I have learned… MeetMattFraser.com
When are you coming to London uk
Well it’s to late we forgive them an move on what’s the promblem I closed my off due to there anger etc
She did the right thing when they here you give us a hard time annoe want to be forgiventheyheartless onearth I have 2 just like that I forgive them an move on
I wonder what happens when you come from an abusive family. I’m starting to become more spiritual but I’m having a hard time putting these two parts together.
Hi Matt,omg I was laughing so much at the stories you just told,I no I should not laugh but you are such a good talker lol.Matt I love your videos,I love seeing the comfort you give people with your readings.Matt this video was so interesting,you answered questions I often think about thankyou.Thankyou for all your hard work.

Hey Matt! Nice to be seeing n hearing you.
I have a question for you; Starting in January 15th, 2023, I heard while alone in my house about 1:45 AM, of a sort of creepy whistle. I actually heard it with my live ear. After that I started to do some EVP’s. Why does a person get a creepy whistle such as I did?? What does a whistle mean? I’m really curious about this. I honestly hope I get an answer from you Matt. Ty for all you do and I gotta say, you’re awesome.
Matt you’re awesome! I’ve attended a few online readings with you and I swear Matt I think my father was trying to come through when you were done giving a reading to someone else because you kept saying – Is there a Joseph here? Joseph is the name of my father. I don’t know if you remember it I think you had to end your group reading but you kept saying is there a Joseph here? I swear it was my dad, does that make sense or am I crazy lol?
This is very interesting and helpful. Thank you.
I talk to my departed husband all the time. Just as though he was sitting across the room from me. And when I need to hear from him on something important and specific I have engaged mediums- I have told him I wanted to hear from him on these specific topics, and then when the appointment comes, the medium basically has gone down the list and told me his thoughts on everything that I have wanted to know or discuss.
Matt never seen a more amazing person than you your such a wonderful funny positive uplifting person …..you have changed my whole life for the positive I look forward to passing away instead of being scared …because I know we go to GOD if we were a good person in earth …and I get to meet my loved ones …you have changed so many peoples lives with your readings …..ty sooooo much for the work you do
I had an online reading last August. Honestly at the time, I wasn’t needing to hear. I didn’t but totally understand the people that came through. You are very comforting, love listening to you. I got a sign from my mother the next day. Thank you !!!
Thank you for doing this video Matt. I have been to a few of your online readings and didn’t get chosen. This really helped clarify why we may not hear from a loved one.
I honestly wish Neil dresses Tyson had an audience with Mat that would be an interesting event
Hello. I caught a live one!
How about Milwaukee Wi,???
Hoi Matt, I am also A Medium i have it all mij life. I wait it in my 40 to speek it in publiek. Greets from the Nederlands
Still waiting on a video on reincarnation
It doesn’t make sense to me that a soul wouldn’t come thru when you need them the most! When we are deep in grief we desperately want to hear from them to validate they are still alive somewhere….Why would a soul wait until our grief lessens? It seems so cruel…When I expect a soul to come thru that’s when I NEED them the most…When I least expect them to is when I’m having a good day.
You’re preying on grieving people
Do you see the spirits you talk to?
Enjoy your enthusiasm
Hi Matt. I’m in Los Angeles, California. Love your energy and your disposition to help others with your gift. Thanks
Her grief was blocking her connection.
How do we know when Matt is going to be doing live you tube videos ?
i used to think i only talk fast in english bcos everyone says so but here you are also talking so fast hahhha like in one breath with no fullstop or comma hahhhaha…i feel u need to pause and breath n drink water intermittently hahhhaha
Do souls ever not come thru because they don’t like something that you’re doing in the present (example would be like family members fighting because they feel that you wanted this or that and there’s conflict between family members over your departure and how they thought you felt about different things) or will the soul actually come thru and say I’m not happy with what your doing not sure if this makes sense
Hi matt love you
From greenport L.I.
What if they are reborn?
Hi Matt do you need to see a psychic to talk to your loved ones?
Here a question – I had a reading with a psychic and it was so off (things she clearly said wouldn’t happen did happen) and when I shared the update with her, she said she was sorry I was disappointed with the reading but she was just the messenger , she could only give me what she received. This is an unbelievable way for defrauding people. I don’t think she’s the real deal like Matt but how to you call someone out for clearly being a charlatan?
Matt i have a question. What if i keep seeing their age number and the number of they day they died. For example my best friend died April 14. And i always see the number 14 or 32. Is that her talking to me?
Hi Matt. I love you
Hi Matt
Why dose god make / let some people die triadically, while others die peacefully in their sleep?
So happy you are explaining this.
I’m so happy to have found you
If your loved one did not believe in Psychics while alive, would they be less likely to come through?
Hi Matt! This happened to me in a reading. I was really hoping to hear from my loved one that passed in 2017. I knew him for 5 years and we were so in love. He did not come through but my dad did! He passed in 1972 when I was 15 years old. We had a very dysfunctional home since he was an alcoholic. I was always blaming him for my childhood trauma. I was told he loved me and was proud of me. I was skeptical at first, but she told me his initials which were very uncommon. I almost fell off my chair. Never in my life expected that!
Love this Matt, thank you

What about souls that reincarnate? How is it that a loved ones soul is with me if they’ve reincarnated?
When you do reading do you post all of them online or no? Thank you : )
I’ve tried many online readings but never been chosen