Ways To Avoid A Heart Attack
While many individuals look at heart health as a way to beat the widow maker, it is essential to take the quality of your life seriously and without a good strong healthy heart you are going to find that life is anything but pleasurable. Each year 1.2 million Americans are afflicted by a heart attack and many of those die from the same. When it pertains to heart health it is important that you begin considering those things that you can do to keep yourself and your heart healthy before you have issues. Heart attacks are the top cause of deaths in both men and women in the United States and therefore are a health risk that should be taken very seriously. If a person is having a heart attack they may perhaps not even be aware of it and symptoms may include but are not limited to the following: chest pain, pressure, squeezing, or tighness in the chest either in the center or on the left hand side, back pain, pain that does not reduce with change of position, movement, problems in face, neck, upper stomach, or in the arms, shortness of breath, vomiting, light-headedness, a cold sweat. One of the primary indications that you are dealing with a serious cardiac episode is the fact that symptoms can not be relieved and elevate.In the U.S. too many people wait to start thinking about heart health late in life and as a result they are spending too much time doing damage control and while it is never too late to begin trying a healthy lifestyle on for size there is very little which could be done to reverse the damage that has already been done to this very important muscle. Taking proactive steps early on is the best way to ensure that you avoid heart problems or a cardiac episode forever.Most men and women dont think about encouraging their children to be heart healthy but that is an excellent place to start teaching heart healthy lessons. Heart health includes not only a well-balanced, nutritional diet but also regular cardiovascular exercise and plenty of rest. Starting out with a heart healthy regimen early on can help to ensure that an individual maintains optimal heart function throughout all of their days. On the preventative side, good heart health and knowledge is key to making sure that less people experience this type of serious health crisis. On the other side, understanding the risk factors and signs and symptoms of a heart attack can also help an individual who is experiencing a cardiac episode to get help more quickly which can help the overall outcome of this serious health crisis.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
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