Virgo Full Moon 2024, Venus conjunct Mars, Mercury in Pisces: What YOU Will See Clearly This Week
Virgo Full Moon 2024, Venus conjunct Mars, Mercury in Pisces: What YOU Will See Clearly This Week
This week, we are building to a hectic Virgo full moon 2024, which is spotlighting where we are growing, or where we need to grow. And some of these realizations may be more pleasant than others, with the full moon in Virgo 2024 also opposing Saturn. The Virgo full moon February 2024 is equal parts fantasy and reality, asking you to take the good with the bad with a grain of salt. Venus conjunct Mars 2024 ignites midweek with a burst of passion and lust for life, but by the weekend, with Venus square Jupiter 2024 you can find you extended over your limits in the effort of moving towards what you want. Mercury enters Pisces 2024, which can create a murky mind and confusion, so important to cut through the confusion and see what is and what is not being said.
EDIT: Forgot the outro music, so sorry! Was distracted while editing by Thailand’s beauty, lol
Thank you all for being here, so special to celebrate my birthday with all of you!
Last Week’s Magic Monday:
Royalty Free Music:
Welcome to Magic Monday, Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for February 18-February 25, 2024: 0:00
Quick Thailand Trip Update: 6:32
Vibe Check of the Week February 2024 Astrology: 10:57
Monday, February 19 Horoscope: 22:25
Tuesday, February 20 Horoscope: 35:35
Wednesday, February 21 Horoscope: 49:50
Thursday, February 22 Horoscope: 1:01:29
Friday, February 23 Horoscope: 1:14:43
Saturday, February 24 Horoscope: 1:19:14
Sunday, February 25 Horoscope: 1:25:19
Magic Monday Mantra of the Week: February 19-25, 2024 Astrology Forecast: 1:29:37
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The vibe check of the week is so eerie. My exact relationship with my ex bff
what you said at the end of the video was amazing and SO NEEDED for me! you’re an angel
I noticed the morning vibes on Tuesday! Correct, my partner asked if I was mad at him. I thought, of course not, but we can see that sensitivity showing up with the Moon squaring Chiron and then moving into the sextile with Uranus and trine with Neptune.
Thank you, also love your outfit.
You can’t spell heart without art! I love that so much. Thank u for reminding me that the most important thing isn’t how many ppl see my art, as long as I’m proud and happy with what I’ve made. Ilysm Haley!
You look beautifully ethereal today with that awesome top!
52:32 literally have had a very magical week – like I’ve been healing and I am feeling fired up for this next chapter.
I’ve heard you make a few film references. I remember one from awhile ago with a set/ movie magic analogy… the cutting room floor… the audience… as a film major I’m loving all of this!!!
That noise was Kate
I’ve been feeling very 5th House and Leo
came up a lot on Wednesday
Thank you! Hailey, I’d love to hear some Astrocartography from you
There are Sunshine people they are only there when the Sun shines and there are Rain people they love it when it rains and they are there when it rains. I have 5 planets in Water signs. I had to learn to mind my business and not deal with other peoples problems. There are rain people that can do that and when the sun comes out they disappear they only love it when it rains. My best friend was a rain person she had moon in Pisces. Financially she was always there, if you were doing bad she was wealthy and had the money to bail you out, but once the sun came out she would drop you. Everybody had to be down and stay down to be around her because she wanted to be needed. That is when I realized that I wasn’t a rain person. I need to see and be in sunshine in order to be my best self and in good health.
U R Hilarmoose
Happy Birthday, Thank you!!! <3
accccurate thusday
unexpected weird but also slightly lucky surprises happened
things not working but maybe being saved in a way
OMG, I always say "Not my monkey, not my circus" at work. You are so wise, Haley. Happy Birthday this week!!!
That doing something new is sooooo emphasized by this Aquarius shift and both Jupiter and Uranus ( hitting my Sun
) in Taurus, as we all are looking for what we value.. what has intrinsic worth.. not what we have been told, or what was true at another time..
I myself have been identifying where my tense or unsatisfying relationships are being shaped by a disconnect between who is playing Producer and Director in shared story.. do we share a vision, a harmonious storyline?
It can be heartbreaking but freeing to recognize that you are the author of your Life and can’t be cast as an understudy, a bit player, or uncredited crowd member in your Life.. this isn’t a dress rehearsal and no one but you can insure that your life is the one that you are meant to live..
I swear you are so intuitively guided!
it’s Thursday and my ex stopped sharing his location with me :/ i didn’t expect it and now i gotta deal w all my feelings about it ugh
Haven’t even listened to this yet but omg your outfit!!!
I loveeee the Kate example. You’re so grounded and great at explaining themes (Virgo moon duhhh) thanks so much for your work
Hello gorgeous Haley you look great as usual.I love your vibe.
I’ve had incredible conversations this week. My intuition has been fantastic
ya me and my partner did not sleep well this morning feb 21 and we fought but we didnt know what about
my dear Hayley.. channel that Virgo! Where is the Rose? it’s on the label of course.. ! This story of the juice holds sooo many metaphors for this virgo moon opposing jupiter natally .
and yes, fruit out of the States is often amazing.. is it the lack of commercial tapering? the angle of the sun, quality of the soil, our mind-set ?
Your blah blah blah ( I’ve moved islands guys ) which I LOVE
reminds me of how I appear to many others .. folks who often accuse me of dissecting life and over analyzing instead of experiencing it — as you make clear and I do as well, Nothing could be further from the truth.. this way of being is HOW we experience life, process our experience and communicate this to others ..
This is the vibe of strong mercury bringing form and articulation to that Piscean opposition of diffuse and often effable ( mercury in detriment lol ) swimming in the waters .. in the void
and that story of the disillusionment of a regained friendship.. I sooo feel that.. that strong empathy and generosity toward service to others being inseparable from that North Star intuition that Tells you.. as clear as reading the label —
what you Know is what You Know and you can’t Unsee what you have Seen..
Givers must have limits because takers have none..
Discernment with a certainty that balance and harmony requires reciprocity.. these analysis isn’t transactional.. it’s not that polarized.. it’s bittersweet and we will look hard to find that evidence of reciprocal investment in mutual wellbeing ( remember Virgo was originally the signs of the Scales ) but if it comes up short, we can’t shy away from that conclusion, we can’t bury our head in the sand .. the Truth demands we look clearly and radically accept what we are seeing ( Saturn is here in Pisces as well )
Even in your friendship recitation as in Life in general : we can accept " Kate’s " desperation and heavy handed manipulation, unless your past experiences involved many other past incidents where that same imbalance was employed, to your detriment.
You must be the Protector to your own kindness, your own sweetness, particularly since Virgo moons ( and no doubt other givers ) are often stereotyped as being too critical too hard on others ..
and their sweetness, their kindness, ( Virgo is the servant for God sakes ! ) is not acknowledged..
thanks Haley for letting me riff off this beautiful meditation on the energies of this Virgo full moon 2024.
Love this video Haley & completely resonates with so many scenarios in my life at the moment! Thanks so much
Damn u are the sweetest person it’s refreshing. Also Happy Birthday and safe travels. I’m going threw the most awful time of my life. My dad is my best friend my roommate just my favorite person in the world. When I was younger I struggled with a horrible addiction and went threw hell and back and that lifestyle is so unpredictable and dark so I went threw a lot of tramatic events I have PTSD agoraphobia, I don’t spend time with anyone or go out unless I have to. My dad got sick early Dec. He went to the doctor who is so cold and nasty he begged her to do a blood test which she refused said it was a sinus infection. 2 weeks later still sick again no blood they refused gave him more antibiotics. Eventually I took him to the ER because he was so off. Turns out he had a bad infection in his heart. They realized he had to have intensive surgery and eventually transferred him to a well known hospital. He had open heart surgery 3 different procedures and they called me afterwards and said it went great…about 10 hours later he’s recovering in the IVU had a grand Mal seizure and a "massive stroke" H3 was paralyzed on a respirator and they just kept saying we are so sorry but it’s not looking good. I started going through the grieving process immediately and losing my dad is my greatest fear especially like that. It’s just the two of us. He’s extremely tough and is fighting with everything he has because I know it’s not his time not yet. There were little tiny improvements happening he would move a hand or something small like that. 8 days later he woke up!!! Still on the respirator 1 side even his face was dropping. 4 days later they took the ventilator out and he eas breathing he could move but not much. This surgeries were supossed to prevent all this. Two days later he was talking and stood up with assistance. Then when I visited he started saying very chilling things. He said this group of people were trying to kill him but he talked them out of it. He said he found a guy they killed chopped up in a suitcase disturbing things. He’s still in the hospital they just let him switch out of the ICU!! Sometimes he makes perfect sense then he sounds almost like a child. His behavior is quite bizzare but he needs to get stronger and then eventually he will have to go to a rehabilitation center. Im afraid I’m never going to get him back my best friend whose so brilliant and I’m all alone in this big house and I’m acting like Im the parent now. It’s so hard and Im terrified but also incredibly grateful. The doctor’s have no medical or scientific evidence of what really happened and they never thought he would live. He walked yesterday with help and still tiny improvements every day. Im not sleeping or eating I’ve been sober for multiple years but my brain is trying to tempt me to escape for a little bit. Also I treat everyone with kindness and respect but nothing gets done to help him acting that way so I have to get very assertive. He still says he doesn’t know if he will make it and he won’t be back home till mid May if he’s lucky. It’s just so hard and he is the best person I’ve ever met and loves his life!! I’m just incredible sad and lost, worried angry, shocked depressed, worried, also so grateful he’s alive. I’m a Sep 5th Virgo from New Jersey and I’m terrified and so scared and have a million thoughts. I can’t believe this is real. He sounds almost child like at times. I just don’t know what to do. Also since I can’t sleep i reseach everything about what they say his condition is but one person says one thing another something totally different. I did find out if they did the CBC Blood work the head doctor refused they would have seen his white blood cell count was way to high in the cardiovascular area and rhis could have all been prevented. I’m going to consult our attorney and see if I could have a Malpractice case. I asked a doctor I’m friends with and he thought so. Anyway uf anyone has any words of wisdom or thoughts, ways to start sleeping and eating again, or uf you could say a prayer I would greatly appreciate it. Sorry for the rant but I’m a mess and really struggling really badly. Blessings to all