Transits in Astrology: An Introduction to Timing & Prediction

Transits in Astrology: An Introduction to Timing & Prediction

An introduction to transits in astrology, which is one of the primary timing techniques that astrologers use to make predictions, with astrologers Chris Brennan and Leisa Schaim.

Transits relate where the planets are at in the sky now to where they are located in the birth chart, and can be used to study how individuals experience the quality of different phases in their life.

The premise is that transits time the activation of natal configurations and potentials in the birth chart at certain key times in a person’s life.

Transits are one of the most popular techniques in astrology for predicting the future, although they can also be used to study events in the past and present.

During the course of the episode we give a detailed overview of the concept of transits, talk about how they work in practice, and then later reflect on some of the philosophical ramifications of the technique.

This is episode 365 of The Astrology Podcast:

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00:00:00 What are transits?
00:21:24 Studying the past, present, and future
00:53:54 How to calculate transits
01:03:44 Visualizing transits
01:17:04 Sign-based vs. degree-based transits
01:34:37 Length of transits
01:46:12 Degree-based transits and orbs
01:51:42 Different types of transits
02:12:44 Resources for interpreting transits
02:31:35 Other episodes on transits
02:39:27 Not the only timing technique
02:46:34 Study the past to predict the future
02:51:42 What is the purpose of foreknowledge?
02:55:45 The scope and limits of predictions
03:17:39 Mundane astrology; doctrine of subsumption
03:28:23 Transits as the most compelling demonstration of astrology
03:39:12 Followup transits episode & soliciting questions
03:41:12 Wrapping up, patrons, and sponsors


  1. @wearywarlock8812 on June 6, 2024 at 6:03 pm

    I simply cannot get enough of this podcast… holy shit. I just keep drinking up all the evolutionary and Hellenistic Astrology there is!

  2. @valeriepvi3667 on June 6, 2024 at 6:03 pm

    Everything else but not solted caramel. Please, Please .!!! That flavour is everywhere in UK and America and is the most boring . Don’t make me to go to Europe just to enjoy something a bit more sofisticated …at least

  3. @brendapappas8433 on June 6, 2024 at 6:05 pm

    This is such amazing content! Love it❤

  4. @eileenrobertson7246 on June 6, 2024 at 6:07 pm

    How many times have we saved young peoples lives between 26-29 by saying oh you’re having your Saturn return then always they get off the ledge and want to hear more – that’s the gift of astrology- it helps people understand their feelings

  5. @TheoPhilus119 on June 6, 2024 at 6:08 pm

    Im so excited to heard about these "astrology boards" used by ancient astrologers, because thats exactly what Ive been doing! I’ve made mine out of poster board so far but I have a stone for each planet and many asteroids.

  6. @TheNurseArtist on June 6, 2024 at 6:08 pm

    quite literally one of the most valuable learning tools I have come across in my path at this point of journey. Thank you, thank you Both. Also, love your channel.

  7. @atarynspace3590 on June 6, 2024 at 6:08 pm

    Hi sorry its unrelated to this episode but been bothering me and can’t find the answers anywhere. What effect does it have that all Libras have their sun in Detriment and all Leos in its Domicile. Its it like being born poor or rich situation? Also because Mercury is always so close to the sun, is everyone other that Cazimi Mercurys Diluted by Combust and In the Rays or is it ignored because its always so close. Sorry again!

  8. @girlnexxxtdoor7 on June 6, 2024 at 6:12 pm

    Thank you Chris! Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom of both you and your guests. I love learning astrology

  9. @michellehowell7544 on June 6, 2024 at 6:12 pm

    Yes PLEASE part deux!!! this was amazing you two are great together so knowledgable and clear.. I’ll be following you all the way down the endless wormhole!! XO

  10. @iseemyselfinthesparrow1312 on June 6, 2024 at 6:14 pm

    At 3:11:32 when y’all are extended the metaphor about astrology being a road map, my brain extended it further to, if your driving you can’t spend the whole time looking at the map or your kinda screwed and you’ll miss the road. Perhaps not as dangerous with astrology, but I think the metaphor does lend itself to showing us that you might miss the actual experience on some level if you’re too focused on your life’s map

  11. @deedeesigvertsen9157 on June 6, 2024 at 6:14 pm

    Chris how do you fit all your knowledge inside your mind without going crazy? Sometimes I have to just sit back for awhile and absorb there’s so much to learn it gets over loaded I have to find it’s place in the closet with the rest. I’m a Virgo I guess it’s expected lol.

  12. @barbarabee2391 on June 6, 2024 at 6:15 pm

    Chris, I immediately Googled to see who Britney Spears’ husband was after you mentioned that she got meant she got married during her Jupiter 7th house transit. I thought, "Jupiter rules her 9th and 12th houses. Did she marry a foreigner?" I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was correct. He’s Iranian.

  13. @misslinalolita on June 6, 2024 at 6:15 pm

    Hi guys! im pretty new to astrology and this has been a great episode to listen to. Have you got any tips to differentiate between how you would interpret a natal-to-transiting planet vs transiting-transiting planet vs natal-natal planet aspect?

  14. @stacysmith7387 on June 6, 2024 at 6:17 pm

    Does it change if you move to a different location! Do you have to change the location then?

  15. @CruzVerdoza on June 6, 2024 at 6:20 pm

    Imagine the speed of planets having to due with the way the planets shaped. Or the way the planets shaped affects the speed they can affect us. Or

  16. @mateus4456 on June 6, 2024 at 6:21 pm

    You two together are simple the best conjuction.

  17. @barbarabee2391 on June 6, 2024 at 6:21 pm

    Also, Chris I was thinking about your transits. Our charts are set up with the same angles. I’m surprised that you haven’t moved or felt compelled to relocate or move during this Uranus and North node transit.
    Also, I would not be surprised if you stop doing this podcast as the south node is transiting your 10th. But we’re fixed, so if that’s your souls path then change will likely be due to some external force.

  18. @Enj_BZ on June 6, 2024 at 6:23 pm

    Definitely signing up! Listening to this 6mo after video release so hope it’s still valid!! See u on patreon!

  19. @kongmyles978 on June 6, 2024 at 6:23 pm

    Chris has a lot of planets in Scorpio….no wonder he says take a deep dive…he loves to deep dive

  20. @stacysmith7387 on June 6, 2024 at 6:23 pm

    Wow. Thank you both so much for this video. It’s just opened up a colossally hive understanding in my brain. Life altering actually.

  21. @faithjvs8320 on June 6, 2024 at 6:23 pm

    For Part 2 of Transits:
    Why do hard aspects between transiting and natal planets sometimes bring fortunate “personal astrological weather,” for lack of a better term, but often bring unfortunate prevailing weather? Is it the difference between day and night charts? Or does it have something to do with the specific planets making the aspect? Or is there some other factor involved?

  22. @jekalambert9412 on June 6, 2024 at 6:24 pm

    I knew that you two would do a deep dive. I learned so much from this video. Huge thanks for all of your insights.

  23. @deedeesigvertsen9157 on June 6, 2024 at 6:25 pm

    The more I know I wonder how much is not fate that is anything that is important in our lives it’s seems it’s the path we choose after that then leads to more fate. That’s how I knew astrology was real by placement of degrees in a natal chart how each degree in a sign and house had proven signatures the ones i looked up for myself were dead on I was hooked and it’s been so much more written in my chart everything it’s crazy but it’s helped thought the most difficult times also. Timing is hard I only know gambling Timing for win times so this helps alot for life events!

  24. @michaelwatts207 on June 6, 2024 at 6:26 pm

    Thanks, guys.

  25. @jeanmitchell5834 on June 6, 2024 at 6:34 pm

    What do you do if you dont know exact time of birth…….need to find someone to rectify the time….not easy

  26. @martinlivesley1069 on June 6, 2024 at 6:35 pm

    Chris I bought an Ephemeris several years ago when I first started getting serious about astrology but have rarely used it..I find astrogold on iOS is quicker and easier

  27. @enicehaasmr2459 on June 6, 2024 at 6:39 pm


  28. @MermaidDreamsAstrology on June 6, 2024 at 6:43 pm

    Other than patron subscription, do you have any other ways we can donate?

  29. @andrearonnberg6254 on June 6, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    I definitely agree with all you touched upon, especially the question about degree versus sign based transit. In my personal experience as soon as the planet touches the 0 degrees of a sign where there is a certain planet is placed in the sign, the conjunction is already in place for the transiting planet although the degree of the natal planet is a bit afar from the transiting planet and things states to intensify as the transiting planet gets close to the natal planet position. Especially so in regards to planetary returns, such as Saturn Return. From my personal experience the Saturn Return starts as soon as Saturn hits the 0 degree of the sign of Saturn’s natal position until Saturn leaves that sign, while the most intense part of the transit will happen as Saturn transits the degree of its natal position. When looking at charts, I always consider both, the whole sign house system as well as the Placidus system in regards to the degree of house cusps. This is even always important. But even more so when dealing with interceptions.

  30. @SevenPsalm on June 6, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    Does juputer moving into the 7th house indicate marriage potential?

  31. @Grace-lw4hd on June 6, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    Just joined Patreon to support your work- you provide amazing content! Thank you so much for all your hard work- I’m excited to listen to the Auspicious Elections episodes!

  32. @emilygerow5034 on June 6, 2024 at 6:49 pm

    Thanks for this. But I don’t agree about this “natal promise.” There are lessons, struggles, but no promises based off a chart. We have choices and using astrology can help. But I don’t agree there is predestination.

  33. @alisonarthurson2316 on June 6, 2024 at 6:51 pm

    Thank you Chris and Leisa, this was so helpful and informative for my studies

  34. @LanaK83 on June 6, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    Always grateful for both of you.
    May I please ask a question? I been doing research on this but come up w conflicting answers. I was born with many retro planets in my chart. Juputer, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Node and Pallas A to be exact. How do I read these planets in connection to my transits? Lots of them are also in the last degree of the sign. Any. Input would be appreciated. Thank you.

  35. @beginnersguide4556 on June 6, 2024 at 6:54 pm

    I just got here. I don’t quite know why i’m here but i’ll go with it. I’m not normaly a positive person so i’ll take the all and run. Maybe there is something about history repeting it self? I am not a fast learner!

  36. @tandy139 on June 6, 2024 at 6:55 pm

    Thanks for a great podcast on the fascinating subject of astrological transits. A minor nitpick about the broadcast; your “uh-hmms” after everything the presenter says sound very dismissive. You should probably try to minimise the use of these as they become punctuation points that seemingly undermine what has just been said.

  37. @malcolmmacqueen2340 on June 6, 2024 at 6:56 pm

    very relevant to the Queen ~transit of Saturn over natal Mars in Aquarius 2nd, in night chart, died when Moon joined. Mars also transiting her 6th Gemini

  38. @sheynaberger9947 on June 6, 2024 at 6:58 pm

    Such amazing content and for free! Thank you so so much! Your channel is the best❤

  39. @whatsboredom9133 on June 6, 2024 at 6:58 pm

    i have a similar chart like britney spears’ and i have no interest in marrying. i do get along with aries, however. well, my dad AND my half brother are both born 3/25. i can vibe so easy with Aries. lol they’re hilarious. I used to date a lot of scorpios…my jupiter is in scorpio…but relationships were different with them lol WAYYY different lolol
    I will say one thing about referencing "unexpected changes"…we are predicting these changes so they aren’t unexpected to some. when you talk about the economy, i suggest using the tropical astrology that the elites at the WEF use. I could have told you about the 2023 "unexpected" lethal failure of the Bidenomic economy FIVE years ago, just by judging who won in 2020. Also, the book End of Days predicted 2020 lung infection so there was that head’s up, too. See, the grand conjunctions are the elites favorite. If you were around in 2000 and knew Y2k media fear, you might recall what the elites use them for.

  40. @TheNurseArtist on June 6, 2024 at 6:58 pm

    hahaha! Pretty sure we cant get rid of it. Your eyes! that laughter. YES.