Timeless Oracle Messages – Boji Stone: Video #2

Timeless Oracle Messages – Boji Stone: Video #2

**Please forgive the terrible video quality 🙏… after I recorded the video I realized I was “singing” in the background (I was listening to music) … because I didn’t want to cringe when I was editing and risk deleting the videos in embarrassment – yep, I absolutely would have! – I only watched the first few seconds of each…. If you can get past the blurriness, the readings themselves were great! ❤

#Charms #CharmReading #CharmReadings #TarotCard #Lenormand #Scrying #Crystals #CrystalScrying #SetYourIntentionsNewMoonReading #WhatDidICreateFullMoonReading #BullshitBlessings #AstrologyReading #astrologyReadings #Astrology #NewMoon #FullMoon #Astrologer #AstrologyCharts #AstrologyTransits #Horoscopes #Astrologers #NewMoon #MoonSign #Moon #Tarot #TarotReading #TarotReadings #TarotCards #TarotReader #TarotReaders #Oracle #OracleReading #OracleReadings #OracleReader #OracleCards #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces

*These readings are meant to be timeless and general in nature. If it resonates it is meant for you, if it does not, it is not yours. Even if you chose it because you were drawn to the pile. I cannot stress enough that not every reading is yours, so please do not try to make the details fit if they don’t resonate with your life. That will do more damage than good and is NOT my intention at all. Please share, like, comment, and subscribe, it helps others see my posts. Let’s set a goal of 1 this week!!

I will periodically be offering free personal mini-readings to members of this channel (as soon as I learn how to access that feature). You will need to follow my business page Missy’s Essential Tarot on Facebook to receive those notifications and participate.

**If you are interested in astrology, know how to read your birth chart, and are learning to find and interpret the transits, then you will want to check out my other channel:
Kiss My Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRoGgWObgpYxqJwKMRQWk0A
I post bi-weekly Lunar Forecasts which include demonstrations of client transit readings for my fellow astro-nerds. Be sure to subscribe to that channel for those updates.

Want to book a reading with me? You can find me here:

and here: