Tigers Eye Crystal Meaning • Overcome Obstacles
Tigers Eye Crystal Meaning • Overcome Obstacles
Today’s video is all about the beautiful Tigers Eye crystal meaning! Tigers Eye is a stone I gravitate towards when things are feeling a little all over the place for me. With Tigers Eye the energy is strong and promotes the feeling that any obstacle can be overcome, and that is why I love working with it so much. In this video I will also be going over the properties of Red Tigers Eye & Blue Tigers Eye (Multicolored Tigers Eye) AND a talk about a Tigers Eye crystal grid I made for the month of November. This is a fun informative video really diving deep on Tigers Eye crystal meaning and how you can utilize all the varieties to overcome obstacles in your life. I hope you enjoy this one!
❤︎ If you feel called to, follow me on Insta @Keekee92 ❤︎
#TigersEye #TigersEyeCrystalMeaning #TigersEyeCrystal
Thank you
I bought a beaded tiger eye face mask on my belly. It helps me see things clearly without illusion. Maybe it is the grounding effect.
ok but ur eyeliner is on point
Sister why some people feel negative effects and others feel and experince postive effects in same crystal
Ex – Tigers eye – postive ->grounded
Negative -> different stress issues
Good video sis
just got one & it’s pretty : )
but i recently found out there r some signs that shouldn’t wear tiger’s eye
i wanna ask ur opinion about this
ur blessed. keep up the chakras
I like how your dress matches with the Crystal
I had a custom made bracelet made of red,yellow & blue tigers eye. Amazing results.
Thank you! Great video! I didn’t know about the different types of Tiger’s Eye. Very interesting!
With a tigers are all your senses are sharper, you are more aware for what is coming. You are ready for what it coming, you wil know what to do , attack or return. You wil be King , be ware to stay humble , tigers eye me bring you at the point you look down at others. Keep that in mind.
With tiger eye you feel yourself the strongest in the room. Let the stone not overwhelm you.
I would pair it with labradorite to make a stronger in manifesting and even higher protection.
i had kept tiger eye with me in 2012, it overwhelmed me with a lot of negative energies, made me resign my job and put me unemployed for 8 months am scared to keep that
I started meditation with tigers eye and blue apatite. I had no idea about the gold dust until now but that is exactly what I saw!!! That gold crackle over the deep color of the apatite. Wow!
Tigers eye is a stone I gravitate towards when putting my healing stones in my pocket. Makes me feel grounded and less anxious as well. Very interesting video
What’s your favorite thing about Tigers Eye?! Would love to hear any experiences you have had this Tigers Eye too! <3
Eye of the Tiger
Love love tigers eye crystal!!!
Yes that song is one of my favourite. Can listen continuously.
I have a very light blue type of cat’s eye/tiger’s eye too.
I have been very moody lately, what with Aunt Flow in town… i grabbed my moon shaped tiger’s eye necklace out of intuition. Seems i was on the right path. Wow!!!
Is it ok to wear your yellow and red tiger eyes around your neck for a bracelet?
Can we pair a clear quartz bracelet with tiger eye bracelet?
Hello I am new to crystals and your channel. Thank you for explaining them so clearly. I have watched a lot of other You tubers and I seem to gravitate back to you!!
Which crystal match best with tiger eye????? carnelian or any ither
I have a lot of Tigers Eye jewelry. I haven’t experienced anything yet while wearing it, I may try to wear it for a whole week to see if there’s a difference. Thanks for the information! You have beautiful crystals!
Just to let you know for your safety (Tigers eye is made up of crocidolite and quartz. The word asbestos often causes panic but the danger from this mineral comes from inhaling its dust or microscopic fibers) so don’t inhale this rock or touch it. Also can you pin me?
At what time should we wear this bracelet?
& in which hand should i wear it?
Any precautions?
Hi, I have a Blue Tiger’s eye bracelet and Tiger’s eye bracelet, can I combine this two bracelet in right hand?