The Ultimate Sacral Chakra Healing 🧡 Consciousness Rising 🧡 Master Healer Sri Avinash
The Ultimate Sacral Chakra Healing 🧡 Consciousness Rising 🧡 Master Healer Sri Avinash
Feel your consciousness rising like a beautiful sunrise as Master Sri Avinash cleanses all the darkness and fear energies out of the sacral chakra, the seat of the subconscious.
All the seeds of our negative tendencies are stored in the root chakra, however, it is here in the sacral chakra that they sprout as our experience in the form of negative tendencies that cause pain and trouble in our lives.
In this healing transmission, Master Sri Avinash uses powerful divine energies to raise us up out of the darkness of the subconscious mind to the pure light of consciousness, so that we can continue our spiritual growth onwards and upwards with a sense of groundedness, stability and harmony within oneself and with the world around us.
This video is part of a Healing Video series created by Master Sri Avinash. Through these videos, it is now possible for everybody around the globe to receive life-changing healing in the comfort of your own home or indeed anywhere, at any time.
The more often you watch these videos, the more benefit you will experience. Since the nature of healing is cumulative, for maximum benefits, watch these videos as much as possible.
It is most beneficial to watch and focus wholeheartedly on receiving the healing. When circumstances make it not possible to do that, it is still greatly beneficial to play these videos in the background while you engage in other activities.
We hope you and your family and friends benefit immensely from these healing videos 🙏
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Master Sri Avinash is a spiritual teacher. His Mission is to raise the consciousness of our planet and awaken inner peace and love for every being.
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#SriAvinash #MasterHealer #ConsciousnessRising #SacralChakraHealing #EnergyHealing
Great master
Thank you❤
Thank you
Thank you so much
Love it! I listen to your healing everyday!! ❤️❤️❤️
Can we lie down during healing session?
Thanks so much Sri Avinash ❤️ It is beautiful and I love the water sounds too ❤️ Like all of these videos, I will listen to it many more times ❤️ Thank you for making self-healing so easy for us ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I need help. I’ve went to everyone I can think of. I am consecrated western bishop of tantric gnosticism and Mahayena buddhist. I am consecrated by Dali Lama in 2007 at peace talks in Atlanta Georgia and have done all 51 peethas and kept empowerments. I got raped and held hostage at an event and by other people pretending to be medical healers and staff at events I was doing ceremony at. The police did nothing then people came after mh family and harmed them and it went national we ended up going on vacation and got caught in the fires. My arm was broken in a hotel by residents. I can’t get medical cars here. They tell me I’m making up stuff when I go into Maha devi Cause I’m also pregant and there’s people in this town that I don’t know that have tried to sexyally assault me and abduct me and fbi, police and sherrif do nothing. Your healing have been getting me hough. I was raped so bad I died and godesss kamala varjayogini granted me life back here and I became her. Help me they’re nuts here in this town. Please
I had a stresfull and dificult period with my friends helping stray cats and dogs and I desperately put these healing videos on pc and phone. It is working! People are nicer, cats enter easily in treaps, and all is going well. Infinite love and gratitude, Master, for your work which is so hard but so efective!
Thank you! I truly felt it in my sacral chakra area as if lit completely heated up as well with sighs and deep breaths.
I would appreciate if you could provide provide feedback on the below qs:
1. Number of chakras are debated. I’ve done it effective Samadhi meditations (slept like a baby) and my teacher included an 8th chakra above the head. Others talk about 12 and others even many more. Could you pls share your thoughts?
2. Can your healing videos have effect on people (my elderly family members) who neither understand English nor believe in spirituality/divinity/transmitted healing?
can you do one for solar plexus chakra , please?
I totally appriciate this so much ❤️ I sincerely hope to join you ❤️
Beautiful energy..thank you so much ❤️
Can i listen and watch this during pregnancy time? Please reply
Love this video. I use it a lot and has helped clear me. Txs so much
Beautiful! Thank you so much!
Thanks for the great sessions Masterji. I am male 51 year old and have burning sensation in my urination area. Which chakra session you advise me.
Thank you for this beautiful transmission. Such pure divine love. Blessings.
Thank you for shifting me ❤