The Throat Chakra – Governs Ear, Nose, Eyes and Throat
The Throat Chakra – Governs Ear, Nose, Eyes and Throat
Body chakras define the inner and outer health of your body and mind.
The Throat Chakra lies at the base of the throat. It opens down and to the front and provides energy to the thyroid gland. It governs hunger and thirst, ear, nose, eyes and throat. The bronchial passage and the lungs, oesophagus, vocal cords and speech.
ENERGY of the Chakra
When energy flows freely through the throat chakra one will be open to new experiences. Such individuals will be able to express themselves and stand up for their beliefs.
– Aquamarine
– Chalcedony
– Celestine
– Moonstone
– Opal
– Pearl
– Turquoise
– Blue Topaz.
COLOUR for the Chakra
Blue, The vibratory effect of the color Blue is Cooling and innocence.
God bless!
Dolly Manghat