The dangers of hypnosis and hypnotherapy | Human Givens
The dangers of hypnosis and hypnotherapy | Human Givens
A short extract from a talk by Ivan Tyrrell, Director of the Human Givens College, in which he explores some common misconceptions and dangers of modern hypnotherapy. Please note, this video was recorded over 20 years ago.
You might also be interested in Ivan’s online webinar – The uses and abuses of hypnosis:
During this video, Ivan explains why great efforts to learn about the importance of the REM state should be undertaken before attempting to use trance states in therapy.
Hypnosis is the word we use to describe any technique which artificially gains access to the REM state the most fundamental process in any human being. Like an internal theatre the REM state is that in which our instincts are programmed, our unfulfilled emotional expectations are acted out metaphorically (in dreams) and through which new knowledge enters us via mystical experiences.
When therapists use guided imagery and trance states in their work they should do so with the lightest touch possible, as accessing the REM state in this way without sufficient knowledge and awareness of its power can damage the patient.
For more on why we dream and the expectation fulfilment theory of dreaming see:
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#humangivensapproach #hypnosis #hypnotherapy
what a crap video
Danger is a necessary risk for good extreme hypno.
Shall we do away with all good things that can be misused?
Very disappointing video. Lots of errors. Human Givens uses a lot ideas from Milton Erickson (one of the greatest hypnotherapists) and uses Guided Imagery in most sessions, which is full of hypnosis techniques. Misleading. Huge amounts of peer reviewed research shows how well hypnosis can work. The presenter just has a gripe with his son, who is a famous hypnotherapist and hypnotherapy trainer.
People use hypnosis in order to abuse children.
You can literally discover your past life through hypnosis
ive never experienced any false memories of anything and ive used hypnosis for six years
What if you were hypnotized into thinking Ute Yube isn’t just a waste of time and filled with 99% clickbait videos with no real substance. You might be here against your will. Spooky?
Hypnosis is natural.
If you have a pulse & a CNS (Centeral Nervous System)
Hypnosis is natural because it isnt JUST occuring in the REM state.
It is how we learn. It is how we are all programmed to make a spontaneous purchase(s).
The handheld devices keeping us all in a light trance have us hypnotized.
Hypnosis has many names, including imagination.
Which is what we all had when we were younger & playing with sticks that would magically be a gun.
Until we were called a couple of times inside the house. Which was us having to snap out of our natural trance/hypnosis state.
hypnosis not sleep at all,even tutor confirmed it.when you sleep you relaxed,however as he confirmed hypnosis is not relaxed state.Contradiction and also my experiments showed everything to me.
This would be more convincing if the presenter showed studies or data instead of just making claims. It’s literally his word against the claims of those he’s trying to debunk. Why should we believe your claims over theirs?
Where is the evidence? this guy didn’t cite one study. On the flip side, there are literally thousands of studies regarding the efficacy and positive benefits of therapeutic and medical hypnosis. Anything can cause harm, if that is your intention, or if you’re not properly trained. For the average person, taking someone down into a relaxed state of deep inner focus and telling them good things about themselves is not dangerous. The worst that will happen is that they’ll "manipulate" you (I say this with tongue in cheek humor) into having more confidence, higher self esteem, being more resourceful, and feeling better about yourself overall, as opposed to you "manipulating" yourself to do the opposite.
When someone tells you that there’s massive amount of evidence against something without giving you any, don’t listen..
Lots of people have remedied lots of complex issues with hypnotherapy so I respect both have opinions but some have amazing success. If people are stopping smoking then that’s fabulous. I’ve seen pain free dental work done so I can’t deny it has its positive place. Works for some not all.
It is so dangerous in the hands of corrupt Doctors and Such. There is a situation that occured in the Midwest and still is of Nocturnal Abuse by Doctors and Nurses. They have done HORRIFIC things to this girl. From Sexual Experiments, to ECT, to hypnosis and tube feeding her excessive ETOH and telling her to drive…it is scary stuff. Or getting her to sign documents in the middle of the night that she does not even recall….a bad Cult
It’s easy to cast negatives on to something when it suits our agenda to do so. Some of what you say is pure fantasy and I guess that’s why you provide no evidence for your claims on those points.
Most often the problems you point out are not problems with hypnosis itself but of the people carrying out the hypnosis.
The big question though is this… if hypnosis and or hypnotherapy is so problematic, why is it at the core of Human Givens? Why do HG practitioners use hypnosis?
Hypnosis is like the force from star wars. Its not good or evil it just is.
Iată 5 mituri frecvente despre hipnoză, demontate, urmate de promovarea hipnoterapiei ca formă de relaxare:
Mit #1: Vei face lucruri împotriva voinței tale sub hipnoză.
Realitate: Hipnoza nu poate forța pe cineva să facă ceva împotriva valorilor sau convingerilor lor profunde. Rămâi întotdeauna conștient și în control.
Mit #2: Vei dezvălui secrete personale sub hipnoză.
Realitate: Hipnoza nu te face să spui lucruri pe care nu vrei să le dezvălui conștient. Integritatea ta este respectată.
Mit #3: Vei rămâne blocat în starea de hipnoză.
Realitate: Este imposibil să rămâi "blocat" în hipnoză. Vei ieși din acea stare relaxată la comanda terapeutului sau în mod natural.
Mit #4: Hipnoza este un somn profund.
Realitate: Hipnoza implică o stare de concentrare intensă și conștientă, nu un somn adânc. Ești receptiv, dar conștient.
Mit #5: După hipnoză, vei uita tot ce s-a întâmplat.
Realitate: De obicei îți vei aminti tot ce s-a petrecut în timpul ședinței de hipnoză, cu excepția cazului în care ți se sugerează altfel.
Hipnoterapia este o metodă sigură și naturală de relaxare profundă a minții și corpului. Prin inducerea unei stări hipnotice ușoare, poți reduce stresul, anxietatea, durerile cronice și chiar obiceiurile nesănătoase. Este o cale excelentă de a accesa puterea subconștientului pentru vindecare, schimbare pozitivă și îmbunătățirea calității vieții. Oferă-ți un moment de liniște interioară prin hipnoterapie!
I’m going to watch a video about the dangers of drinking water and breathing air now
Tamper Not With Hypnotism — Men and women are not to study the science of how to take captive the minds of those who associate with them. This is the science that Satan teaches. We are to resist everything of the kind. We are not to tamper with mesmerism and hypnotism—the science of the one who lost his first estate and was cast out of the heavenly courts.—Manuscript 86, 1905. (Medical Ministry, 110, 111).
I tried hypnotherapy and it made me worse tbh
So what happens if I talk to someone who’s asleep in REM sleep?
Just because there are people listening to him, doesn’t mean what he is saying is correct.
Read David Spiegel’s, M.D. research at Stanford.
Wow, some serious misinformation here. Some stuff is simply wrong, like the REM nonsense, some of it is deliberate misinformation, like the statement about false memories. False memories don’t spontaneously arise, the would have to be planted. And it’s more common for false memories to be planted by well meaning family members or therapists, and it doesn’t require a trance state, either.
If you go to a hypnotist, he is going to do what you pay him to do, which is try to help you. That’s what you’re paying him for.
We are left with two WHYs: Why do you or these people think evil hypnotists are out to get you, and why are you making these misleading statements?
I have to disagree with much of what he says. As a hypnotherapist with nearly 16 years of experience, I’ve witnessed countless healing miracles in my clients’ lives, with very few significant side effects. It’s unfair to dismiss such a powerful, non-chemical treatment by focusing on and exaggerating potential side effects, which are rarely a genuine concern.
Wait wait wait wait wait. Cuz i literally just saw a guy kidnap a girl from seemignly just talking to her. The fact that this guy knew there could be dangers…..goes to show how smart he is
What is this talk even about? Really? I Mean, withing what context is this?
Everyday we go in and out of Self-Induced Hypnosis Automatically. From the time we wake up to the time we Fall Asleep at night. It’s a natural state our brains fluctuate through. Not to mention the external sources that penetrate and hijack our inner terrain. Our thoughts, our own inner voice. Much has already been embedded and embedded itself into our psyche from the time we were born.
So yes, hypnosis is dangerous. We are already a product of it.
And those who are prone to hypnosis are those who are prone to neuroticism and hysteria!!! A well centered person doesnt allow someone else take charge unless its their spouse or children. Possibly the chief
I went to a psycotherapist for 6 years- started ike a wonder- in the ned the state og mind he put me in have really desturbed me – he did it because he knew I would complain aganinst hi. He brought me back to the beginning state wh I almost lovd him. Two weeks later I collapsed- only way to explane is that it wa slike stikking thinn nedles into my head- just laying on the floor – clips came backand now I know reality came back and I dont know have I survived. I did this – and he knew what he was doing.
Read Read the the book "Many lives many masters" Dr Brian Weiss. Gives plenty of evidence that cannot be denied.
As a certified hypnotherapist Sir you are really misleading
I am a certified hypnotherapist and this is simply a bunch of lies.
All medicine can and has been abused. Medications alter the mental state and can harm or cure. I don’t see the point of this talk except to isolate and disparage one specialized branch. Seems like sniping.
The danger is humans. Anyone can behave in the most terrible ways due to the context (social pressures, ideologies, opinions, leadership…). Just look at History – wars, genocide, politics, religions, fanaticism, etc.
I’ve been hypnotized to quit smoking. It worked. I haven’t smoked a cigarette in 33 years. I suppose this guy thinks it’s a bad thing. While hypnotized, I was aware of everything. If I had been told to embarrass myself or do something I wouldn’t ordinarily do, I would have known it and would have refused.
Hypnosis is not a magic cure all and can be misused. But hypnosis in and of itself is not a bad thing. After all, if it helps someone with something like smoking, is that not a good thing?
I think this is actually about sibling rivalry. Ivan’s Brother, Mark, is the founder of an enormously successful hypnosis business that sell hundreds of self-hypnosis recordings. None of them are particularly effective, but neither could they do anyone harm. Ivan seems to have an axe to grind about the alleged dangers of hypnosis. He certainly has no claim to objectivity. The biggest danger of hypnosis is wasting money on hypnotists who are poorly trained and don’t really understand what they are doing. You can be “certified” to practice hypnotherapy for a few hundred dollars, without having ever hypnotized anybody. Buyer Beware.
His voice is very calming
Lol I guess I can’t get hypnotized cause I have autism
Hypnosis is so dangerous its like sending a message to the brain to stop thinking which is extremely unfamiliar with our daily activities.
Mk ultra :v
COVID catch him cops
i think this aged and will age well. too many seem to think of the brain as beyond physical as if you can grab old memories out of thin air, when your brain is directly responsible for whether or not you’ll be able to remember something, and at what level of accuracy you’ll be able to do so.
Do we need a high degree of visualization skills to learn hypnotism
Listen up people! This is just informative video.
Hypnosis is just a fast route into REM state. What is our REM state for? Anyone who hypnotizes you can make you forget their commands! Have anyone seen derren browns: making a murderer?
The question will be. Can hypnotherapy damage be undone? And how people can feel ever safe again after meeting dangerously inadequate practitioner? It’s easy and "fun" to talk about all the dangers and errors. What about the solutions.
People who listen to or have listened to this guy needs to walk up and slap the fk out of him for ripping people off and running around telling lies to people for his own selfish gain!
What he presents is completely against all the science and research that has been proven.
If someone did believe him it’s solely because they didn’t do their own research and prove him wrong…
I want it done but I don’t want it to mess me up even tho I want it to fix my anxiety… it’s really bad but I can’t do it because of that reason tho that it will mess with me
Er, what is the point of this? So people who don’t know what they’r doing shouldn’t be doing it? Okay, yes, agree. However, if you’re going to stop people going into unregulated trances, you need to stop people reading books, looking at screens, watching films, thinking about memories… and you’d better stop them staring out of the window while you’re at it!