The Dangers of Activating Vishuddhi Chakra | Sadhguru Exclusive Video
The Dangers of Activating Vishuddhi Chakra | Sadhguru Exclusive Video
While at the powerful Mato Tipila in Wyoming, United States – an ancient space of great sacredness to Native American Nations – Sadhguru answers a question on whether there are any consequences to going anti-clockwise around a powerful space.
#sadhguru #unitedstates #chakras
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नमस्कार सद गुरूजी
हमने महाशिवरात्रि पर रुद्राक्ष order किया था जो हमें अभी तक प्राप्त नही हुआ कृपा कर तरीका बताये कैसे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।MD (Divine Blessing)& Isha foundation ask me to DONATE first then only I can help you to get it.Plz do needful and make a way.
When you descend you are going clockwise, so….any thoughts on this?
I was not able to move at all. All my free will was gone. The living water shrouded me so I did not expire.
Whats the beautiful music at start ?
आदरणीय मैं श्री वीरभद्राष्टोत्तर शतनामस्तोत्रम् पाठ करने का इच्छुक हूँ,क्या आप मुझे उक्त स्तोत्र उपलब्ध करा सकते हैं?इस कृपा के लिये मैं आपका आभारी रहूँगा।सादर!
Sadguru ji your thought helped a lot to understand the different aspect of life but in one video you told the one should never wear black clothes and in this video you are wear black shade cloth
Plz Don’t use music and anytype of extra intentional sound to make the video intentioned… Extra music this.and that is just thought. Music and extra vfx Direct our mind to something else that you people the video editor thinks.. So dont try to connect our mind with your imagination. And let us just know from sadguru, observe, analys and try to.understand what he is saying.
Plz its a humble.request.
This holds true for any "shamanic" practices. People should not blindly look to be shamans for giggles. Everything has an equal counterforce. And it is no joke just how fast and quick you can find yourself in a nasty place you did not know existed. This is no reason to fear just to respect. While I am not a devotee I love Sadhguru because he talks things like this that many new age people prefer to ignore.
Tax chor अली मुल्ला
A friend of mine who is of Navajo blood has told me stories about people who have tampered with powers they shouldn’t. Scary stuff. Conversely, I have heard from hoodoo practitioners who have learned how to balance "left hand" magic with "right hand". Balance is the key. That and being just, rather than predatory.
So true. When you encounter such powerful energies, you must be stable enough to handle them.
I don’t understand this. Should l close my vishuddha or open it???
Sadhguru: Vishuddhi, or Vishuddha, essentially means filter. If your Vishuddhi is active, it filters everything. Poisons can enter you in many ways – a wrong thought, emotion, idea, energy, or impulse can poison your life. An active Vishuddhi saves you from all these influences. In other words, once your Vishuddhi is active, whatever happens around you will not have an impact on you anymore.
There should be video for process of accessing,or how to open chakara
Зачем ему такая борода, кто знает?)))))
I feel like energy spinning ( sometimes clock wise / sometimes anticlockwise) in my throat and while sleeping the speed of that chakra increases
E is Mc2 e does not equal Mc2
Dear – Whoever is reading my comment at this time, we are all unknown to each other, yet I pray to God that if there is any tension going on in your life, then it should go away and you should always be happy!
And what does it means if the throat chakra opens by itself??
Without any efforts whatsoever
*हिन्दू लोगों से एक प्रश्न*
भारीय उपखंड में सबसे ज्यादा धर्म परिवर्तन हिन्दू और फिर बौद्ध धर्म में से दूसरे धर्म में हुए है । भारत, पाकिस्तान, अफगानिस्तान, इन्डोनेशियाई, बांग्लादेश वगैरा देशों में हिन्दू और बौद्ध लोगों की आबादी ज्यादा थी । भारत को छोड़, इस देशों में अब ज्यादातर लोग मुस्लिम है । भारत, पाकिस्तान, बांग्लादेश में भी जीतने मुस्लिम है उसमें ज्यादातर हिन्दू में से मुस्लिम बन गये है, उन सब की अटक या जात देखो तो पता चलेगा की वो या उनके पूर्वज हिन्दू थे, हिन्दू की सब जात से लोग धर्म परिवर्तन कर चूके है, हिन्दू में जितनी भी जाति है वो सब मुस्लिम में भी है ।
तो सवाल यह उठता है की क्यूं ये सब लोग मुस्लिम बन गये ? हिन्दू लोग क्यूं उन्हें हिन्दू नहीं रख पाये ? हिन्दू धर्म में एसा क्या है जो लोग दूसरे धर्म में चले जाते है ? जो हिन्दू मुस्लिम बन गये है उन्हें वापस हिन्दू धर्म में क्यूं लाते नहीं है ?
कीसी भी बहमति धर्म वाले देश में लघुमति धर्म वाले भी बहमति धर्म अपना लेते है, जैसे पाकिस्तान, अफगानिस्तान, ईरान, बांग्लादेश में लधूमति धर्म ने बहुमत मुस्लिम धर्म अपना लिया, पर भारत, पाकिस्तान, बांग्लादेश में बहमति हिन्दू ने लधूमति मुस्लिम धर्म अपना लिया है, एसा क्यूं ?
क्या हिन्दू धर्म का कोई ठोस एक सिद्धांत नहीं है, संचालन नहीं है इसीलिए ? हिन्दू धर्म संगठित नहीं है इसीलिए ? हिन्दू को हिन्दू धर्म और सिद्धांत में विश्वास नहीं है इसीलिए ? हिन्दू धर्म अलग-अलग पंथो और नात जात में बिखरा हुआ है इसीलिए ? हिन्दू लोगों को कोई शिक्षण – प्रशिक्षण, ज्ञान, प्रचार – प्रसार नहीं है इसीलिए ?
*सवालों का जवाब ढूँढना जरूरी है, नहीं तो धीरे-धीरे लोग छोडते जायेंगे, खत्म हो जायेगा।*
Siddhi’s are cool.
Ab hum kya krein kush videos mein khte hain vishudhi chakra activate kro bhut faide honge aur yhan dangers b bta rhe hain baba g.
Pls make this video in Kannada tqsm much for transfer its very helpfull
“Instead of “to-do lists” we need “to-be lists”. The question isn’t what do we want to do, it’s who we want to be.” – Jay Shetty
I think this danger happens when one goes anticlockwise around a powerful space, it doesn’t happen on just activating the vishuddhi.
I didn’t see these creatures or whatever they are. However, I did go through some things (but now I’m going to say that it didn’t happen). I don’t want to scare any one but I felt like I was being choked, decapitated, throat slit, hanged and more. However, after all of this I have to say "There is a zero frequency in all frequencies for this to have happened". You have to say this after this happens because you don’t want it to return. Or, then you change it and say it DID NOT HAPPEN.
Where can I find the music in the video ?
Religions are the best business in the world…smile is the best weapons in the world….say thanks to illusion to screwing up the humanity..
Need more of this
just encountered a terrible form. dressed in Carhart
And what is that readiness means Sadguru? Do we need to do any sadhana and if there is some steps we follow what are those how to be ready or do we just stay afraid? this part we also need clarity on?
Put a sock in it you old bore.
does mysticism start after spirituality is finished ?