Taurus 2024 – 2025 Annual Astrology – Amazing Year for you!
Taurus 2024 – 2025 Annual Astrology – Amazing Year for you!
#taurus2024, #taurusastrology2024, #taurus2024-2025, #taurusannual2025, #taurusforecast2024
Hi Taurus,
Enjoy your annual Forecast for 2024!
Discover more about Bracha Goldsmith: https://yourastrologysigns.com/
Bracha Goldsmith, astrologer, artist, channeler, author, financial adviser, musician, spiritual coach, has been practicing astrology for over 45 years.
Over 7 years ago, she began channeling the Pleiadians, a group of loving, joyous beings who share meaningful and uplifting messages. She also channels paintings that are healing and soothing to the soul –
Recently released the Pleiadian Oracle Deck:
There are 52 cards in the deck each with a channeled painting and a special message:
Channeled paintings with healing and uplifting frequencies are available:
Videos, books, webinars and more:
A classically trained musician, she often plays the piano and violin to entertain her viewers and to bring a more creative expression to the astrological interpretations.
She is a qualified Financial Advisor (M.B.A., CeFA, CeMAP, Cergi,) and brings her expertise of business, money and finance into her work.
Author of several books including: The Elements, Physical and Metaphysical Astrology, Astrology Made Easy, Moon Cycles, Where is your Part of Fortune.
Order an Astrology Report – your Year Ahead, Solar Return:
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The information and forecasts contained in all Bracha Goldsmith’s podcasts or videos are not meant to take the place of a diagnosis, physician, financial advisor or professional advice. They are for educational purposes only. All use of the information presented is at your own discretion. Neither Bracha Goldsmith nor any of her associates will be held liable for any injury, damage, or loss (financial or otherwise) as a result of the information contained in all Bracha Goldsmith’s podcasts or videos.
After 37 years of nursing I’m having a complete change in career this year of fostering.
It’ll start around April/May. It feels even more right after seeing this!
My husband left the building after 25 years on January 21st 2018 too! I’m fine now after alot of soul searching & challenges
I feel this. So much. Thank you Bracha!!! I saved this to rewatch a few times.
Your readings are always very valuable to me. I listen to them multiple times just to be able to really take in what you’re saying. I really appreciate the degree of detail and professionalism.
I was born march 25 and I’m watching this video because I’m Gemini rising buts it’s very early degree and other placements in other houses tend to be aligned with a Taurus rising not Gemini cause my 4th is Leo 2nd house Gemini 3rd cancer etc idk why it shows Gemini in first but I just think I’m Taurus rising
You are amazing!.
Love your paintings
Is it as per the sunsign
Very enjoyable, her warmth and clarity are palpable…
Thank you Bracha. My body is vibrating with excitement from listening and feeling into your words. I’m nervous, I have to admit, but it feels so right….all of it. Thank you from Cape Town, South Africa
Thank you Bracha. Love hearing the cockerel in the background. Have a lovely Christmas.
Thank you so much for your time and energy. This year came with a lot of changes – loss of job, finding my purpose and getting married this May ’24. I’m curious and open to what will come and embracing these changes to move forward and upward this 2024. Thank you
lovely update. thank you!
Thank you. I am starting to embark in astrology, i feel the universe nudging me a little harder than last year. I am going to acquire an astrology poster and learn my house and chart and possible help others with astrological charts.
Is this mostly for Taurus risings?
This was wonderful Bracha. Loved this. Very much aligned with how I am and what I am hoping to develop in myself so very much appreciated all your hard work on this. Subscribed.
Thank you Bracha, I am excited to experience a new level of creativity, openness, trust in myself and prosperity in all areas. It’s a wonderful life!
I cried while listening to this reading. My mom is going through chemotherapy, and just today, I picked my dad up in a wheelchair from the intensive care unit; he can’t even walk anymore. I’m also experiencing heartbreak over someone I was dating and it didn’t work out. Yet, amidst all this, I’ve learned and continue learning so much. I wish to share it with anyone willing to listen, hoping my experiences can be of use and bring healing to others. When you mentioned that this is what a Taurus should do, it resonated deep within my heart. Thank you for this beautiful reading.
Thank you so much
Thank you
xoxo so much
Thank you Bracha. I am grateful… and very much appreciate you taking your time out to do this reading. I’ll definitely embrace it, as finally positive changes. I’m looking forward to the new, and improved me! It’s long overdue!
Meanwhile, to GOD! Be the glory! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! IN JESUS OF NAZARETH NAME, AMEN! I give you all the praise,and glory father GOD! AMEN!
Thank you for making us all these videos for the end of the year. You’re so nice and good to us.
Lovely video… I also enjoy the Cockell in the background…love it..
Thank you this all reasonated with me deeply. I am in 2024 spending time with God and myself. Deep cleansing of my soul. 10 year marriage to a passive aggressive narcissist.
That’s what they said this year but this year is terrible

You know i hardly ever pay attention to astrology but you did a great job with this video. I am currently working towards playing and writing music with my guitar and moving into the nature with big trees, crystal clear lakes and mountain fresh air. Wonderful video! Also I just became a believer in Jesus this year and i am determined to dive deeper into my spirituality.
Thank you baracha , i love your videos , please never stop , you are amazing ,straight forward and always on point . I’ve been waiting for my year to come and it never did , i can feel 2024 it’s a taurus year .
This video has given me so much confidence for this next year. I already see a bit of the road map with the air signs and the creativity happening this year for me! Absolutely love your tone and knowledge. I appreciate all the hard work that went into this video. Here’s to 2024!! Go Bulls!
So grateful to hear this knowledge which is much needed for me to continue
Just what I needed to hear…thank you so much for all your hard work Bracha, I accept with love and gratitude
get well Bracha – 2024 feels amazing
Dearest Bracha, from Australia, much love to you, and boundless gratitude for the videos and care you bestow upon us. Please, take good care of yourself.
Bracha – Thank you, your work and giftings are appreciated! I love the exclamations of Chanticleer in the background.
Thank you
Thank you Bracha so much resonates already. Much love x