Selenite Metaphysical Properties & How to Use in Crystal Healing

Selenite Metaphysical Properties & How to Use in Crystal Healing

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0:00 – Selenite Meaning and Spiritual Properties
1:11 – Properties and Powers of Selenite
2:21 – Metaphysical, Spiritual & Emotional Influence
3:00 – The Physical Connection
3:18 – The Chakras Connected to Selenite
4:00 – Astrological Star Signs Associated with Selenite
4:09 – Connections to Land and Geology
4:42 – How to Cleanse Selenite
5:07 – How to Store Selenite
5:26 – How To Use Amethyst In Crystal Healing
5:57 – 3 Companion Crystals for Selenite

Selenite Meaning and Spiritual Properties

When the world speaks of crystals that glow with an ethereal light, it would be remiss not to mention Selenite. This crystal, often termed the “Liquid Light,” radiates a translucent, pearlescent hue that mesmerizes anyone who gazes upon it. It holds an esteemed place in history as well—ancient civilizations used Selenite for spiritual rituals and even for protection against negative energies.

Traversing the path from ancient spiritual practices to contemporary interior design, Selenite’s usage has been as multifaceted as its striated surface. Named after Selene, the Greek Goddess of the Moon, this gypsum-based crystal has been extensively used in spiritual practices that span various cultures. From being a central part of Egyptian rituals that aim to connect with divine beings to its inclusion in modern Wiccan practices for aura cleansing, Selenite is a global spiritual touchstone.

Properties and Powers of Selenite

This captivating gem is primarily made of calcium sulfate dihydrate, lending it a satiny, moon-like glow that seems almost magical. When you touch it, the softness surprises you. It scores just a 2 on the Mohs scale, making it one of the softer crystals out there. Yet, don’t let this softness fool you; its metaphysical potency is as strong as they come.

In the spectrum of colors, Selenite is often seen flaunting shades of pristine white, sometimes appearing almost transparent. However, it can also show itself in gentle hues of brown, green, or even peach.  Its pure, luminous appearance is said to mirror its ability to cleanse your aura and your space. This makes it a popular choice for clearing negative energies. Just placing a piece of Selenite in a room is believed to elevate the space’s vibrational frequency.

Metaphysical Properties, Spiritual & Emotional Influence

Known as one of the premier crystals for connecting with angelic and spirit guides, Selenite also excels in removing energy blockages in the body. Emotionally, Selenite aids in overcoming stagnant energies and can help one to move forward with a heightened awareness and focus. On the spiritual front, its soft and serene nature makes it an excellent tool for meditation and connection to higher realms.

The Physical Connection

Though not a substitute for medical treatment, Selenite is often linked to bone health due to its calcium sulfate composition. It has also been associated with improving flexibility and balancing the nervous system, attributes that hint at its broader spiritual ability to facilitate flow and equilibrium.

The Chakras Connected to Selenite

Selenite predominantly impacts the upper chakras, specifically the Third Eye, Crown, and Soul Star chakra. It acts as a gateway to the divine, opening up channels of communication between you and higher realms.

Astrological Star Signs Associated with Selenite

Taurus and Cancer signs find a particular resonance with Selenite. For Taureans, the crystal enhances their inherent desire for peace and tranquility, while Cancerians may find emotional balance and a sense of security when interacting with Selenite. However, its energy-cleansing properties can benefit people of all zodiac signs.

Connections to Land and Geology

Selenite can be found worldwide, with notable deposits in Mexico, Morocco, and the United States. This crystal often forms in evaporative clay beds and hot springs, symbolizing its cleansing and rejuvenating properties. Whether you encounter it in the sprawling Cave of the Crystals in Mexico or in small domestic pieces, Selenite’s presence invariably enhances the energy of its surroundings.

How to Cleanse Selenite

Interestingly, Selenite is one of the few crystals that doesn’t require cleansing as it naturally purifies itself. However, due to its softness, it should never be submerged in water. Some opt to cleanse it by moonlight or by smudging with sage to honor its celestial connection.


  1. @stoundingresults on June 22, 2024 at 10:51 pm

    If you want to get a trippy video search for "selenite cave in mexico". It looks like supermans home planet Krypton (1978 movie Superman).

  2. @SpiritMagicka on June 22, 2024 at 10:55 pm

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  3. @scottlemurianboxer on June 22, 2024 at 11:18 pm

    Selenite can also be used, to cleanse and charge other crystals. Like Selenite slabs, are what i use. They’re rectangular flat slabs. They do a great job too!

  4. @tlsc3563 on June 22, 2024 at 11:48 pm

    I love selenite
    Keep it above my doors/windows
    Chakra board

    It’s so fragile