Rick Levine Astrology Forecast AUGUST 2020
Rick Levine Astrology Forecast AUGUST 2020
AS NOISY AS IT GETS… The cosmic static is so loud this month that it’s challenging to hear beyond the distracting noise. Although Mars in Aries is slowing down to turn retrograde in September, Mercury and Venus are both swiftly moving direct, making lots of aspects and stirring the energy. We’re in for a change of terrain as Mercury flies into Leo on August 4 and then into Virgo on August 19. Venus, which has lingered in Gemini since early April, finally ventures into new lands, entering Cancer on August 7. Conflictive Mars doesn’t need to look to far for trouble while moving through impulsive Aries. Nevertheless, the Capricorn cluster prevents Mars from running away with the show as it squares Jupiter on August 4, Pluto on August 13, and Saturn on August 24. We might want to fight every battle to the finish only to realize that it’s more important to win the war.
The Aquarius Full Moon on August 3 reveals the complexity of making individual choices while being a part of a community that serves a greater purpose. The Full Moon’s square to rebellious Uranus is a wild card that could release a wave of coordinated personal expression that catches us off guard. The Leo New Moon on August 18 is conjunct communicator Mercury, inviting us to express what’s in our hearts through creative behavior. But the lunation’s awkward aspect to stern Saturn impedes satisfaction. Instead of smiling all the way to gratification, we are blocked by the weight of the status quo, authorities, and our own self-imposed limitations.
The planetary energy rises to a crescendo toward the end of the month as Venus opposes Jupiter, tempting us with overindulgence or lulling us into a false sense of comfort. A Venus-Pluto opposition increases the stakes by emphasizing matters of the heart. Although power struggles begin and end the month of August, Mercury opposes deceptive Neptune on August 30, making it difficult to determine if circumstances are actually playing out in our favor. We are inundated with extreme choices throughout the month, but in nearly all cases, it’s best to play the middle of the road. Some decisions cannot be delayed. However, simultaneously holding opposite perspectives becomes the key to success. It’s as if we are shooting the rapids on a wild river and all of our attention is on the present moment. Nevertheless, keeping one eye on the distant destination enables us to make better choices with consistency.
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Think cosmically, act locally! ~ Rick Levine