Rhodonite Meaning Benefits and Spiritual Properties

Rhodonite Meaning Benefits and Spiritual Properties

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Rhodonite Meaning and Spiritual Properties

Rhodonite is a stone of forgiveness and compassion. Considered the rescue stone, it carries a powerful vibration that releases fear and can help with relationship problems.

Physical Energy Properties: Rhondonite is good for the heart and bones. It helps with arthritis, autoimmune disease, emphysema, light sensitivity, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, throat infections, and stomach ulcers. It is a useful first aid stone that soothes emotional shock and panic. It helps soothe insect bites and other wounds.

Emotional Energy Properties: Rhondonite is good for attention to detail, mental balance and making music. It is a stone that is calming and good for yin/yang balance, self-esteem, sensitivity and spiritual love. It helps with anxiety, confusion, inconsistency and stress.

Spiritual Energy Properties: Rhondonite can be used in past life work to deal with betrayal and abandonment.

Chakras: Heart

Astrological signs: Taurus

History: Rhodonite was first discovered in Russia in the Ural Mountains in the 1790s. It quickly became a popular stone in Russian culture as a talisman for protection of babies, nobles and travellers. In 1913, Russia declared Rhodonite as the national stone.

Source: Australia, Cornwall, Brazil, Germany, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United States

Variations, Rarity and Value: Pink or red tabular crystals and masses. It is also found in yellow, green and black with veined of manganese inclusions that produce black lines on the crystal. Has a mottled appearance, that is often flecked with black. Easily obtained.

How to use it: Place Rhondonite as appropriate for. Place on the skin for external or internal wounds, and over the heart for emotional wounds. It is associated with the heart chakra, so if you want to use it to enhance that chakra’s energy, it is good to wear the stone, so it rests over the center of your breastbone, either as a long pendant or a brooch. Use as an elixir as a rescue remedy to help with shock or trauma.


  1. Elize de Wijn on October 12, 2021 at 9:03 am

    Thank you for a extremely informative video!

  2. elisha nagle on October 12, 2021 at 9:06 am

    I just got a small piece of this very nice crystal.. will be getting more soon

  3. arcadia0105 on October 12, 2021 at 9:28 am

    boy i need this for my health

  4. Monsieur Pet La Vedette on October 12, 2021 at 9:28 am

    Very helpful in pain and anxiety, gave a bracelet of it to my mom she loves it

  5. littleboo501 on October 12, 2021 at 9:29 am

    Thank you for the information. I will be looking to add this to my collection

  6. Ruth Price on October 12, 2021 at 9:46 am

    I love rhodonite. Thanks for all the great information A.J.!