Psychic Training – Opal's Properties

Psychic Training – Opal's Properties – Hi there, I’m Maveena Meek. Welcome to my psychic development training series of articles. Today we are going to continue our discussion about the mineral word and the properties of the minerals and the stones. Today we are going to focus on the opal.

The opal, to me, has always been associated with little old ladies who had their collection of opal earrings that they would clip on and the broaches that they would pin on. But opals traditionally have particularly been associated with helping with mediumship and helping to assist with being able to discern vibration and frequencies on other planes. I have been wearing opals for a long time, and the reason that I wear them is because they assist me in being able to discern messages that are on the inner plane.

So if you are wanting to awaken your own ability to discern messages from spirits like maybe your ancestors or maybe your guides and your angels or teachers then you might want to consider purchasing some opals or a set of earrings or you can even put them in a medicine bag and meditate with them and wear them a lot and they really help you to sort of fine tune your ability to discern.

Opals have been used for a lot of different things, especially by healers, shamans, and medicine women. They use the opals to help with infection and to help purify the blood. They are particularly good for the kidneys and in helping us to heal any disorders that we have with our vision. The stone also has the ability to brighten our aura and it has a clearing effect on our energy field. It can help disperse negative energies and even entities if it’s focused correctly.

Opals are made out of a combination of silica, iron, and aluminum. And what makes them so sparkly are the air pockets that are in between all these different minerals. That makes them shine and look fiery, so they are really pretty. There are a lot of different colors of opals but we wont’ go into that in this article.

They are a really good stone to help you actualize a project so if you have a book that has been sitting and you are having a hard time getting it going then enlist the aid of a really nice opal to help you get that going on.

The numerical value of the opal is the 8 and I’ve talked to you about it before, but to me 8 is a really good number. It’s a number of foundation and actualization where you’ve really accomplished a lot and you are in a perfect place to really go forward with what you want to do in life. So you always want to tie in the numerical value of the stone to help you round out what you might be able to do with the stone. It helps you to organize your conscious mind or your unconscious mind. So if you have conscious desires when you meditate about what they are it helps you to enlist your subconscious mind so that you can move forward and co-create those.

There are also a lot of people who feel that the opal can help you to communicate with the Star people. It’s a very interesting stone. Like any other mineral or stone or crystal, when you consider purchasing one, you want to just meditate with it and hold it in your hand and just see how it vibrates to you right now and just go by your own guidance.

If you have questions about the mineral I would be happy to answer anything that I can. I hope you have a very powerful day.


  1. Dee Lin on August 30, 2021 at 3:12 am

    What type of opal colour should a female taurus buy

  2. Jimmy Winn on August 30, 2021 at 3:33 am

    Cool video!