"Oh WOW!!! Its Comin 4 Ya!!! There Is A Way, U Just Don't C It. Maybe Ur Just Supposed 2 Go…"Away"
"Oh WOW!!! Its Comin 4 Ya!!! There Is A Way, U Just Don't C It. Maybe Ur Just Supposed 2 Go…"Away"
#fire #air #water #earth #oracle #Reading #spiritualteacher #angelswhisper
“Oh WOW!!! Its Comin 4 Ya!!! There Is A Way, U Just Don’t C It. Maybe Ur Just Supposed 2 Go…”Away”
Our Decks; Shapeshifters, 333 The Naked Truth, The Enchanted Map
Our Cards; Duke of Shadows, Coming apart, Meant for you, Magical shapeshifter, Out of the darkness, Metamorphasis, Sacred Fool, Dark Harlequin, Commitment
IT IS SNAKESKIN AGATE!!! My Sexy Leopard/Tiger!
Time Stamped;
13 Min 37 Secs- Fire Element- Boji Stone
22 Min 28 Secs- Air Element- Snow leopard Snakeskin Crystal
39 Min 40 Secs- Water Element- Shiva Lingham
28 Min 32 Secs- Earth Element- Lipas llamakah dish filled with delight!
52 Means; “Have Faith That the changes you are considering, or are experiencing are for the best”
Whatever energy came flying in & hit the Dragonfly of Dreams, knocked the Honey bear over! MESSAGE!!!
Boji Stones have strong grounding & healing metaphysical properties. … They come in pairs, usually made up of one male Boji Stone & one female stone.
♥ Determination ♥ Strength of mind ♥ Steadfastness ♥ Willpower ♥ Moral courage ♥ Tenacity ♥ Vigour ♥ Resolve ♥ Self control ♥ Intelligence ♥ Knowledge
Cat’s Eye acts to stimulate intuition and to enhance awareness. It is a grounding stone that provides a very effective protective energy. Cat’s Eye dispels unwanted energy from the aura. It amplifies good luck and fortune. Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye transforms negative thoughts into positive energy. Cat’s Eye brings happiness and serenity, along with optimism, generosity and confidence. It can enhance creativity and kindness. Traditionally, Cat’s Eye is believed to protect the wearer from evil spirits.
Cat’s Eye treats eye disorders & improves night vision. It relieves headaches, facial and sciatic pain. Cat’s Eye aids the nervous system & associated pains. It can be used to heal the kidneys, pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, spleen & issues associated with leukemia.
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Blessings on your journey! 👸🏻✌🏼⭐️🌟💫