Music to Cleanse the Aura and Align the Chakras While You Sleep | Calm The Mind, Deep Sleep Music
Music to Cleanse the Aura and Align the Chakras While You Sleep | Calm The Mind, Deep Sleep Music
Listen to the sound of inner peace and experience the power of healing sounds! We mix the deep and resonating Tibetan singing bowls with soothing stream and cricket sounds, the result is very peaceful and satisfying. This is ideal for mindful meditation, healing meditation and chakra meditation. It is also good for yoga, zen and reiki practice, deep sleep, relaxation, studying, reading, focusing and stress relief.
432 Hz, otherwise known as Verdi’s A, was the music tuning standard prior to today’s tuning of 440 Hz. It is widely considered a superior tuning that makes music more pleasant to listen to. It is also said to have a positive influence on the mind and body due to its relationship with our planet.
SLEEP19 Deep Relaxing Meditation
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ⓒ Copyright:
Music: Healing Meditation, composed by cinematic_alex, licensed from Envato/AudioJungle; modified by Tibetan Meditation Music
Photo: licensed from ShutterStock
Video Production/Animation: Tibetan Meditation Music
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Tibetan Meditation Music is dedicated to providing relaxing music and soothing ambient background sounds for meditation, yoga, zen, studying, reading, deep sleep, deep focus, spa, massage, stress relief and more.
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I recomend you this video but also my channel with music like this.
U think this really works?
Perfecto 47 horas una delicia para mi mente y alma
Beautiful. Thank you.
Who sleeps for 47 hours
The colossal harm in chakra training comes from a mistake: once upon a time, a German-speaking author wrote a book where he began to argue that the chakras should be painted in different colors. That is, since there are seven primary colors of the rainbow, seven musical notes, seven chakras — all seven! — that means that each chakra should correspond to the corresponding note and the corresponding color. And the anahata chakra, it turns out, should be green… Let’s understand that after all, a spiritual heart should be born in the anahata chakra and grow out of it. What a color the Creator and the Saints have – Pale white and golden! And what is a green spiritual heart good for? God is not green at all! With a green spiritual heart, you can claim to merge with swamp mud, for example. But not with God!
Coloring the chakras is a trap!
In order to immerse themselves in the Creator with all the tributes, they must be brought to His state and His Light is soft white-golden. Using red, green and other chakras to “poke” into the Creator is pointless! People who have been engaged in the blossoming of their chakras — if they do not “wash off”, and this is very difficult — they have deprived themselves of the opportunity to reach high stages on the path of spiritual perfection! This is a trap! I really ask everyone not to follow this harmful trend and move away from those who are trying to impose such vicious, destructive pseudo-spiritual tendencies!
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It is unacceptable to work with the chakras and meridians without switching to a no-kill diet, quitting smoking, alcohol and other drugs.
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General information about the chakras:
Chakras are bioenergetic structures of the human body.
Chakras are organs in which certain emotions and other mental states of a person are produced.
Among their functions is the storage, processing and redistribution of bioenergies in the body (which also flow between the chakras or between one or another chakra and organs that are in the sphere of influence of this chakra). The channels through which the flow and movement of bioenergies occur are called meridians.
There are no "good" and "bad" chakras (about which there are ignorant fantasies in literature). Each of the chakras plays its own role in the vital activity of the body.
The location of the chakras:
There are seven chakras in total. Sometimes they call a different number of them, which is caused by misunderstandings.
In fact , the chakras are arranged as follows:
Sahasrara is a disc—like chakra located under the parietal bone. Its diameter is about 12 cm, height — about 4 cm. This is the area of the hemispheres of the forebrain.
Ajna is a large chakra located in the middle of the head. It spatially corresponds to the central parts of the brain.
Vishudha is the chakra located in the lower half of the neck up to the level of the collarbones.
Anahata is the chakra of the thoracic trunk, located at the level between the collarbones and the "solar plexus".
Manipura is the chakra of the upper half of the abdomen.
Svadhisthana is the chakra of the lower half of the abdomen.
Muladhara is a chakra located in the lower part of the pelvis between the coccyx and the pubic bone.
The chakras also do not have any "petals" and similar fairy—tale structures inside them; these are human fantasies. And in no case should they be "colored", as is sometimes recommended. The chakras should have a delicate white-golden color inside them.
It is desirable that all the chakras are always purified and developed. There are special meditative techniques for this.
Since the state of the chakras affects the functioning of organs located in the same segments of the body, many chronic diseases are easily cured only by energy cleansing of the corresponding chakra.
It should be emphasized that working with the chakras and with the development of other subtle structures of the body is incompatible with "killer" nutrition, alcohol consumption (even in the form of kvass and alcohol-containing dairy products) and other psychedelics, because they destroy these subtle structures. Violations of this rule cause serious diseases.
Anahata Chakra
The main of all the chakras is the anahata chakra, because it is with its help that a person can realize his main purpose: that is, spiritual perfection.
It is necessary to learn to live steadily with the soul in the anahata chakra, to look at the surrounding world from it, to send love to people, animals, plants, spirits, God from it. To do this, you can, for example, learn to feel your head in your chest — with eyes, ears, lips … Hands, by the way, with which we help, with which we caress, you also need to learn to feel moving away from anahata.
Example of meditation:
1. Let’s make a visualization of a small sun, and put it in the images of the chakras, let all the chakras begin to shine like these suns.
2. Capture the image of the fire flame place the image of the flame in your anahata.
And then — you can place it below the body, "inflate", turning it into a huge bonfire, and thus "burn" the body, cleansing it entirely of all gross energy inclusions.
3. Imagine the image:
"You drive along the night road, illuminating your way with the "high beam" of the headlights, sending forward a bright white and slightly golden light …" from the chest.
According to the book: Antonov V.V. — Ecopsychology. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
Swаmi-Cеntеr . о rg
ใช้งานได้จริงสำหรับการนอนครับแนะนำเลย รูปแบบเสียงมันคือการดึงดูดให้หลับจริงๆ ไม่มีเสียงที่สกิดและคายเคืองหูให้ตื่นเลย
This gave me sleep paralysis nightmares
MAGNIFIQUE, félicitations pour la musique et le graphisme. Merci et bonne journée ♥
Gratidão namastê!
nie zesrajcie sie z ta aura
Lol good question who sleeps for 47 hrs
Не надасчонгуком ругаться тэхен ты выбор сделал женщину яхочу чтоб счастлив был не зряты выбрал а ясправлюсь мне не привыкпать говорила 2 терпеть не буду ичимину говорила илиминхо говорила все девушек завкели везде камеры не ужели не думаети все весь все наблюдать весь мир будь счастлив сней