Mineral Collecting & Rockhounding for Fluorite Crystals at the Montrose Dumps Niagara Falls Ontario
Mineral Collecting & Rockhounding for Fluorite Crystals at the Montrose Dumps Niagara Falls Ontario
I go Rockhounding in the dumps of the Montrose mineral occurrence in Niagara Falls, Ontario looking for crystals of Fluorite, Calcite, Sphalerite, Dolomite and Selenite. These mineral dumps were created by the construction of the Niagara power canal back in the early 1900’s. Mineral collectors have been visiting this site for years to dig and find huge crystals of Fluorite in the spoil piles. This site is renown for its deep purple Fluorite crystals, but blue, yellow, golden and clear crystals are found as well. The honey coloured crystal I found today fluoresces a white colour under short wave and long wave UV light very similar to Fluorite found at the Flamborough Quarry. Limestone quarry’s in Southern Ontario are great for hunting for minerals and access can be gained by joining a mineral or geology club. Of course the best crystals and collecting locations are found in and around Bancroft Ontario also known as the mineral capitol of Canada. Some sites such as Titanite Hill are free to collect where as the Miller Property, Beryl Pit and the Schickler Mine are pay to dig sites and all are excellent places to collect.
Collect, rockhound, explore and hike at your own risk and always seek land owner permission before collecting.