Magical Chakra Meditation Chants for Heart Chakra [Seed Mantra YAM Chants] – Series II | E04
Magical Chakra Meditation Chants for Heart Chakra [Seed Mantra YAM Chants] – Series II | E04
Magical Chakra Meditation Chants for Heart Chakra [Seed Mantra YAM Chants] – Series II | E04
Once Heart Chakra or Anahata is opened, it is one of the most powerful energy centers in your body.
Heart Chakra is responsible for love, relationships and self-acceptance
Symptoms if blocked: * You sabotage your relationships with distrust and anger * You have a sense that you’ll lose your independence if you rely too much on others * You struggle with commitment, experience frequent fights or misunderstandings with your loved ones, and always keep yourself “on guard” in case you get hurt by someone. * You find it difficult to forgive and move on from emotionally difficult situations
The Seed Mantra of Heart Chakra is ‘YAM’ and the Music in this video features 136.10, 341 & 639 Hz and other image frequencies which helps in balancing Heart Chakra through meditation. Chanting ‘Yam’ along with this video can be of immense help in stabilizing this chakra.
It is the chakra of yang, or positive energy, connecting the lower chakras to the higher ones and is very important in your spiritual healing and evolutional development. When it is open fully, the Heart Chakra becomes what the Buddhists call Mahakaruna, A Channel for Universal Compassion – Our True Self. It is here where we invite this Infinite Love to flow through us, allowing it to heal ourselves and others. The lesson of the Heart is that we first must Love and Accept ourselves before we can Love Others.
NEW CD-ALBUM: Album “7 Chakras Magical Chants” is now available for sale on
►For more Chakra Meditation Music, Chakra Guided Meditations, Chakra Chants and Healing Music please subscribe our channel:
►Meditative Mind music:
☯30 Days of Chants – Playlist
☯Chakra Healing Meditations – Playlist
☯Mantra Chanting Meditation Music – Playlist
☯Gurbani Meditation Music – Playlist
☯Deep Sleep Meditation Music for 7 Chakras – Playlist
☯Healing Frequencies Music – Playlist
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খানকির ছেলেকে লুকিয়ে রাখ
So powerful❤
"J’aime beaucoup la couleur verte de ce symbole!"
Is there any way to get this onto my iPod? Do you sell it in iTunes? or plan to sell the series?
when will you be releasing the one for the throat??
Fook that’s soooo good reached every part of my body healing wow blown away !!
Thank you very much 🙂
If you ever get to publish these at 432hz, please let me know.
Thank you so much!
It’s worked for hole heart chakra …. taruma makes a hole in my heart chakra I’m pain for 2 years …
nice mere liye sleep saytika or spinel ke liye vedeo bhejana thankyu vary much
Great definition of this video
Wonderful! Thank You! 🙂
Could you release this one at 528hz please
Why am I crying? I feel so much listening to this but can’t explain from where it is coming from..
Starting listening, outcome is fast and tension start to release. Thanks. It’s great for my chakra reopen.
বাল বাল বাল আগা
44 comments as i receive this .. Thank You
It’s funny how you can tell which chakra(s) is out of alignment when you listen to ones from each of your chakra playlists, and you stumble upon the one you can just feel. I wish I could explain it better, I’m pretty new to the whole spirituality and chakras thing. When I come across the right song it just reverberates with where my chakra is located. I can feel this deep in my chest.
Mística tantrica
very nice
My chakra opened i can’t close it help me
У нас депутаты одниьупые сидят носу ковыряют дерутся красятся как обезьяки женщины потом артта вот там одних дебилов посадилтчьто онимогут только концерты нам давать ичимкирикисидят а что давайте смотреть буди кто сидит они дипломы купили ишаки сөз жок господин
how does this have so little views? one of the better things of this sort
Excellent writing,we’ll worthy of this comment !Good for you ! Haters,may destroy themselves and others,until they come to realize Love leads the way to accomplishing the highest spiritual success, even if we experience failure,our good deeds ,with Love become the greatest riches we take with us on our journey.I hope humanity comes to learn ,overcoming evil and hate on their own.
For people who have some problems healing heart chakra and throat chakra, look into thymus chakra or higher heart. I had a major blockage there that also stood in the way of healing the other chakras. It has a big role in connecting heart and throat chakra and also has a direct connection with the third eye. It’s supposed to be the chakra of the “inner voice”, the voice of your soul in a way, and is associated with unconditional love and trust.
Бог/Вселенная любит меня.
Я достоин любви.
Моё сердце открыто для любви.
Я дарю любовь, ничего не ожидая взамен.
Я без страха дарю и принимаю любовь.
Я стремлюсь к гармонии во всём.
Я в гармонии с самим собой, окружающими людьми и Вселенной.
Я люблю и одобряю себя полностью и безусловно.
Я с любовью отношусь к себе, принимая себя со всеми своими особенностями.
Я окружаю себя заботой и вниманием.
Я привлекаю и принимаю в свою жизнь только любящих и искренних людей, относящихся ко мне с заботой, принимающих меня безусловно, поддерживающих атмосферу любви и гармонии, царящую в моей жизни.
Я проявляю заботу и внимание к людям, оказываю помощь, не ожидая от них благодарности.
Я стараюсь относиться к людям доброжелательно.
Я мудро распоряжаюсь имеющимися у меня ресурсами.
Я прощаю себя за всё и наполняю свою душу прощением и любовью.
Я отпускаю все обиды на людей, ненависть, грусть, тоску и разочарование, заполняя освободившееся в моей душе место Божественной любовью и радостью.
Я принимаю людей такими, какие они есть и отпускаю все ожидания.
Pure bliss for my frazzled nervous system. I can feel this effecting me physically, calming my whole body. Thank you so much.