Light Language for Crown and Third Eye Chakras

Light Language for Crown and Third Eye Chakras

A beautiful, dreamy, channelled Light Language song. Breathe deep, close your eyes and receive – allowing these light codes to wash over your being.

The intentions for the song are: to receive your divine purpose // clarity // to clear, open and activate the third eye and crown chakras // grounding // connecting to higher beings and guides.

Either make sure you’re warm, lie down, and get cosy for the journey or listen on the go to uplift your spirit and realign whenever you need a boost. Use headphones for best sound quality and check the volume before settling into a mini journey.

Receiving Light Language is unique for everyone, and may also change between listens. Common sensations include feeling hot or cold, body tingles, body twitches or spasms, seeing colours or symbols, visual journeys & experiencing emotional releases such as tears or joy.

Please know that all of these experiences are normal and welcome – I encourage you to express anything that comes up during the journey.

If you enjoyed this offering & feel called to heal with me I’d love to connect. Join me each Tuesday online for a Light Language + Reiki healing and journey with the recording for the following week, book here:

You can also find info on one to one and distance healing on my website.

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any future content ♡

After receiving Light Language, people tend to feel deeply relaxed so be gentle with yourself. You can also feel a bit depleted if heavy emotions have risen. Over the next few days, sometimes people feel light and on cloud nine. Others can feel anxious, a bit low or tearful. Please know that all of this is normal.

Avoid caffeine for the rest of the day & DRINK LOTS OF WATER for the next few days. This helps to shift any stagnant energies that may have been brought to surface.

Grounding post-session is also encouraged by getting bare feet on earth, spending time in nature, or eating some nuts, seeds or dark chocolate (my favourite!).

Sending love x

No Usui Reiki, Light Language, Angelic Therapy or energetic healing service that I provide is intended, in any way – explicit, implicit, by implication, or in reference – to be a substitute or replacement for licensed medical care. Healing and medicine are two very different disciplines so please seek medical advice from a qualified doctor or practitioner where required. While all suggested information and services are offered in good faith, Lush Lunar cannot accept responsibility for any illness arising from a client’s decision not to seek medical advice from a qualified doctor or medical practitioner, for themselves or family.