Light Language Activation: Balance and Sync All Chakras

Light Language Activation: Balance and Sync All Chakras

This is a quick and powerful light language recording to align, balance, and synchronize all of your chakras for enhanced energy flow and circulation. When our chakras are blocked, or become out of alignment from too many thoughts, emotions, or life experiences in general, we can manifest energy blocks in our physical bodies and physical realities as everything is energy and everything is interconnected. This activation unblocks, re-calibrates, and aligns all chakras in a quick four minutes. If you are feeling a blockage in any chakra or if you feel out of alignment inside (or notice a misalignment in the reality around you) listen to this recording for a quick energy boost. You can also set your intention to balance and clear a specific chakra while listening to this recording for a complete energetic reset.

You can download this recording for free, for easy on-the-go access, by visiting:

Tip: Imagine a tornado of energy running up from the core of the Earth through the soles of your feet, traveling up along your spine and continuing up and outward towards Source while you listen to this recording for a supercharged energy clearing and re-calibration of all major and minor chakras.

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