Kunzite Gemstone – Identification | History | Treatments

Kunzite Gemstone – Identification | History | Treatments

#Kunzite #Gemstone #KunziteGemstone #kunzitestone #kunzitegem #greenkunzite #rawkunzite #bluekunzite #purplekunzite #kunziteforsale

Named after the gemologist George F. Kunz, kunzite is a variety of a mineral called spodumene. It is a relatively “new” gem when compared to diamonds and rubies, for it was only recognized as its own type of spodumene in 1902. Kunzite is a type of lithium aluminum silicate and has a pink color because of tiny amounts of manganese. This beautiful color makes kunzite popular as a gemstone. It can be cut and faceted like other gems.

Kunzite has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, which makes it much softer than corundum or diamond. Its specific gravity is 3.18, which means it’s 3.18 times as dense as water, so it’ll sink. The refractive index is 1.660 to 1.676. The refractive index, or RI is the relationship between the angle at which light enters the stone and the angle of refraction.

1 Comment

  1. zamri mohammad on December 2, 2021 at 9:58 am
