How to Talk to the Dead, According to Psychics
How to Talk to the Dead, According to Psychics
Established psychics talk about the misconceptions around being intuitive and the do’s and don’ts of getting a reading.
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I expected a better researched product from vice. Head turbans,. Hands covered with rings, crystal balls, tarot cards. You picked these three women( nothing against them) to give an unbiased intro to psychics? Seriously? From the same operation that produces "Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia" ? It’s like having a couple of Dead Heads talk about the legitimacy of mushrooms and acid. C’mon! Why don’t you go check out medium Charlie Kelly right here on YouTube. He’s a hoody-wearing former street thug with a "no-nonsense" approach to psychic mediumship. He has submitted to scientific testing. You don’t have to look that hard for universities that are doing research…
The only thing their talking to is demons and never ever disturb the dead or cry to much for them you won’t let them rest.
I hate when someone ask me to read them
I never believed a real man like *Ifayemi Babatunde* could ever exist
He helped me try him
"I’m not gonna tell you do not deal with this person or do not take that job because…" you don’t want any liability.
Should have the title "How to talk to psychics"
Stop the hare not all psychic are scammers I do tarot readings and I work two jobs not all are the same I don’t live off that
My grandmother was clairvoyant and she always told me that a good one doesn’t ask or charge money, they just use their power to help whoever they can.
Wish I could like this 10 times over.
Can you teach me to be a psychic
theyre all fake
Jesus is waiting for you to come to Him, He won’t cast you away from Himself if you come to Him.
He calls us all to repentance, He knocks on the door of our hearts because he loves us and wants to save us. when you do believe and the Holy Spirit will come in and lead you to repent of your sins and God will forgive you of your sins and cleanse you by the blood of Jesus and you’ll get born again by His Holy Spirit and have His salvation, you will become a new creation. He is the savior of the world and he can save you, no sin is too great no mountain is too high, for he will come and save you when you call upon his holy name
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
It’s real I’m clarevoyant.. But take it from me.. You will never receive lottery numbers…
YEAH…MY DAD named me Michael…I looked it up..and I was like No way..
This was completely unhelpful
witvhcraft is a sin this is not of God please repent from your sins
Vice went to straight bullshit, and now it’s gone lower with this trash.
So much skeptics in the comments. Why click on the video if you don’t believe in psychics?
If we’ psychics are fake how come detectives one to us for clues to help them with cases
Im going to be a different person in the moring but I will still be the smartest man to live on planet earth.
I’m fascinated with this since I did meet a gypsy in Europe and Usa that told me some stuff for my future, and old man from India that told me name of woman that hate me….
Tip your reader?? Aren’t they already taking a good chunk outta my wallet for the 15-30 session ANYWAY?!?
“Don’t ask me when you’re going to die.”
But so many of us want to know how and when we are going to die.
Tarot is literally done using confirmation bias. It’s cool to imagine if magic and physic stuff was real, but it’s just not.
I have a monter psychic ability I can see the whole universe in my mind and we are in a cosmic battle. We are loosing everything on our planet its all being taken away. I feel like something in hell is pulling my psychic ability. I will probably think differently when I wake up in the morning.
Why Does it Say In The Bible This Is Nothing To Do With God But Satans Cleverness and Fooling putting is Demons In Disguise of love Ones Becoming The Master Fooler over Mediums and Vulnerable people being so Convening people believing it is not Satan Only Love Ones Coming through falling for is Deception.
Leviticus 19:31
31 “‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.
Please repent from these ways and turn to God, you’re attracting evil spirits to yourself and those around you hence tarnishing your destiny and making yourself fall short of God’s glory, Jesus loves and forgives you, turn to Him.
I am a clairsentient and a medium and it’s an amazing gift. I live in the dream world which is where I get lots of information of the past, present and Future. I like this ladies they are real and upfront
I get free readings from a friend of mine. We trade readings with each other a lot. I feel most physics are scams.
The Bible demands that we test the spirits to prove that which is genuine from that which is counterfeit – 1 John 4: 1 and 1 Thessalonians 5: 19-21. However, it warns us not to quench the Spirit and not to despise true prophecy.
If they cannot differentiate between polluted psychic prophecy and Holy Spirit inspired prophecy, Christian prophets can become a spirit channelers. Christians as well as non-Christians can become the victims of impersonating spirits – Leviticus 19: 31.
Leviticus 20:27
King James Version
27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.
Read full chapter
Here is the quote for this: "But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die" (Deuteronomy 18: 20).
There is another passage depicting God’s outrage
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" ( Exodus 22: 18).
However in this dispensation of grace, one can receive forgiveness for this if one desists for giving forth false prophecy (1 Corinthians 6: 11).
The major and minor prophets who were 100% correct, had a problem. When they prophesied the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity for Israel other nameless false prophets forecast peace. The true prophets told them to repent but the false prophets made them feel that there was not need to repent.
When King Ahab was told by God’s prophet not to go to war, 400 of Israel’s prophets predicted victory in battle ( 2 Chronicles 18:18-21). Thus Ahab went to war and lost his life going went to hell. They were influenced by an impersonating spirit who lied to them.
This is why God wanted harsh penalties for false prophets.
1) False prophecy can bring a curse on the recipient ( Leviticus 19: 31).
2) A false prophecy can throw off one’s anointing.
3) A false prophecy can cause bodily illness especially for those falsely prophesying. God judges false prophecy
4) A false prophecy can result in bodily death as in the case of King Ahab.
Does it come to pass?
Does it cater to the flesh?
Does it go down in your spirit?
Does it line up with the Bible?
Does the prophecy bring you under spiritual attack (Ephesians 6: 12).
Pray before you get up to prophecy.
Is it partially correct? Sometimes a prophecy is 50% correct and 50% false? The devil does this using true prophecy as bait. 209 142
Time is a state of mind and Death is a Physical illusion
All mediums are psychics, not all psychics are mediums…….
How to talk to the dead…nothing said about that click bait , instant thumbs down
I’m scared but I will try
the comments on vice videos are always so negative lmfao
I’m an Empath
Talking to dead people? Let them guide and protect you in peace without bothering Them. If they want to talk to you they usually manifests in dreams or with something only the loved one can understand. That’s my opinion ofc but i would never bother a dead one.
“Tip your reader” when they already charge over $250 per session… hah
you say you are a psychic but then say telapaths don’t exist
When you want this kind of work done you have to go to the back woods/swamps. Anything else is a scam
Till they tell you something that no one can ever know except you and the deceased person don’t pay them a dime
"Don’t try to come in and see what I get wrong."
Also her: "I was a victim of scamming!"
Sometimes you can tell. These aren’t what they claim to be
I never believed a real man like *Ifayemi Babatunde* could ever exist
He helped me try him
"do tip your psychic" lol