HOW TO CRUSH MONO RED | Green/White Undefeated Aura Smash
HOW TO CRUSH MONO RED | Green/White Undefeated Aura Smash
Decklist – CoolstuffInc Promo Code “CGB5” for 5% off …
I took out Kemetras Blessing and added Shadowspear. OMG! That spear is devastating against the opponent. Give it a try.
Hey cgb how come some enchantments double trigger but if you have 2 divines out it only does once?
This deck is extremely bad. Lost 10 games in a row, if you mull for mono red you lose to every other deck, and you usually just lose to mono red anyway.
Watched a few dozen of your vids over the past months – subbed now for you saying "any magic is real magic". Thanks for doing Best of Fun deck reviews.
Wow. Great deck. I swapped Healer’s Hawks for Kamatera’s Blessings. Want to get on Red’s nerves, try a turn 2 Healer’s Hawk + Aegis for a 2/4 life linker with flying. Lava coil will do it but shock and skewer are not going to work. If you get sentinel’s eyes and/or All That Glitters on it, it becomes a flying monster quick. With Sentinel’s Eyes your flier with vigilance and life link is one heckuva an attack and block threat – life coming and going.
"Real magic is what is real to you" "people say that to feel special and thats toxic" Love those philosophical words. Gave me chills and I instantaneously subscribed.
Lol I just made a comment in a recent video and even said Bo3 is "real" magic. While I agree with a lot of your philosophy here, magic was and continues to be designed for best of 3, therefore it is "real" (meaning the intended format by the game designers). I, at least, don’t intend for that to be better-than-thou attitude, it’s just that if someone’s gonna complain about the variance and aggressiveness found in Bo1 (not you, just people in general), find another game or play it how it’s designed. I can’t even count how often I’ve heard a Bo1 player say that if they went first they would have won. If you depend on going first to win, it’s just a coin flip and you might as well be playing the old card game, War.
“Real Mageecs” consists only of games I can win with Sunbird’s Invocation and Mirror March.
Tried this deck. Not very good. Rarely came together. Once creatures are killed or removed I just kept getting more enchantments I could do nothing with.
PSA: I started running an 80 card UW control list and arena stopped matching me with mono red
And lose to everyone else
I play that deck, druid ,sentenal eyes, and setissan trample lol whatever
I have converted and gone simic ramp i was a mono red butttttt im hooked
Very janky but good
When he announced glaring aegis was that a eye wipe of dramatacism? Or a comedic bit?
I added Heliod, Daxos and Pious Wayfarer. They make wonders to this deck.
Came up with a far less coherent version of this myself. Having said that, thank you so much. By the power of grey skull (He-Man) I’m sick of mono red.
I appreciate you explaining your thought process. Thanks!
I think ignoring a settesan training in this deck is not what you want to do versus mono red or another aggro decks
How does this deck deal with big threats without Banishing Light or Pacifism?
What do you think about 2 heliod so you can give lifelink to your creatures for 2 mana, its a indestructible enchantment and could also be good with all that glitters not bad for a 3 drop
Genius! Thank you so much! This a video I will keep and watch over and over!
Would be nice to put your camera somewhere else when you show the deck, it hides the card text
this deck is so much fun
great content! I have one qualm…. Aegis is pronounced age -is. not agg – is. keep the great content coming, just gained a subscriber!
Hey CovertgoBlue, I’m trying to make an Esper exile deck also, do you have a video using it? I’d love to see card list. Love this channel, I watch videos almost daily.
Me: _sees thumbnail_
Also me: "Some good ol’ mono-blue control!"
Why tf you put different decklist in a description?
Last game was masterful. Very good job, sir.
The fact you realize (and don’t wihne about) how much bigger Bo1 is, gives you an edge as an MTG content creator. Keep it up =)
Great channel!!!
I dont know what "best of one" means so now I’m confused.
Too bad we did not saw a game vs a REAL mono red Meta Deck where you get destroyed before you even think about stacking up those enchantments…
while i also can’t stand playing against this deck, it was satisfying to watch monored get stomped repeatedly
Three months on, LOADS of people are playing Reveler. CGB predicts again.
High quality content and not a Tefers to be seen any where! Oh, I forgot, Teferi and quality content are mutually exclusive…Well done, I learned a lot, thank you!
The deck defeated 2 of the top decks in the meta right now. Pretty nice!
Just trying to help here: historians pronounce it A-Gee-Is I think…
CGB, you need to come to grips with living in a mono-red world. It’s just the way things are now.
Great deck! Really enjoying playing this on ladder. Thanks for creating the video.
Hi, stole your whole deck, thanks. Still learning how to play it. It’s a fun deck, only lost once so far because I was drawing so many cards and didn’t notice I was running out. The engine is almost too strong if u aren’t careful >_<
Hi. I like you. Your voice is nice. Thanks for the videos.
I don’t know where you see mono red. I see only control and sacrifice decks
I Built this deck and still lose against every single mono red deck i enocunter. i Cleared 3 1/1 hasters and my enemy just slams down more 1 cavalcade drops torbran turn 5 and has 21 damage i cant prevent on the board. Mono Red was a mistake and should be removed from the fucking game.
I’m not one for watching youtube normally but your videos are informative. Thanks for it man!
Imagine armadillo cloak was in standard
Best of 1s are where true warriors are born.