Heart Chakra Opening Symptoms: Chest Feels ON FIRE! (Sadness And Anger)
Heart Chakra Opening Symptoms: Chest Feels ON FIRE! (Sadness And Anger)
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#ascension #kundalini
I feel it every night bro but noting more happened is alll on me activate every night I open by emotion each one the heart is with love feeling jut think on good stuff and love and it will start on all your chest as a shield of energy
Thank you! I did not know so many felt this thing in the heart. Headache too something I have never had much at all.
my chest had just been heavy and i’ve been sad
Amazing content, that your for it.
When my heart began to open a few years ago, after an evening meditation, I literally FELT "knives being pulled from out of my heart"-that is exactly what it felt like- yes it felt GREAT afterward, but what a surprise to feel this so intensely! Then on the full moon (2/25/24), I decided to work on expanding my heart energy-and yes, it became fully "on fire"-and actually blew out the power in my house-I had to completely reset the circuit breaker (yes such an apt metaphor from the Universe!) POWERFUL stuff.
Thank you for this. I just found your page and definitely will be catching up.
I really appreciate you explaining this the best I e heard! I just want you know you are on the money! I’ve never felt this way in my literal heart..my heart has be doing very strange things!! It’s racing skipping bests slowing down snd beating strong!! It also feels heavy st time snd I been crying for days! I been by myself more then I ever have! It’s intense!!
Fire of the yoga
It’s burning out of nowhere. Can it be linked to someone and a meaning of a loss ?
Thank you, it was very helpful!
I went through this today, I was scared and thought something bad was happening but Idk how but I had this feeling that I needed to use this mantra “I release with love” and everything changed. Started feeling oneness and love. Crazy.
I feel chest congestion and very thirsty, hungry frequently but not really the emotional overflow yet. Is the congestion a manifestation of suppression in life?
Thank you
Fear, anger and sadness.
I ONLY thought it was bad because I thought burning heart chakra meant over active heart chakra. No?
what it means when you try to meditate all of a sudden you get a sharp pain in your chest, and transferred to your back chest, spiritual
Thank you
Thanks alot for this video my heart chkkra opening is on process
I do stay with it but it doesn’t change to live and euphoria..it lessens but I’m still not getting the good stuff
Thank you for explaining! I knew it was related to my inner work since it started at the same time but everywhere i looked it said it is probably a heartburn. Thank you so much for explaining! Excited to do this!
OMG! My chest is burns and pressure is great and I think its Kundalini because I went to the ER and stayed in hospital 2 days and 2 nights for testing and there is nothing wrong! So I needed to hear this!
Thank you sooooooo much. Nobody here in Denmark understands what I am going through. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you
but i feel its because of huge truama ive been through
Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
I was constantly thinking my time on earth is over, l went to urgent care, has blood tests, EKG, and XRAY done , everything came back normal, my husband couldn’t get it why then l am complaining so much of chest pain.
My heart was pounding sometimes,
sometimes enormous burning which lead to think me having issues, may be with my liver? or could be ulcer, but why on my chest area, l was applying balm on my chest etc
Sweating profusely, having body shake or vibrating, on an off, crying.
my mind will say call for help, so on….
But thank you so much for sharing your experience, it helps me to surrender and try to watch quietly the process.
I hope it’s something beneficial and l am not actually going to die, not that l am scared of dying.
I want to grow spiritually to find who lam.
Bless you
Really helpful
Thank you so much for this. This helped me so much
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Well said and so true
Mine doesn’t burn it’s heavy like 50 kgs on it n hurts a lot like physical pain…is it opening or someone taking control
I only had one experience but it felt like I couldn’t breathe and my chest n throat got tight. Then my leg started freaking out and I had tears streaming. I was like what was that?
This is beautiful
so far its been workin, because i had unknown thoughts of what this might be and i listened to the video and went into the heat process without taking it as a treat and felt so much better afterwards, cuz i thought its a dark spell thats harassing me, but pendulums proved me wrong at my time
Always wondered what happened to Charlie after he won the chocolate factory lol. Great info. Thank you!
Lately this pain has been quite confronting – especially during the 2nd Saturn return. If it helps others to learn from, I’ve trained myself to think "I am awake at the wheel" or "I am upgrading " or "My Heart Centre is Opening" during the pain.
I have dedicated a few reliable black stones and a good raw sapphire to help draw out the residue from the combustion, and have some water that I direct Love into to sip from when adjusting my Heart.
Sometimes I feel I may even pass out from the pain but I always get through it, and so will you.
Other stones that are useful are Tektite, Black Tourmaline (of course!) Blue Kyanite, Blue Sapphire, Clear Quartz and Black Obsidian. Pink Kunzite is also helpful. You have to find your own way through it. xxx
Mine is not so emotional, its physical.
When i mediate when i arrive to my Hart chakra and take a hard oxygen i fell pain in my hart chakra and and between while and while i fell fire get up to the roof of my head what does it mean