Green Calcite Lets Talk Stones

Green Calcite Lets Talk Stones

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Green Calcite is a stone that brings us a new insight into situations that we hold bitter or angry feelings towards. This stone helps us to analyze these feelings, and also see how they are effecting our present lives and shows us very easy ways to let these go once and for all. So many of us believe that these emotions are wrong, that we should never hate, be angry or allow ourselves to become bitter, but in reality, they are part of the emotional scale, and many of us are stuck on this part on many subjects within our lives.
It is easy for us to say we are not angry, but we see the mirror in our lives of angry people everywhere we turn, green calcite will show us that we are experiencing this anger through others, and show us how to identify and alchemize this anger within ourselves, leaving us not only energetic, but also attracting a different type of experience out of this world. Green calcite is naturally a cooling stone, helping us to cool hot tempers and emotions so that we can logically determine what our best response will be to a situation. Quite often green calcite comes to us when we feel we have an enormous amount of anger stored up, and it gently helps us to use this energy in productive areas of our lives, finding new insights as to why we were angry in the first place. A great stone for those who feel they have a terrible temper and need help controlling it to those who have attracted terrible tempers into their lives.
Green Calcite also is a stone that brings in fresh new ideas about very stale situations. Like a breath of fresh air, green calcite helps us to see the environment surrounding us, shows us how to improve it slightly, then a little more until we understand that it is never our environment that traps us, it is our own mind that traps us. Green Calcite shows us a different perspective on what our part is within our environment, encouraging us to reach for better circumstances. Green Calcite supports us in our stretch through keeping our emotions stable and helping us to logically navigate our way through some very stormy emotions.
This stone doesn’t tolerate us blaming our anger on others, it very matter of factly asks us to take responsibility for our anger, and then use that energy in a positive manner. Green Calcite shows us what is at the root of our anger, and rarely is that in our present moment. With the help of green calcite we are able to alchemize very old anger into very positive energy that has the potential to change our now circumstances, green calcite never asks us to relive the cause of the anger, only to see it from a higher light, a new perspective, freeing that energy up to now be used on moving forward and creating more of what you want.
Green Calcite is a great rescue stone when one feels overwhelmed with negative emotions, this stone helps to take the edge off of these, helping us to get to the root causes of them once and for all.

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