Gemstone of the Month: January – Garnet For Earth Energy

Gemstone of the Month: January – Garnet For Earth Energy

Garnets were always known as the “Wise one”.

Since antiquity garnets have been famous for their inner sparkle.

Hildegard Von Bingen prescribed garnet to strengthen the heart while in Indian Mythology garnet is called the “ Kundalini fire” (fire of eternal metamorphosis). In Hinduism And Buddhism it is seen as holy stone that enlightens the soul and gives wisdom.

Garnet is said to help in the treatment of disturbed blood circulation and to strengthen the heart. It brings vitality during the catabolic process and strengthens the memory. In Passionate people the stone can also release negative energy.

Garnet symbolizes constructiveness. Mystics believe it brightens dark souls and brings hope to people.

Garnet is particularly good and works best on the root and sacral chakras. Anyone subject to depression should always carry a garnet as it encourages feelings of joy will power and hope, while its fiery color drives away tiredness and stimulates the imagination.

They are noted for they powerful protective energies. They also possess medicinal abilities to reduce toxins and heal emotional problems. Garnets alleviate bad dreams while other medicinal men used it to provide a curative for mental depression. Over and over again legends mention garnets for their strong curative powers.

Garnets can act as strong help to balance the energy in your body stimulate your desire and uplift your mood. Garnet prevents fears of insecurity and even money losses. They considered lucky stones lucky for love, lucky for success and lucky for goals.

Use your garnet to increase your popularity for everyone likes a positive happy person. It enhances personal self-esteem and boosts confidence in an individual. As an energy stone a garnet encourages success in business relationships.

They make wonderful executive stones. So to bring in zing and extra shine to your personality wear a garnet in order to achieve Health wealth and happiness.

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God Bless
Dolly Manghat

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