Fun Ways to Heal the Throat Chakra| Interesting Ways to Reactivate your Vishuddha Chakra

Fun Ways to Heal the Throat Chakra| Interesting Ways to Reactivate your Vishuddha Chakra

Fun Ways to Heal the Throat Chakra| Interesting Ways to Reactivate your Vishuddha Chakra

In the previous episode we have already spoken about the different normal and popular ways of healing the Throat chakra. However, there is so much to speak about the throat chakra, maybe it is because it is also the Chakra of expression.

Apart from using Crystals, essential oils, mudras, yogas, asanas, visualizations, meditation methods, there are other interesting methods to purify or to bind the throat chakra.

1. The first and the foremost way is to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated helps to cleanse your body overall. Every time pure clean water passes down the throat, it cleans your throat. Another way to exercise your throat chakra is to rotate your shoulders backwards forwards and to rotate your neck forwards backwards and sideways, try to rotate it.
As you do this, the muscle around your neck loosen and tighten up and that keeps your throat chakra healthy.

If you are a shy and an introverted person, the best thing you can do to make sure you have a strong connection with your throat chakra is to write a journal daily. Once you start relating with your diary, you cant stop writing and it helps you ascend to the crown chakra.

Usually the throat chakra under performs if its energy channels are blocked, so going to the nearest corner and getting a therapeutic massage helps. When you receive a massage, blockages in your body open and the energy starts re circulating in a healthy manner all over again.

Another interesting way to make sure that your throat chakra is intact and strong is to hum and sing. That is my personal favourite. The throat and the mouth is for the voice and making use of it melodiously is the thing to do. You could also get a musical instrument and sing with it, compose with it.

This makes sure that you are expressing yourself. When you sing a lot of your feelings and emotions come out in the open and makes you more confident.

the next way, which might sound absurd but works 101% is silence.

Silence has a melody of its own that most of us are not familiar with. When you accustom yourself with silence, you start getting addicted to it and it is healing at the same time. You don’t want to let go but you want to sit and listen. this heals the Throat chakra automatically.

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