Feng Shui Tips for Good Health in 2023
Feng Shui Tips for Good Health in 2023
Feng Shui Tips for Good Health in 2023.
To fully enjoy your love life in 2023, you must first look after your health and physical fitness. In general, it is said that if you live in a house with positive Feng Shui energies and easy flow of lucky Chi, you will be much healthier.
One of the first indications that something is wrong with your Feng Shui is that one of your family members is constantly ill or, worse, in the hospital.
That is the reality for families with small children.
If you notice that one of your children is suffering from a flu virus or another (especially if you have recently renovated or moved into a new home), it is a good idea to perform a general Feng Shui check while keeping the following rules in mind.
1. Arrange a Feng Shui bedroom.
Because this is considered the dead man’s position, beds should never be aligned with the door (also known to bring disease). The bedroom is an important place to take care of if we want to enjoy our health. This space must be maintained, and rather than cluttering it with objects that bring negative energies, it is preferable to be minimalistic (less is more).
2. Find the favorable direction for health according to your personal KUA numbe
Every sector of the universe in which we live has a different kind of luck. You can benefit from the energy provided by favorable directions if you calculate your personal Kua number and use it to determine favorable directions. Thus, based on our personal Kua number, each of us has a health-friendly direction.
3. Carefully position the stove.
You must be careful to position the stove in such a way that gas or electricity flows into it from any of your four positive directions, according to the Pa Kua-Lo Shu formula. This rule is especially difficult to follow when there are people in the household with different Kua numbers. If you have any doubts, follow the advice of the family’s head. Use more ovens in extreme cases.
4. Keep your artwork on one wall
If you have art pieces in your home that you adore and that elicit strong emotional responses, keep them all together on a single wall or corner of the room. To counteract the heavy feelings that your favorite art pieces can convey, choose plants that Feng Shui considers to be beneficial, such as bamboo, which emits positive energy, and instead, purchase paintings and statues that highlight positive feelings.
5. To maintain positive Chi, your house must always be clean and tidy
Even if it takes some time to adjust to these changes, they are unquestionably for the better, and your overall well-being will benefit greatly. Don’t be afraid to bring new things into your home, and use these Feng Shui expert tips to bring positive energies into your home and eliminate misfortunes and roadblocks that you didn’t know where they came from.
Wu Lou, on the other hand, is a powerful ward against negative energies, so you can safely keep it in your personal space.
Feng Shui Remedies and Symbols for Health in 2023
The Turtle, Feng Shui symbol for health and prosperity.
The Turtle is a powerful symbol for health, representing longevity, therefore, this Health Feng Shui remedy is recommended in 2023 for your bedroom as well. The headrest of the bed must be round and prominent like the carapace of a turtle, this is the most favorable headrest, offering protection from disease and negative energies during sleep.
Wu Lou for impervious health.
Another symbol for health is the renowned Chinese pumpkin, also known as Wu Lou. According to Chinese tradition, the pumpkin unites the sky and the earth and is a potent catalyst for energies that improve health. At the same time, Wu Lou is a powerful ward against negative energies, because of this you can safely place it in your personal space.
Peaches for your health.
In China, the peach is another important symbol of health and longevity, this is why it’s often depicted on ceramic objects, paintings, sculptures. In the year 2023, the presence of this health Feng Shui symbol protects the members of the household against disease and afflictions, creating the necessary energy to improve health. Also, to be healthy, each peaches.
Bamboo brings the positive energy of the 5 Feng Shui elements.
It is said that bamboo is beneficial due to its presence among the 5 Feng Shui elements. It’s a plant that can be easily found and just as easy to take care of. This Feng Shui symbol is a wonderful gift to loved ones, even if they are skeptical about this science.
Place a Crane in the South part of your home.
Another Feng Shui symbol to use in 2023 for health and longevity is the crane. By placing it in the South part of your home – actually, the South part of the home is also the zone associated with health – this symbol of health helps improve the health of all the members of the family.