Different Types of Pisces Personality || Understanding Pisces Decans #pisces
Different Types of Pisces Personality || Understanding Pisces Decans #pisces
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I’m a 3 Decan Pisces and I love it
I’m at 1st Decan but honestly all 3 matched how I am
Now I know what kind of Pisces I am but it’s true I’m a very nurturing person that others take advantage of me ❤❤❤
Im 3rd decan pisces march 18 1990
March 16 which Decon iam i relate to all three especially the 3rd one
I’m 3rd decan ,well I accept myself as I am
3rd decan here March 13th
3 decan thank you for your reading.
I was March 15, 1976.
I’m 3rd Decan
March 16 here
I’m a first decan pisces Very intuitive can sense things coming my way. I think I have all off them in me .I don’t know we’re the straight forwardness come from.
Am born on 20 th of August, but i am a pisces. What decan do i belong to btw?
Third decam
All of the decans I have born feb27
The first 28 February
I’m a 3rd decon
Thank you for sharing
As 28ther I have to admit 3rd decans are brilliant, If only eh. If your able to heal yourself and others are able to let things go and forgive quite easily. Calming nature but not overwhelmed by others. Where the second Decan can get overwhelms with others feelings, take time forgive others and let go, where as I am a first decan, I find it so hard to lets things go, and I can never accomplish tasks and I’m too far away with daydreaming and not grounding myself. But I love creating my music. It my only passion in life. Yes that is right I have no idea how to play chess.
I am the First Decon. It was spot on me for sure.
I’m considered a 1st Decan Pisces, but I feel that all 3 decals resignate with me, honestly. ❤
Good reading
Thank you universe ❤
I’m 3rd, 18th March. However I was 2 weeks late supposed to be born on the 4th.
I am a second decan pisces born on the 1st of March from the island of the Philippines…thank you for your message…❤
March 15….3rd decan so true to me!!!
I am a 3rd deacon, March 18.
Three is definitely me in every aspect. Amazing as Ive always loved the thought of Pluto and was upset when they changed its status! I am an artist, but love science, archeology and many other subjects.
It seems to be a rather introspected guy who looks deeply into himself projecting dreamily
19th February
Vry niCe info thx
3rd Deacon.
All of them picked up
I’m a Pisces Aries Cusp March 18th and my ex is a Pisces March 7th I resonate with the 1st and 2nd decans more than the 3rd decan moon is Neptune and Jupiter never heard of Pluto being my moon
I am Pisces 1st Decan
Beware the ides of March !
Im at peace and ready now
3/18 Third Decan!
Piece rolled by moon
I am born on 29th April but I am a Pisces . What decan do I belong to ??
Did not know this- thank you! March 12 here and I do resonate with the Pluto influence. I feel that influence helps me thru difficult times taking me to deal with reality.
Yep, that’s me 3rd decan.
M10 2nd D , ok you got me …. nailed it.